Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I am mostly looking forward to the tutorial they are making for space combat.
I still suck at that hardcore.


what Suineg set it to
Man, now that it's so funded that it can't becompletevaporware, my next cynical thought is SW:ToR levels of disappointment stemming from over-reliance on phenomenal nostalgia to define my expectations.


Man, now that it's so funded that it can't becompletevaporware, my next cynical thought is SW:ToR levels of disappointment stemming from over-reliance on phenomenal nostalgia to define my expectations.
That's called shit gameplay. No amount of money or time will fix that shit once released. The only exception to that rule is FFXIV but how many game studios do you know that threw their hands up, pulled the plug on their game and came back a year+ later having actually fixed their shit. Besides that one game... I can't name a single one.

This is why I think this open development is better for us. We get to see it made and push them to do better when they put out shitty gameplay. FPS looks so much better compared to four months ago. It looks like they went from the quality of a Free to Play title to top of the pile. At least in terms of animations and visuals. Nobody has yet to play it beyond 5min during PAXEast and only the training environment. The sooner we get it in our hands the sooner we can bitch about it and get it good. I'm not a very good pilot but I'm pretty fucking good in FPS games so I will be giving them good feedback for sure. Hopefully they listen. They have so far or at least it seems that way.


Lol 100gb. Bettter buy a bigger ssd!
Went from a 140GB SSD to a 1TB SSD on my new PC. I think the cost was roughly the same... about 4 years apart.

Based on the comments from the dev above, Chris and Travis Day (Producer) it seems like they are thinking the local hardware will be one of the biggest bottlenecks and not the instancing. Instancing will be an issue in two specific scenarios. When a shit ton of ships or people are in a very tiny area all around each other and planetside in open areas (think Mass Effect 1 exploration).

Here are a couple of good videos from these guys that was shot recently. Check it out. Keep in mind this is just a plan. Plans change once you implement it and your shit gets fucked up but that's game development and no reason to get upset over it. Look what happened to the damage state system but that turned into a better system so there is that. Anyway here we go:


I'm tired about hearing about plans from these guys.
What do you want? This is what open development looks like. Yeah it's not for everyone. Neither is buying a game on a fucking trailer and a dozen screenshots that aren't even in the final game. Watchdogs comes to mind and so so many others.

It's going to be like this for the next two years straight. If you want me to stop posting here I'll stop posting. If you don't want this on the site be my guest and blow it away. To each their own man.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What do you want? This is what open development looks like. Yeah it's not for everyone. Neither is buying a game on a fucking trailer and a dozen screenshots that aren't even in the final game. Watchdogs comes to mind and so so many others.

It's going to be like this for the next two years straight. If you want me to stop posting here I'll stop posting. If you don't want this on the site be my guest and blow it away. To each their own man.
Relax. He's just stating his opinion. A lot of people are high on Crowpium right now so let them take their shots.


2 Minutes Hate
Just my frame of reference and it's not fully informed but instead of updates there seems to be just plans for ever more expanding stuff.

If you're going to fanboy up a game you're going to have man to fuck up and stop being a pussy about it. For fuck sake. Everyone is allowed to go nutty over a game that excites them. Just don't cry and say you're going to take your ball and go home.


Just my frame of reference and it's not fully informed but instead of updates there seems to be just plans for ever more expanding stuff.

If you're going to fanboy up a game you're going to have man to fuck up and stop being a pussy about it. For fuck sake. Everyone is allowed to go nutty over a game that excites them. Just don't cry and say you're going to take your ball and go home.
I think I see where you are coming from. You've been following this game off and on since it was announced, probably. I imagine there have been years worth of "plans" and not a lot to show for it up until rather recently. To me, it seems like there is a shit load of data, design docs, videos, images, interviews, etc. It's like a fucking treasure trove of information, and I'm loving it. It's so different from the big studios and their fucking veils of silence.

CR is so verbose in his communications, and hesoundslike he knows what he's talking about. Compare that to an interview with Matt Firor, Paul Sage, Mark Jacobs, even Brad M. With those guys, the interview will either have 70% answers, "we aren't really ready to talk about that yet," or some vague bullshit with no real details.

Could CR be a bullshit artist and a consummate salesman? Yeah, but I don't get that creepy bullshit vibe I got when I listened to Pony Tail or Paul Barnett. Yeah, he's excited, but he KNOWS shit. He's DONE shit. He's approaching everything from an outside of the box perspective. He's not falling back on any typical MMO tired-ass methodology. Just a few of the things CIG is doing (not just talking about) that should have any MMO fan excited:

- Using a FPS engine to create a truly action oriented, skill based game. He picked the best engine at the time (cry engine 3), and when Crytek started having problems, CR decided to open a CIG office in Germany so that he could hire the Crytek talent directly. They are redefining the FPS engine - designing it to work in interlocking zones rather than "levels" so that they can limit data transfer that isn't necessary (action inside a ship doesn't need to be communicated to the people flying around the ship, etc.)

- No levels. No character skills. If you can figure out how to do it, and get the equipment, you can try it. Exploring, mining, bounty hunting, security, trading, transport, pirating, heck - if you don't want to fly a ship, you can take public transport to war fronts and just do FPS style fighting.

- The UI - they aren't tacking on inventory and chat windows, etc. - You've read about the Mobi-glas, right?Design: mobiGlas - Roberts Space Industries

- Realism - If your arm gets blown off, you can't use it. You can bleed out. You need to stop the blood and get to a medical facility where a prosthetic can be attached. You can die. Your character will be gone, and you have to play his descendant. You'll keep your stuff, but you'll lose reputation and all the achievements tied to that first character. Read this if you haven't:Design: Healing Your Spacemen - Roberts Space Industries
- that's not pie in the sky - it's implemented in the FPS module that's launching soon (within a month according to CIG.)

