Sports Entertainment


Trakanon Raider
It would be a shame if he's out again.

What's the deal with Seth Rollin's new finisher? Word on the street is he isn't allowed to Curb Stomp anymore.


Trakanon Raider
No Daniel Bryan tonight


I have a feeling he could get "future endeavoured" soon over this tbh. Now granted, he was supposed to get thrashed by Brock at Summerslam as badly as Cena did, but this is the second major title he's going to have to drop due to that shoulder/neck injury that he refuses to have medically repaired.

WWE may not use him the way most people want but they realise how popular he is and the merchandise he moves so they'll want him to be available for anything they want him to do so if he keeps refusing to get medical help for the injury due to philosophical reasons I could see WWE releasing him since they can't force medical procedures on him but they also can't risk things like this happening or him injuring another wrestler badly if his ability to hold someone up gets compromised at the wrong time in a match.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I thought this PPV was mildly forgettable, but I went in with low expectations, so no big loss. The Harper/Ambrose ending was pretty anti-climactic after that nonsense earlier. Kind of on the fence about the tag title switch. I love Cesaro and Kidd, but Big E is too good for the shit he's saddled with. Maybe having the titles will change that, maybe not. Also, heel Natalya is hot as fuck.


Throbbing Member
I have a feeling he could get "future endeavoured" soon over this tbh. Now granted, he was supposed to get thrashed by Brock at Summerslam as badly as Cena did, but this is the second major title he's going to have to drop due to that shoulder/neck injury that he refuses to have medically repaired.

WWE may not use him the way most people want but they realise how popular he is and the merchandise he moves so they'll want him to be available for anything they want him to do so if he keeps refusing to get medical help for the injury due to philosophical reasons I could see WWE releasing him since they can't force medical procedures on him but they also can't risk things like this happening or him injuring another wrestler badly if his ability to hold someone up gets compromised at the wrong time in a match.
Let's not fool ourselves into believing that the IC title has meant anything in like 20 years.


Let's not fool ourselves into believing that the IC title has meant anything in like 20 years.
It hasn't but WWE seemed to want to change that trend with the way they treated it since WM. They put it on the best worker and then had almost every major name that's held it come out and endorse him in that backstage skit which to me indicated they were trying to bring it back to where it used to be while Hulk and Warrior held the HW title.


Trakanon Raider
That PPV was horrible. I think I slept through the entire Roman Reigns match because I don't remember anything about it. I remember the "Throw shirt" Cena sign, then the next thing I remembered was the Rusev promo where Lana was getting another rematch at Payback.
Ambrose/Harper was lazy. Sheamus/Ziggler ending was way too drawn out...I haven't felt so much will he/won't he tension over a kiss since Season 1 of Dawson's Creek. The tag team shit was stupid...I forgot they were even the #1 contenders and now I have to listen to Xavier Woods' annoying screech even more? That team would be 1000X more likable if it was just BigE and Kofi.
What the fuck is the point of even having a steel cage match anymore anyway? It's supposed to prevent outside interference, but NEVER does. Fucking get rid of the door...get rid of the ref. The only way to win should be to climb over the top and drop down to the floor. Also I loved how they ran the promo for Payback basically saying that Reigns was going to face Rollins before the title match was even decided.

The whole PPV was just lazy and phoned-in. I guess that's what you expect unless it's one of the Big 4.


Trakanon Raider
"Neville reminds me of Owen Hart. Except Owen Hart couldn't defy gravity like Neville." - Booker T


Silver Knight of the Realm
No matter how many times I see it, that DDT on the outside through the first and second ropes is still amazing.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Things aren't looking good for the next NXT special. Sami Zayn fucked up his shoulder on Raw, out a couple of months. Now Itami's shoulder is fucked up too, he's out 6-8 months.