Star Wars : Rogue One


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Holy shit they finally show deflector shields in some form. I may be wrong but I don't think they ever have before in the movies.

It's been shown in a lot of the trailers and spots so far but that's the first time they've shown it taking a hit. It's the planetary shield surrounding Scarif. Apparently the Imperials have enough of a budget to protect more than just an area of a planet.



That guy
Yeah I meant this movie, not necessarily that scene in particular. About time they finally did it. I guess they kind of did in Episode I with the gungans in the ground battle but since the prequels never happened and gungans were never invented it doesn't count.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Think I'm going to see it tonight. I better jerk off before I head out.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Think I'm going to see it tonight. I better jerk off before I head out.
Always sound advice. I'm gonna' do the same and I'm not even going to the movies.
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Tranny Chaser
Just got back. Without any spoilers I will say I liked it, not as much as Force Awakens, but more so than the prequels. Elements of fan service given to the DEEP fans was pretty impressive, the gratuitous fan service that more normal people can recognize was a bit heavy handed at times.


Molten Core Raider
I just finished watching it at the cinema.

I enjoyed it. I really like how they tied the story to the beginning of ANH and explained the age old plot hole of the Death Star vulnerability. Much darker tone and I liked that.

Second half of the movie was brilliant. The tension and drama was really well done. The final space battle was easily the best out of all the Star Wars movies. I could easily spend 2+ hrs just watching X-Wings wrecking shit up.

K2-SO was a good surprise. I expected it to annoy me like C3PO but it's well written dialogue made it stand out from the rest of the characters. I felt more empathy to it than the rest of the cast.

Flaws of the movie imo were:

First half of the movie was quite disjointed and felt like it was dragging along. At one point, they were jumping from planet to planet every few minutes and was pretty jarring.

Main actress was good but rather one dimensional in her expressions.

When Tarkin came on scene, I was pleasantly surprised they got an previous actor back again for the film but my brain was telling me something was not quite right and I could not put my finger on it on why this was the case. This happened every time he appeared and it bugged me. It was only when I got home and went online did I find out the actor was actually dead and they used CGI for his character. I think the technology is close but not quite yet there yet and that's why I felt what I did. Leia CGI was pretty awkward too.

The characterisation for Chirrut and Baze was unfortunately sorely lacking. Maybe it was because they had to cram in so many new characters and plot into a 2 and a bit hour movie and this is the result. How did they become such close buddies? What was their motivation for going along with Jyn on a suicide mission?

The tentacle monster.. uhhh why?

Darth Vader: 'Try not to choke on your aspirations' *force chokes Krennic* Wrong time to use a pun line in relation to the seriousness of the scene. Made me facepalm.

On the subject of Vader, I think him being used sparingly was the right decision but his outfit seems a bit 'off' this time round? Can't quite put my finger on it.

Mads Mikkelson was sorely underused and would have preferred much more screen time from his character.

I feel that if they had cut a couple of the main characters and fleshed out the others, it would have made a stronger movie.

It's a shame because the second half of the movie really was excellent. A worthy addition to the Star Wars franchise but not without its faults.

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Molten Core Raider
I liked it, not as much as Force Awakens, but more so than the prequels.

Let's be honest, comparing movies to the prequels is quite a low bar to set.

It's like having the flu is better than having Ebola


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Goddammit guys.

This might be the best Star Wars movie ever made.

Fucking Disney only needed 2 tries to nail it.

K2's death is the most heartbreaking in all of the movies. It is more impactful than Han's death by far.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So K2 was definitely an assassin droid, not some stupid strategy and tactics droid or whatever right? Why the fuck else was he 9 feet tall and strong enough to wield human beings as weapons. Very cool throwback to knights of the old republic and hk-47.

Vader was fucking great, but his costume seemed...odd? Like the neck was too big and rubbery or something, can't quite figure out why it bugged me so much.

Donnie Yen was fucking awesome, such a shame we won't get to ever see him as an actual Jedi.
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Trakanon Raider
Just got out. Movie was Great. Last 30 minutes is the best 30 minutes of star wars every. Overall agree with some reviews, pacing was a bit off and they could have dropped some stuff for more character development. Saw felt wasted.


FPS noob
just got back as well, 7.5/10. If you hated TFA you will hate this movie, the same flaws of TFA are here as well. If you liked TFA you will probably like this movie (I liked TFA). Not really much else, the action scenes were great the dialogue was cringey as fuck and when people were standing around talking it was usually bad. To me this ranks below the original trilogy and TFA, just pretending the prequels don't exist.

Hoping they can get better at pumping out these side films instead of drowning in member-berries. I would have loved more scenes of just life for people in imperial times, more galaxy of the guardians / blade runner / firefly kinda stuff.