- Most importantly, to me, is there aren't any big investors. There aren't marketing guys. There's no one telling CR to dumb shit down and make it "moar WOW!" They have enough money and are generating enough every month to make this game and then some. And it's all free of strings. If you watch the "meet the devs" and "around the verse" interviews, you get a feeling that these guys are reporting to us (the backers) because they don't want to let us down. Every month there's a massively detailed report about what each part of the company has been working on. I imagine that with big studios, those sorts of reports would be shown to the board of directors. Here's February's if you missed it.Monthly Report: February - Roberts Space Industries

There are big hurdles to cross, network and engine oriented especially, but I think with the acquisition of the serious engine coders in Germany, CR is speaking a lot more confidently. If you compare recent interviews about those topics to stuff he said a year ago, he's much less tenuous about how difficult it will be. He's offering pretty solid timelines. I think there's going to be a big announcement soon about what the German office is accomplishing.

Yeah, I know I sound like a hopeless shill/fanboy. I tend to do this. I was really excited and stupid about ESO, too. You guys know that. For what it's worth, these are pretty damn different projects, and what burned me on Zenimax and ESO is exactly what's drawing me to SC. We really need this game to succeed if we want the big MMO landscape to change. I want to be a part of putting the big publishers out of business. This project is the poster child for crowd-funding and I really want it to be awesome for the sake of rubbing it in the faces of the big publishing houses who are producing vanilla, lowest common denominator bullshit.

Edit - This is the kind of shit I'm talking about. It's three minutes - watch it and tell me you aren't smiling.


Honestly between Crowfall and this, there's a lot of this going on right now:

Rita reluctantly takes the money.

Alright hon'. Can you wait a sec'
while I make a call?

Oooh, yeah baby, I could wait so

Rita notices the guy's dumbass demeanor, gets an idea.

Oh yeah?.. I like a man who can wait.

Baby I can wait a long time.

Could you wait a day?

Baby I could wait two days.

Rita gains confidence.

Okay... I charge by the hour.

Ooooh yeah, you gonna be glad you
waited baby...

The horny guy smugly peels off a bunch of bills.

MMOs these days remind me of Idiocracy... people backing them and people making them.


Honestly between Crowfall and this, there's a lot of this going on right now:

Rita reluctantly takes the money.

Alright hon'. Can you wait a sec'
while I make a call?

Oooh, yeah baby, I could wait so

Rita notices the guy's dumbass demeanor, gets an idea.

Oh yeah?.. I like a man who can wait.

Baby I can wait a long time.

Could you wait a day?

Baby I could wait two days.

Rita gains confidence.

Okay... I charge by the hour.

Ooooh yeah, you gonna be glad you
waited baby...

The horny guy smugly peels off a bunch of bills.

MMOs these days remind me of Idiocracy... people backing them and people making them.
Cute analogy, but kinda dumb when applied to SC. It would make more sense if people weren't already playing Arena Commander. If people weren't already walking around their hangers modifying ships on a holo table. If there weren't already videos and live gameplay of the FPS modules being played beautifully at conventions. If there weren't 3 million pieces of art/screenshots/videos/design docs of the various parts of the PU in development.

To use your analogy, people are paying Rita a little bit to dance for them, while they wait for her hot friends to show up and get the party started.

Edit: here's Rita dancing a little


Ancient MMO noob
I still don't get it why so many people pay hundreds if not thousands of dollar for this game's "vision"(and their virtual spaceships). Don't get my wrong, I kickstarter other games too, $20-$40 max.

Their vision IMHO, is way way too big. You do realize SC is trying to build a "first-person space combat and trading with first-person shooter elements in a massively multiplayer persistent universe" WITH a "story-based single-player campaign". It is like Planetside/EVE MMO + another single-player Planetside/EVE. And I didn't even bother to mentioned all the little cool things they want to put it into the game (like the recent damage model).

I think what Chris Roberts end up doing is giving their backer Moduel A to play at this time, Moduel B to play at that time, Moduel A + B at another time, Moduel A + C at later time... but never release the full vision like they paint it for your fanboys. It is gonna be epic.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Keep in mind they are under $100 per backer. Most people only see the small percentage of high backers that either have the disposable income to throw away or the even fewer percentage that are irresponsibly ruining their life over it. However, you have those outliers in every aspect of life. Someone out there is blowing a few thousand dollar for a weekend of fun right now, and someone is getting divorced over his gaming addiction - with or without being a backer to SC. Crowfall has a similar pledge per backer ratio actually, SC just has alot more people that back it.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I still don't get it why so many people pay hundreds if not thousands of dollar for this game's "vision"(and their virtual spaceships). Don't get my wrong, I kickstarter other games too, $20-$40 max.

Their vision IMHO, is way way too big. You do realize SC is trying to build a "first-person space combat and trading with first-person shooter elements in a massively multiplayer persistent universe" WITH a "story-based single-player campaign". It is like Planetside/EVE MMO + another single-player Planetside/EVE. And I didn't even bother to mentioned all the little cool things they want to put it into the game (like the recent damage model).

I think what Chris Roberts end up doing is giving their backer Moduel A to play at this time, Moduel B to play at that time, Moduel A + B at another time, Moduel A + C at later time... but never release the full vision like they paint it for your fanboys. It is gonna be epic.
Their 'vision' is the game we all imagined when we first heard the concept of MMOs.

Maybe they'll assemble it all together someday, but gotta at least give them credit for trying.