Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


Trakanon Raider
If you read my posts you would see I keep saying this game likely wont be for me. All I've said is that there is no way the game wont eventually release, and the article about Squadron 42 was bullshit. If you really think that makes me a white knight then I pity you and your disappointed parents.

I don't know but most stuff they show in videos ends up in the beta version which people can end up playing for real, and there are lots of videos on youtube of people playing it, and I've seen some amazing stuff already. It is really weird how there are so many childlike retards out there who want make some drama about the game never releasing or whatever other bullshit. I am not sure why it happens, I assume people just bandwagon that particular wagon because it is more fun to them than actually reading the facts about the game. It is especially sad to me because there are some REAL question marks about this game and nobody seems to be questioning them because everyone is either a fanboy with a raging hardon, or a retarded little kid desperate to convince people this game will nevarrr hapin. RIP normal gamers.

My god are you stupid. Yes, there ARE some real question marks about this game, that's why so many people are hating on it. After 4 years, at least 5 studios, and a hundred million dollars, the CORE ELEMENTS OF THE GAME STILL AREN'T WORKING!!! The basic components and mechanics that make a video game work still don't exist, so yes, that's a pretty fucking big deal after 4 years of working on a game, and the fact that the basic functions of the game still aren't working, makes it extremely difficult to believe that this game will be ready by 2017. But it's cute that you think just because you can tool around a little bit with a couple of other people that the game is almost ready.
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U mad breh? What went wrong in your childhood to make you so enraged about some game that has zero impact on your life? Super curious.

Also the core elements still not working thing isn't really true. You can already walk around a space station, climb into a ship, fly down to a planet, and start shooting stuff, and then fly back to the station all without a single loading screen. And there is lot more going on too. Also who cares that it has been 4 years? Most normal games take about 3-4 years anyway, and this is a new company with one of the biggest budgets in video game history, making a game with bigger scope than maybe any other game, so what it if takes a bit longer than some mass produced Calladoody crap.
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Interview with a lot of the top SC devs. They're kinda cringe-worthy in their nerdiness, but I bet a lot of us would be too. Some good info, nonetheless. For example, CR states, unequivocally that the planet demo linked above was in-engine, not altered for the demo.

Some of the questions are definitely worth skipping, like the ones about the "Spectrum" website. I mean - c'mon. A guy named "Altered_Perceptions" on Reddit was nice enough to list question timestamps:


6:44- When will we be able to launch snub craft from larger ships, when we we be able to transfer fuel or cargo between ships?

7:45 - Will there be alternative options to gain access to mission sites, like diplomacy, without just killing people in the area?

12:00 - Will the Cutlass Black rework be applied in time for the Red and Blue rollout in alpha 3.1?

12:25 - With the original Orgs 2.0 becoming Spectrum, what does this mean for the other org 2.0 features?

16:30 - How much of what we saw at CitizenCon can we expect to see in 3.0, specifically tech-wise?

18:00 - What were the specs of the PC running the demo?

20:00 - What is the current status of instancing? How do you plan on preventing areas from filling empty, but also not crashing from too many people?

25:50 - Will we be able to Quantum Jump in Atmosphere like in the demo?

26:50 - Will we have the ability to add integrations like Chat Bots to channels in Spectrum?

30:05 - Will the mechanic of picking up ammo from destroyed ships [by flying over them] be limited to AC, or will this be in the PU?

32:30 - In alpha 3.0, how will the procedural planet tech be applied to the planets being added to the Stanton system? Will these be the planets they were designed to be, or standard planets like in the V2 patch?

39:00 - What kind of challenges have been presented with trying to deliver a full Universe with this tech?

42:20 - What kind of dark magic allows the game to track an object that is on a rotating planet and keep it all in relation to everything else with such precision?

50:12 - Will Star Marine get a AI combat mode similar to Vanduul Swarm?

53:45 - SATABALL, is it happening?

56:00 - Will staying in a sandstorm cause damage to the players health?

58:35 - What was the name of the sandworm?

