Sports Entertainment


Trakanon Raider
Talked my non-wrestling fan friends (I'm the only wrestling fan I know) into watching Summerslam on my buddies 100" TV. In exchange, I buy them pizza. I think one of my friends is a closet fan.

"Oh, you're so excited to watch some man-slammin' action. So, what time does that gay shit start? What day again? You still want me to watch it with you?" Haha.

It is a goddam travesty that it is socially acceptable to like "The Big Bang Theory" but wrestling is just for hillbillies.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, one good highlight reel knockout will get someone going for MMA until they find out how few fights end that way.


Trakanon Raider
I need to go back and watch the middle matches I slept through, but I don't get the massive internet love for this show other than "It's NXT, so we have to say it was better than the main product!!!" The ladder match had some good spots, but Balor looked really uncomfortable at times and it didn't flow well. I also really don't get all the Sasha Banks love...I like her entrance, but people are acting like she's already the greatest women's wrestler ever. It doesn't help that the results were obvious knowing who was already on the main roster. It's like they don't trust them enough to have them drop the belts before going on Raw...they have to see if they go over first.

It was a good show, but it was one of the weaker Takeovers in my opinion. Hopefully they slow down on promoting people to the main roster now...most everyone left has a lot of work to do. Surprised they had Breeze lose, because I felt he's one of the more complete wrestlers left down there and ready for his final NXT push.

I guess we'll see how it compares tomorrow, but I just realized I only know 2 fights on the card for the 4-hour SummerSlam. No idea why they needed to make it longer.


Trakanon Raider
Sasha does all the little things. Stomping on Bayleys hand when she went for the ropes, all the trash talk and psychology. I fucking love her. Bayley is a Ricky Steamboat level babyface and the match had a perfect happy ending to their feud.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The Vaudevillians really brought their A game last night. Also, Alexa Bliss makes the best faces. Watch her in the background during that match.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
That Bayley vs. Sasha match is definitely a match of the year contender. Alexa Bliss. DAT ASS YO! Goddamn! The Vaudevillains is one of my favorite gimmicks right now. I just fucking love it. Sue me. :p Tyler Breeze losing didn't surprise me too much. You flip out like that in a match then you deserve to lose. Just follows the is he or isn't he ready yet? story for him. And Enzo and Cass are going to be HUGE when they move up. I hope they get in another feud with the Vaudevillains before they are sent up. Their first one was entertaining and another one should be really fun to watch.

Djay I basically I agree with nothing you said at all. Weaker than all the other Takeovers? Absurd. The card was great start to finish. Were some matches better than others. Sure but there wasn't a single BAD match on the card at all.
Sasha is 23 and is already one of the best in ring workers and promo cutters in the company right now. So yes she actually is one of the best wrestlers, male or female, on the roster right now.
NXT is better than the main product in many ways. The biggest for me is coherent story telling. How fucking dreadful is creative on RAW sometimes? It makes me cringe some weeks. The in ring action is solid week after week and backs up the story telling quite nicely. You end up with a much sharper end product and it shows. Do you even watch the show? You only know 2 matches on a 4 hour card? Pay attention much at all? You could probably throw out random guesses and guess more than 2 matches.


Trakanon Raider
See...when you start throwing around "Match of the Year" for something like that...that's when I can't take people like you seriously. It was was not THAT good. The story they told was great...the actual wrestling wasn't as clean as most men's matches, though. Or are we grading them on a curve because they're women? Or because it's in NXT? That's my's great for what it is and where it was, but saying that's one of the best matches in the world of wrestling is absurd. It's definitely better than most women's matches have historically been, though. The women's division has gotten significantly better...that's not debatable. They still aren't as clean as the men, though.

And this is the type of over-reaction that gets me, too...if I don't say last night was the best thing ever, you act like I killed a baby. I said it was a good show, ffs. There were just other NXT shows I liked more. Maybe saying it was one of the weaker ones wasn't accurate, but I don't think it was one of the's that? I agree about the coherent story telling and I enjoy having all the bullshit cut out of the show that you get on the main product, so I could agree that the presentation and stories are a better product. But, for the most part, the wrestlers aren't as polished...that's why they're down there. If you can't find something to be critical about from last night's show, then I can't take anything you say seriously.

I like the Vaudevillains, too...glad they put the straps on them. I'm not a fan of Enzo/Cass, but I see the attraction. They have a New Age Outlaws feel to them. I really like Becky Lynch, but I'm afraid she's getting lost in the shuffle as the "other girl" that came up with Charlotte and Sasha. We'll see. Baron Corbin is really growing on me...I think he speaks well and has a good in-ring presence.

As for SummerSlam...I gave up cable a few weeks ago and the torrent site I use hasn't had it up on there. I think my friend mentioned it goes up on DailyMotion or something, but I haven't checked on that yet. Obviously there's Brock/Taker. Cena/Rollins. I remembered the stupid Green Arrow comic book angle after I posted. Guessing New Day is probably going for the tag titles? Probably a women's tag match? Or is one of them going against Nikki for the title? Oh it a triple threat for the IC title? Is the Bray/Roman thing still going on? Yeah, if I stop and think I can remember the various storylines, but I guess this is getting back to the coherent story thing...if there was a reason to care about the matches, I wouldn't have to stop and think.


Trakanon Raider


Sasha and Bayley aren't necessarily great workers like Owens or Bryan or Cesaro but they tell a great story. Even a non-wrestling fan would be able to tell that Bayley was a plucky underdog and Sasha was a cocky champ. While I enjoy a good spotfest once in a while, it is a lot harder to get me emotionally invested in a match, which Sasha, at least in her NXT work, has never failed to do.

Watch Bayleys title win at TakeOver: Brooklyn - Cageside Seats

It got a little dusty in here...

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
If you can't see that that match had more going for it than just the in ring action then I have no idea what to tell you. I absolutely stand by MotY contender and I know I'm not alone. And I haven't had cable in nearly two years and I keep up just fine.

When Bayley won the first thing I thought was that little girl her #1 fan must be going apeshit.


Trakanon Raider
That is how I will react if the Kansas City Chiefs win a Superbowl in my lifetime. I watch wrestling for these moments.


See...when you start throwing around "Match of the Year" for something like that...that's when I can't take people like you seriously. It was was not THAT good...
I am not one for hyperbole but if that wasn't the best match I have seen this year, it's in the running! That was awesome on all counts. That was a true main event.
I guess you can't trust someone like Dave Scherer either then

For me, that was one of the most enjoyable forms of entertainment for me this year and some of the best wrestling in quite a while. The crowd was great, the effort was insane and even gimmicks like Vaudevillans had me enjoying the win. I loved that HHH booked the curtain call and that Vince let him. I can't wait till they get rid of the diva's title and bring back the women's title

Also I wonder if Vince even knows why he couldn't run SS in MSG and how he'd react if he was told he was getting refused so a bunchy of people would watch some kids playing a video game