Star Trek: Discovery


<Prior Amod>
Did anyone comment yet about how Bitch Dindu seems to think that 1st officer is a rank?

Or how every 1st officer is now "number one"

Only ever used in TNG, never in tos, save one episode reference, voyager, ds9 (and i'm assuming enterprise)


Vyemm Raider
I think the holograms were just holograms and not the ridiculous horseshit introduced in TNG.

Not to be pedantic though. I mean, if you try to take any of this seriously the wild horseshit starts with inertial dampening and just snowballs from there.

Related (hilarious) trope article: Inertial Dampening - TV Tropes

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande

Was it Data playing Sherlock Holmes every 5th episode, or the weeping vagina that was Troi slutting up the bridge you loved so much? Or maybe it was Teen Wesley being given the helm of a gazillion dollar starship with all the seriousness of a dad letting his kid take the wheel of his car..

There were some great episodes-- usually when they were sent to investigate the unknown.. The rest were babysitting missions, "character" episodes, or fucking gayness on the holodeck.

I appreciate TNG for what it did for the franchise, but it can't touch TOS with a ten foot pole.
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Potato del Grande
I can confirm, the holodeck was hella gay.

EDIT: Started watching this, on episode 4 at the moment. It's actually quite good other than how awful the Mary Sue main character is. The Orville is Star Trek though, this isn't really.
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Silver Squire
Can someone more with more knowledge, explain the Klingons in this series?

I dont know if it was in TNG or DS9 that they travelled backwards in Time and Worf made a vague explanation on why the Klingons in Capt Kirk's timeline looked as they did then.

Also is the abbrevation of Discovery, STD ?


Potato del Grande
So after seeing all the episode out so far, there's more to like than dislike:

It looks amazing and would be fit in great as a sequel to The Next Generation, why it's set just before The Original Series is probably a cynical attempt to get the new movies' audience and some cameos.

New Kilgons are a mystery and probably another cynical move to use a name people know. They would have fit in quite well as Remans and other Romulan slave races now in charge after the Romulan's destruction.

The new characters are interesting, the Captain is pretty amazing and I like the asshole chief engineer and paranoid first officer- they made them very sympathetic characters. Autistic engineer girl is a bit odd but not unlikable so I wonder what they'll do with her. Michael Burnham is just an awful Mary Sue, why do they always call her by her full name? Other than that it's odd how few main cast they have, I guess they can go into the doctor and pilot at some point? Bitch security officer was fine and the new one is probably some sort of spy but I hope he isn't actually, need some testosterone on that ship.

As weird as mushroom engines are, I'm enjoying the story. I havent heard any technobabble either, the science side has been pretty straightforward. Current politcal parallels are subtle so far (I heard all the extremists are meant to be Trump supporters?). The Klingon scenes are terrible though, I thought DS9 did a great job with them and the change is bad.

So I've probably written more complaints than compliments but I'd say it's 75% good 25% terrible and worth a watch. I get it on Netflix so no fuckery for me to watch it.
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Irenicus did nothing wrong
Not just Klingons - now we have "logic extremists" who want to MVGA apparently. By withdrawing from a union of different states and cultures which they deem a "failed experiment." Vexit?

Wow, such parallels, much metaphor. Fuck, I'm surprised they weren't wearing red caps.

Also that last scene with Mike (I'm calling her Mike now) and definitely-not-suspicious security dude was some of the worst acting I've seen in a Trek, and that's saying something. It doesn't help that she's terribly written too, but goddamn.

re: TOS v. TNG, I think there are arguments to be made both ways. Yeah TNG pulled some ridiculousness with the holodeck, among others, but TOS fell back on the good old "find a random planet, explore it, discover it's inhabited by an extra-dimensional being with godlike powers, talk and or bang it into appreciating humanity" schtick at least 4 or 5 times a season. It's like a constant string of Q episodes, but without de Lancie to keep it awesome.


Tranny Chaser
I was having a hard time with the logic extremists. I mean extreme logic would be near infinitely rational


<Prior Amod>
The fact that they are extremists inherently makes them illogical.
It's more illogical to raise a Dindu

I mean the fact that they hate humans, then to raise the runt of the litter?...

I mean theres a reason you see a white couple with an asian baby, they want some cute china doll or whatever the fuck weird ass white ppl see in chinese babies.

But you don't see white couples taking the D train to Harlem to get a ghetto baby, that's so "in" right now.
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Vyemm Raider
Did anyone comment yet about how Bitch Dindu seems to think that 1st officer is a rank?

Or how every 1st officer is now "number one"

Only ever used in TNG, never in tos, save one episode reference, voyager, ds9 (and i'm assuming enterprise)

Actually, "number one" was first used in the TOS pilot by Captain Pike.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Last episode was so fucking terrible it pained me to watch it. They literally hired some fudgepacker duo that maybe watched five episodes of Trek in their life to write this shitshow, didn't they?

- I guess the Liberace attired Klingons wanting racial purity wasn't enough? Now we have evil Vulcan "logic extremists" who don't want to be tainted by humans, and a vulcan society that is obviously RACIS' with their school quotas and shit.

- Lolwtf was with the engineer throwing together a mind meld machine that uses spore tech or some shit? Sure, Trek has always gone lol levels creative with inventing gadgets, but this one was so absurd I thought maybe they were satirizing the whole process.

- I love how I predicted that they would paint the Captain as a total psychopath since he's the only straight WHITE MALE on the show. Low and behold, he's got serious issues. Ironically, that makes him the only likeable person on the whole bloody show.

- Banging the admiral is just fucking lame. Just like the cohabitating Doctor and Engineer. Is this a fucking ship/starfleet at war or is this a fucking episode of Big Brother?

- Since when can a skank admiral just unilaterally decide to remove a Captain's commision? That whole scene was awful-- nothing more than some lame construct to demonstrate womyn power over evil asshole male captain.

- Is it me or is 75% of everybody on the show black?

- The interactions between Michael and Ginger-Dough are just cringe. It's like something you'd read in Sweet Valley High.

Just so fucking bad. As a 35+ year Star Trek fan, fuck you CBS, and fuck you whoever made this shit. Fucking nerd rage apocalypse here.
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<Prior Amod>
- I love how I predicted that they would paint the Captain as a total psychopath since he's the only straight WHITE MALE on the show. Low and behold, he's got serious issues. Ironically, that makes him the only likeable person on the whole bloody show.
Pretty sure the new white security guy is straight, and they both bond over

Shooting things n shit.


Potato del Grande
He's mostly white, the uproar was him replacing that dead woman indian cuz he's white, but ppl say he's got a bit if sand dindu,so it's almost ok
What percentage of the US population is Indian? It's only 6% even in the UK and we kind of conquered the place. You'd expect that percentage of US TV Actors to be Indian, Raj off Big Bang Theory is probally making up the numbers alone haha


Potato del Grande
Ok. Episode Seven is a 10/10 episode of Star Trek. It's pretty much the first stand alone episode. I'm stunned they managed it.