The new DLC in battlefront makes more sense too now that I've seen the planet its set on.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Absolutely fantastic overall, as mentioned there's a 10 minute or so part in the middle that felt a little too plodding, but easily forgivable given the rest of the movie. 3rd act is indeed as strong if not stronger than Empire. Delivered on all the things I wanted it to growing up with Star Wars toys as pretty much all I played with, not just fan service at times but life long fan service. You can tell the people involved with this movie grew up on Star Wars and just get it. The dovetailing of this movie into ANH was damn near perfect. There are tons of easter eggs to look out for, quite a few of them in the final action sequence.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If this was the first movie Disney released everyone would shit all over TFA for being a step down in quality and not contributing to the universe as much as this did. Not completely perfect but still a great movie and one worthy of the Star Wars brand.


Potato del Grande
This was a great movie overall, but I really need to echo these sentiments: Second half of the movie was brilliant.
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Molten Core Raider
It's not a perfect movie by any means, but was fun.

The Good:
Space battles! Fanservice!

The Bad:
The first quarter of the film is completely disjointed hopping from planet to planet. Middle plods along as well.

The Ugly:
Uncanny valley Moff Tarkin and
Princess Leia

Would almost rather not have the characters in the film it was so distracting. The CGI is good, but not good enough I guess.


Tranny Chaser
The uncanny valley is something that, hopefully, they can revisit in a few years time and sharpen up. There are only a couple places where it was particularly noticeable and I feel some of that may be due to time restrictions in getting out a final edit. I've certainly seen some rendering that would improve upon what they have there, but it does take an absurd amount of computational power even with today's resources.

There were many instances of things that appear in the trailer, especially the very first trailer, that do not show up in the final film. In some cases its a dropped part of a scene, in others its a different camera angle. There's at least one case of a big dramatic SFX that doesn't exist in that scene at all and may have been an intentional bullshot for the trailer.
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Molten Core Raider
I don't get why they didn't just recast that role with a similar-looking guy.

Yes, the original actor was iconic, but his reasoning for not being there are arguably more understandable and the switch, especially given the time, would not have been any more disturbing than, dunno, Disney's recasting Edward Norton with Mark Ruffalo or Terrance Howard with Don Cheadle in their superhero movie-franchise.

Hell Mon Mothma isn't the actress from the original trilogy and it works just fine.
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Molten Core Raider
I don't know how the rest go to the point they were? but I severely hope that the pure feeling I had, was the same feeling many of you felt during the original incarnations of the films for the first time. I was floored in aw, and cried. Even on the 'slow' scenes I was too caught up in the worlds, people, and background detail to not be bored. I think if I honestly had to complain, the star destroyers were just way too white. Maybe the hours spent staring at lego starwars imperial anything, its always been grey. fuk u disney.

I think what sold me was the absolute Vietnam era vibe; my favorite field of research, it just oozed in representation

Afraid I was gonna get

but got

I use to think Imperial, Scout Trooper life, all fucking day.. fuck the rebels, but now.. now.. omg.

As far as Cirrut and Baze were perfect to me. Though very little is said, but a lot is said through their dynamics. They're very Starsky and Hutch or Bulk and Skull. I thought Cirrut was going to be this all serious bad ass, but instead we got this cooky monk with a loud mouth merc, it was perfect. I could watch a whole series on those two. I was shitting my pants every time Cirrut hit a storm trooper and little pieces came flying off the helmets, jfc. Then Baze got the scene in which he laid waste to all those storm troopers just coming out, felt so satisfying. I dont' even want to see Cirrut become a Jedi, I just want Cirrut to be Cirrut.

Tarkin looked great, it wasn't until he started talking that it kinda fell short. Great use though, its just I think we have the ability to create a proper and well made specimen given the effort.. its until we have to make it move individual muscles. I don't know my anatomy specifically but there are all those muscles in the face that make us life like, while they're just moving chunks at a time. I thought Leia was fine, oddly colored, but it was so short and quick that it didn't really matter it was only for continuity sake, Tarkin was a plot device for the maddening of Orso.

I want a series on Saw, and his boys. Esp his second in command? assumably

If anyone has a name or anything I didn't catch it, plis tell. Or any info on race. I figured he'd be kel dor? or whatever that one jedi was, but he seems more robotic.

I'm happy everyone met their ends, but it also breaks my heart as I felt every character came out strong; despite what people say. I felt they were all contributed through many different means through the film that didn't fall short in explaining who they are specifically; and thoroughly whether it be the cloths and style of how they fight, or how they used and talked to people, or made their decisions. They all came in did their shit, and I loved them all. I'm on a toss up for K2, Cirrut/Baze as the biggest contenders for my heart strings pulled too hard. The defect pilot just felt so unsung hero.

God I fucking loved this movie; probably so far my favorite. I'm tweakin and want to go again. So much eye candy that I just want to pause and stare at for hours. All the different planets, species, just so much fucking detail.
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