Star Wars: Stand Alone Movie (Not Episode 7)


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Why was the EU's canon status revoked? All that stuff is considerably more interesting than the movies.
EU had some redeeming qualities, but there was a lot of utter shit in it.

Best case scenario is they take in some of the best EU stuff, but generally ignore most of the complete trash.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah... about that. Revenge of the Sith made 100m opening weekend after people had been subjected to Phantom and Clones. It basically covered the development costs for the movie in three days. It made 380m domestic and like 890m worldwide while it was in theaters.

I'm gonna say that no matter how much nerd rage people may claim to have about the series and where it has gone since the original trilogy, they are still standing in line day one to see another "live" action Star Wars movie. Doomed for you is gigantic f'n money hats for everyone else in the world, apparently.
My post has nothing to do with financial success. That is a guarantee with Star Wars. My post has to do with community success.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
EU had some redeeming qualities, but there was a lot of utter shit in it.

Best case scenario is they take in some of the best EU stuff, but generally ignore most of the complete trash.
Clone wars is a good example of them doing just that. It borrowed heavily from the EU but didn't rely on matching established stories. The difference is that Luke and crew have such an embedded history that's already fleshed out in the EU that there is virtually no room left to tell any stories. I was a bit bitter about it all when I heard about it but ultimately I think it's a good move


That guy
How about a Rogue/Wraith Squadron series of movies! Or hell, an HBO miniseries.

Actually there's a lot of story there would need at least 12-15 episodes minimum.


Molten Core Raider
This thread prompted me to rewatch TOR trailers.

Fuck, is it too much to ask to get a Star Wars movie even vaguely close to this?



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
SW:ToR Cinematic shows gameplay for how cool a modern Jedi Knight would look.

The idea of Star Wars movies can fuck off. Just make some Star Wars space combat sims and Jedi Knight games instead. And not that weak ass force unleashed QTE shit.


Registered Hutt
Mara Jade and Talon Karrde would be excellent characters for stand-alone movies. They would play into Han Solo/Boba Fett as well. Fadaar's suggestion for a mini-series is sexy. Having some kind of premium channel mini-series as a primer would be great.

I didn't realize that the books are no longer considered canon. I guess it's a smart play going forward, but there are a lot of solid stories and characters in there. It's not like Marvel doesn't retcon as they please during media crossovers. I don't see why they couldn't maintain that they're just divergent storylines. They're going to keep publishing novels right? It's a disservice to their readers to say that all that content is junk.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah... about that. Revenge of the Sith made 100m opening weekend after people had been subjected to Phantom and Clones. It basically covered the development costs for the movie in three days. It made 380m domestic and like 890m worldwide while it was in theaters.

I'm gonna say that no matter how much nerd rage people may claim to have about the series and where it has gone since the original trilogy, they are still standing in line day one to see another "live" action Star Wars movie. Doomed for you is gigantic f'n money hats for everyone else in the world, apparently.
the original star wars movie made over 400 million domestic, and ticket prices were 1/7th of what they are now. the last transformers movie made a lot of money too. doesn't mean it was a good movie.


I don't get the reasoning behind them revisiting middle trilogy characters, except to keep that trilogy relevant. The thing is, that middle trilogy is a classic, so it'll be relevant without stand-alone character movies. A movie about Boba Fett? Very cool character, except that he's dead. Yoda? Dead. Han Solo? He's in his 70's by the time the new episodes take place, so they'd have to recast him with a younger actor.

They should just move forward. Allow the first and second trilogy to lay the ground work for the new trilogy, and make stand-alone movies for new characters that fans respond to. Of course the first of the stand-alone movies will be in production by the time Episode VII comes out, so I guess they can't do that. Gotta have a new Star Wars movie out every year!


Mr. Poopybutthole
the original star wars movie made over 400 million domestic, and ticket prices were 1/7th of what they are now. the last transformers movie made a lot of money too. doesn't mean it was a good movie.
I was responding to Ill up there saying that the movie was doomed and that people have a bad taste in their mouths from the prequels. The same prequels that had millions of people watch them and continue watching them after the first one was a shitfest. I wasn't saying whether a movie was good or not, simply that if something is "doomed" to be shit on by nerds, it doesn't matter how much they shit on it if they are still paying to go and see it. The only thing doomed is us. Doomed to have nerds with zero backbone trash talk a franchise they don't use their wallets to try and improve since it sucks so bad they still wait in line to see it.

