Star Wars Battlefront II


Trump's Staff

Still haven’t encountered a single epic card user.

Maybe 3-4 of the deaths I’ve experienced have been from players with a rare card or two.

It’s not as bad as people are claiming in my experience (In starfighter mode anyway).
  • 1Picard
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what Suineg set it to
Still haven’t encountered a single epic card user.

Maybe 3-4 of the deaths I’ve experienced have been from players with a rare card or two.

It’s not as bad as people are claiming in my experience (In starfighter mode anyway).

What part of they disabled MTX don't you seem to understand


Trump's Staff
What part of they disabled MTX don't you seem to understand

I’m perfectly aware of that.

Maybe I’m having trouble understanding because people like the dude I quoted are claiming my experience should be being negatively impacted by P2W mechanics, when it’s simply not the case at the moment.
  • 1Picard
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
I’m perfectly aware of that.

Maybe I’m having trouble understanding because people like the dude I quoted are claiming my experience should be being negatively impacted by P2W mechanics, when it’s simply not the case at the moment.

This is a lie


Log Wizard
My friend bought me the game because he had time to play before new PoE race league and I didn't want to pay money for it. It's fun, for sure. It's not as pay 2 win as people think, but it's fine, no one is going to believe me. The cards are like 15-20% "faster" or "more" at the highest level which really isn't as powerful as you'd think.

The gameplay is pretty fun, the maps are fucking gigantic. I've only been playing Galactic Assault, but some of the maps size and how well the game runs just like, doesn't compute. Seen much smaller games with shittier graphics run way, way worse.

The BIGGEST gripe I have with this game is all the other bugs. When you group, your mic is on voice activation by default. Every time. Even if it's turned off in Origin. There's no in-game option to toggle it either. Grouping is finicky as fuck. People don't get queues, you can't tell if there's a group leader or not, invites get hung up. I've had my sound cut out during game and I had to completely relog. Discord was fine, but the game itself was completely silent and it's definitely a game where hearing automated callouts and Hero lines definitely help. I also had a neat bug (memory leak probably) where my loading between matches was like 2+ minutes longer than my teammates. I timed it once and after the countdown from "match end" it was 1 minute 55 seconds until I got into next game. They were already 18 kills deep when I got in. And also when I get in semi-late because of this or other slow loading I don't get to choose my class. It defeaults to Assault and I have to die or respawn (counts as death) and switch to another class. I restarted my game and it fixed the slow loading which I didn't have it again, but this thing is just riddled with bugs. Some of them completely unforgivable such as party UI stuff. Others is understandable such as slow loading which may just be on my PC and not their fault. A fun drinking game would be to take a drink every time you get a unique Error Code. I've gotten at least 5 so far.

I will say the one guy we saw cheating last night (standard EA stuff) got banned within 30 minutes. He had standard aimbot shit and would just go Heavy, crouch on the middle of the map, and kill everyone. They server banned him the 2nd game he was in. His name? JANG6693 or something. I know everyone is shocked a Chinese guy was cheating in a shooter game. At least with the super small population playing this game they can track cheaters fairly well... until they stop bothering in a week or two.
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  • 1Picard
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Trump's Staff
Don't worry, Quaid says it doesn't happen in game.

Look, I’ve made it quite clear that my experience is limited to the Space Battle mode. I haven’t played a single match of the trooper stuff. For all I know it’s a nightmare.

I’ll say this though - the space battle stuff is one of my favourite gaming experiences of this console generation thus far. Very clean experience, controls are on point, match length and dynamics are extremely well calculated always providing a sense of urgency. I fully expect to extract at least 50 hours from that mode, and probably much more if they keep adding maps at a decent clip.

That being said, I think I have unusual taste in games. I very much veer toward more arcade like experiences, especially on console. So far though, this mode of this game has the potential to join my top 20 gaming experiences ever. We'll see how it plays out.
  • 1Barf
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FoH nuclear response team
Look, I’ve made it quite clear that my experience is limited to the Space Battle mode. I haven’t played a single match of the trooper stuff. For all I know it’s a nightmare.

I’ll say this though - the space battle stuff is one of my favourite gaming experiences of this console generation thus far. Very clean experience, controls are on point, match length and dynamics are extremely well calculated always providing a sense of urgency. I fully expect to extract at least 50 hours from that mode, and probably much more if they keep adding maps at a decent clip.

That being said, I think I have unusual taste in games. I very much beer toward more arcade like experiences, especially on console. So far though, this mode of this game has the potential to join my top 20 gaming experiences ever. We'll see how it plays out.

Oh, I want to play it but I refuse to give this company money after this whole debacle. They've officially moved on to using car dealership tactics where they try to fuck the consumer as much as they possibly can, and I'm not okay with that.

I'm actually going to write Disney on this one, and I never do shit like that. You really have to piss me off to get me to go through the trouble of telling a company how bad they are fucking up.
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Trump's Staff
Oh, I want to play it but I refuse to give this company money after this whole debacle. They've officially moved on to using car dealership tactics where they try to fuck the consumer as much as they possibly can, and I'm not okay with that.

I'm actually going to write Disney on this one, and I never do shit like that. You really have to piss me off to get me to go through the trouble of telling a company how bad they are fucking up.

I just don’t get it.

Why aren’t people angry at Heartstone? Isn’t it the exact same shit?

I quit that game because I kept getting facestomped when I put my F2P deck up against some whale.


FoH nuclear response team
I just don’t get it.

Why aren’t people angry at Heartstone? Isn’t it the exact same shit?

I quit that game because I kept getting facestomped when I put my F2P deck up against some whale.

I don't play most games, I usually only buy shit when it goes on sale. I'm finally going to pick up the Last of Us today on Ps4 for 10 bucks.

The only game that I've seen do this where it's not intrusive is GW2, I can go in and buy exactly what I want for a few bucks. I don't buy loot crates. However, EA crossed the line. How is 2,100 dollars okay with you?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This game is getting less views on twitch than the fucking LA noire remake. Lol holy fuck.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
People aren't mad at hearthstone because theres no boxprice
  • 1Solidarity
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ah that makes sense.
I agree with you though. In the open beta, I played the starfighter level on repeat and had a blast. I played, I think, 2 trooper levels and hated it
  • 1Solidarity
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Macho Ma'am
I just don’t get it.

Why aren’t people angry at Heartstone? Isn’t it the exact same shit?

I quit that game because I kept getting facestomped when I put my F2P deck up against some whale.

Some of us are mad are Hearthstone. It might get a pass from others, but not from me. I can still remember playing Hearthstone for that one mount in WoW, and how many times I got thanked for losing, stating that they had been playing forever trying to get that mount. It's fucking ridiculous. I finally quit the game, and WoW soon after. Blizzard doesn't get off easy, especially to me and their rabid fanboi fans. Fuck them.

But this isn't the place for that, and as I've said... I don't really play the games anymore so I don't have a dog in that fight.
  • 2Solidarity
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what Suineg set it to
Well when BF2 is listed and rated as the collectable card game it is then you'd have a point


Blackwing Lair Raider
I dont understand the "Its not as pay to win as you think" stuff when they removed the fucking micro transactions lol. Im sure the instances of playing vs someone who whaled hard before they removed the p2w aspect are few and far between, but theyve already confirmed that theyre going to put it back in as soon as all this negative press blows over. If you bought and support this game you should be ashamed of yourself
  • 3Solidarity
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