Sports Entertainment


Trakanon Raider
I can't believe I've lived 34 years, earned a Master's Degree and never learned that wrestling wasn't real. Thanks for smartening me up.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Damn KO showing up like that was fucking incredible. How the hell can the WWE get some things so right and fuck other things up so hardcore? That was good shit.


Molten Core Raider
Do you even get how much of an intolerable faggot you are?
i get how much of a hard on you have for me thats about it


So Takeover tomorrow and am only really invested in 3 matches so just going over those

1. KO vs Zayn- We know Zayn has legit shoulder issues and with the way DB's gone down I think WWE write Zayn out here for a while. I don't think they do the finish again where KO beats him till the ref stops it so I'm thinking that Samoa Joe runs in here, destroys KO (in the same way he did to Zayn after Zayn beat Neville) to set him up as a serious challenger and to allow fans to cheer for him since they likely will when he does debut. If you do it so he does the run-in while Zayn is in control as well you open up a Zayn/Joe feud down the line for costing him the belt....going with Owens to retain

2. 3-way - Itami has shoulder issues too iirc so that really leaves Breeze and Balor. Breeze to me is along the lines of a Sandow or comedy-based Ziggler and his gimmick will fail as badly on the main roster as Adam Rose did so I don't see him going over Balor but the question is how long will WWE keep Balor in NXT now. I think Balor goes over but could also see a Joe run-in here being viable to write Itami out for a while and then give him a storyline argument that he just destroyed the #1 contenders so he should be in that spot. You then get Joe vs Balor for #1 contender at some stage, Joe goes over and Balor gets moved up before a major ppv to introduce the demon on the big stage.....going with Balor to go over, possibly an Itami turn due to being a 3-way

3. Women's match - Sasha goes over, no question. Charlotte will likely get moved up to the main roster soon, as long as the shitty creative a few months ago didn't hurt her too much, and I think you need to have your best wrestler hold the title to allow the others to grow in to being as good.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
TNA cancelled by Destination America or whatever it's called per today Wrestling Observer. It'll be off the air in September.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
TnA cancelled. Samoa Joe shows up on NXT. Couldn't have planned that any better. haha

That Becky/Sasha match was fucking incredible. Match of the night for me right there.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I may be in the minority here, but I fucking hate the NXT crowds. It's like the early days of TNA where they're just chanting shit for the sake of chanting shit. This may also just be me channeling my inner old man, wanting these damn kids to get off my lawn. I dunno.

Sasha/Becky match was awesome. Totally marked out for Samoa Joe.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Nah you aren't alone in feeling that. Most of the time they're fine but yeah sometimes they chant retarded shit just to hear themselves chant. At least we haven't gotten any WHAT?! chants yet. That shit is annoying as hell.

I gotta say if it weren't for NXT I don't think I'd be even half interested in the WWE product. Their future prospects are fucking all-stars. The future match possibilities are pretty damn exciting. And Finn fucking Balors entrance/paint keeps getting more and more insane. The small addition of the fucked up speaking before his music seriously creeped me out at first. I can't wait to see that shit at Wrestlemania.


Man, thank fuck Finn has substance to go along with his style, would be a major downer if he was shit in the ring after awesome entrances....and how bad must Breeze feel. He gets almost no reaction to his entrance and then Balor gets a "that was awesome" just for his entrance.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
WWE News: Kevin Owens signs new contract

We have learned that Kevin Owens has signed a WWE main roster contract, and will be making the transition from the NXT brand to the main brand quickly.

He is booked for all Raw television going forward and will be starting on a full house show schedule very soon. He will continue as a character on NXT television for a couple of months to where it's a smooth transition out since he's the group's current champion.
Well that didn't take long and I ain't complaining!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Even though I knew there was no way they'd let him use the Package Piledriver, I still marked out a little bit when he got him in position.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Goddamn that Owens/Cena match made the rest of the show boring. So good. The tag match was also pretty good overall.
I wasn't much of a fan of the other chamber match and was men on Henry being Rusevs replacement.