58:46 - How does subsumption's 24 hour scripting apply to the AI Crew?

1:02:30 - What role do each of you want to have on the ship?

1:06:00 - Community Updates

1:11:00 - Last Comments from the devs?

1:17:30 - CR's closing comments


The merits of Star Citizen's development openness



The most accurate breakdown of the CitizenCon demo I seen so far and the only one worth watching IMO since it stops and explains some of the tech typically used in other games and compares it to SC.



Decided I will stick mostly to images/videos and articles to get my points across from this point on since pictures seem easier for many here to comprehend.

According to some of the most "knowledgeable" commenters R&D doesn't matter (entire industry does it one way and impacts nobody), overstated, waste of time/money and best of all trivial to implement within the same timeframe as any AAA title that has added no significant features in numerous iterations over the past decade or more.


Crysis 2:


Deus Ex: Human Revolution: (technically a single player game but interesting to see how they did it)

Dead Island: (single player and co-op so it doesn't really matter but interesting)

Rainbow 6 Siege:

What You See...


What They See:


Here's the video:

No change in how games handle this and even ARMA 3's rig has a broken neck.

Then there is the lying companies do that some here embrace as preferred development over holding back games.



The only Kool-Aid I'm drinking is the one served by Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto. I'll drink it by the truck load please.


I'm Amod too!
I see the fucking idiot is back to trying to explain game development to us. You'll never learn will you?
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>

Interview with a lot of the top SC devs. They're kinda cringe-worthy in their nerdiness, but I bet a lot of us would be too. Some good info, nonetheless. For example, CR states, unequivocally that the planet demo linked above was in-engine, not altered for the demo.

Some of the questions are definitely worth skipping, like the ones about the "Spectrum" website. I mean - c'mon. A guy named "Altered_Perceptions" on Reddit was nice enough to list question timestamps:

You would fit in perfectly in the politics thread if you ever want to branch out.


Then there is the lying companies do that some here embrace as preferred development over holding back games.
We think that Star Citizen has development issues so of course we must suckle at the Ubisoft teat .... just Variise things.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
I'll drink it by the truck load please.

That pic is a Kool-Aid Dispenser.

Folks like you that spam forums to 'get the word out' with 'Hot News and Analysis' would do better to build a fan site, you could make a couple pennies for your efforts or maye even get rewarded by devs with some freebies.

All that energy is super misplaced here, this is not late night TV, no one is going to buy based on your endless infomercials.

Billy Mays you are not.


Those who care about game development and WTF is actually happening around SC will read the article I posted and watch the video Blackwulf posted.

Bernie may never become POTUS but some education can still be free.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Those who care about game development and WTF is actually happening around SC will read the article I posted and watch the video Blackwulf posted.

Bernie may never become POTUS but some education can still be free.

Quick look at your pofile history, you have not made a single post outside of this thread,. You are not participating in this community you are advertising a product.

That Bernie quip is awesome, do you always hitch your wagon to a train going nowhere?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Quick look at your pofile history, you have not made a single post outside of this thread,. You are not participating in this community you are advertising a product.

That Bernie quip is awesome, do you always hitch your wagon to a train going nowhere?

Eh he was the same way on other board until he was called on it and he made a laughable half-ass attempt to post in other threads.

I am still a firm believer he actually works for them, either officially or "unofficially" and is just here to push their game.


Trump's Staff
I like how you think that the "unified body animations" are an example of SC making good development decisions when they are a perfect example of them making retarded decisions. Yet another example of how you have no idea what you are talking about.

The reason everyone (including games I've worked on) have separate animations for first and third person is because it is far more efficient to do it that way. Not only do you not need some fancy system, but you also don't have to struggle with making content that satisfies multiple different, often conflicting, set of requirements.

Instead you just have to make animations that look good in third person, and then a different, usually much more simple, animation for the first person. It is easier and faster to create those two animations than a single animation that satisfies both criteria. It is also easier to optimize since you can use higher res models for the first person animation than for the third person animation without having to deal with LODing and other things that can cause annoying issues.