Also, Star Wars when it first came out was like.. the only thing like it. There's boatloads of science fiction out there, and with DVDs and Streaming, people don't need to see the same movie dozens of times in theaters. Which is quite literally what people did for the first movie. Notice the dropoff with the sequels. After the first one, Science Fiction space operas weren't quite the unique snowflake anymore. Anyway!


Trakanon Raider
I was responding to Ill up there saying that the movie was doomed and that people have a bad taste in their mouths from the prequels. The same prequels that had millions of people watch them and continue watching them after the first one was a shitfest. I wasn't saying whether a movie was good or not, simply that if something is "doomed" to be shit on by nerds, it doesn't matter how much they shit on it if they are still paying to go and see it. The only thing doomed is us. Doomed to have nerds with zero backbone trash talk a franchise they don't use their wallets to try and improve since it sucks so bad they still wait in line to see it.

Also, Star Wars when it first came out was like.. the only thing like it. There's boatloads of science fiction out there, and with DVDs and Streaming, people don't need to see the same movie dozens of times in theaters. Which is quite literally what people did for the first movie. Notice the dropoff with the sequels. After the first one, Science Fiction space operas weren't quite the unique snowflake anymore. Anyway!
Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I never went to the theaters to see either episode II or III. After how awful "The Phantom Menace" was, I knew there was no hope for the other two. I watched II, and III one time each, when they were on HBO, and I haven't watched them since. Meanwhile, I've watched the original three literally at least 50 times each. I don't really care how much money the prequels made, they were fucking horrible movies, and I'm 100% positive the next three will be just as bad. The only difference is I sure as fuck won't pay to see them in the theaters. I learned my lesson after "The Phantom Menace."


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't get the reasoning behind them revisiting middle trilogy characters, except to keep that trilogy relevant. The thing is, that middle trilogy is a classic, so it'll be relevant without stand-alone character movies. A movie about Boba Fett? Very cool character, except that he's dead. Yoda? Dead. Han Solo? He's in his 70's by the time the new episodes take place, so they'd have to recast him with a younger actor.
Since the prequel trilogy was Darth Vader's origin tale, I think it's wise to be wary of any talk of Star Wars origin movies. Part of what makes characters like Yoda and Boba Fett so cool is because of the mystery that surrounds them. An origin movie runs the risk of being like midichlorians all over again. Some things are just best left unknown.


Musty Nester
Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I never went to the theaters to see either episode II or III. After how awful "The Phantom Menace" was, I knew there was no hope for the other two. I watched II, and III one time each, when they were on HBO, and I haven't watched them since. Meanwhile, I've watched the original three literally at least 50 times each. I don't really care how much money the prequels made, they were fucking horrible movies, and I'm 100% positive the next three will be just as bad. The only difference is I sure as fuck won't pay to see them in the theaters. I learned my lesson after "The Phantom Menace."
Same thing here. Me and my brother went to see Phantom menace. I remember sitting in the theater (and I'm not a movies guy that thinks this kind of thing EVER) thinking, "Jesus Christ -- what's up with the editing in this?" I do not think about technical details watching a movie. I don't know the names of the camera angles, the fades, the cuts. But I noticed the hell out of them in phantom menace.

We kept waiting for it to get good. And then we just waited for it to get better. And then JarJar Binks happened. And then, mercifully, it eventually ended.

I've seen Clones and Sith, but i've never watched either one of them all the way through in a sitting. A little here, a little there.

I really don't think the next 3 will be anywhere near that bad. Not that I'm saying they'll be great movies you want to go watch multiple times on the big screen. But I do expect that they will at least be competent. I do think you could make movies just as equally bad if you tried to, but I don't know if you could intentionally make a movie worse and retain enough story coherence to qualify it as a movie. You obviously could make a movie that was worse, but you'd have to resort to some MST3K/Elvira movie style scriptwriting. You'd just have to intentionally troll the fuck out of people and that might even make the movie better in a meta sense. Menace was quite a sincere piece of shit.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
I think JJ has shown he can make entertaining and visually fun popcorn flicks, when he tames his penchant for the flare. Couple that with his clear passion for Star Wars, a passion he readily admitted he didn't have for Trek, and Laurence Kasdan cowriting, I think these movies could be really good. They'll never hit the peaks that the originals did, because they came out during a pretty special time for movies in general, but I think they have a decent chance of being quite passable. And after the prequels, passable would kick ass.


Trakanon Raider
JJ is shit. The fact that people in america are looking to him as some kind of savior just proves what a sad state this country is in when it comes to cinema. 99% of what we get from hollywood now is a prequel, sequel, reboot, or a remake. Hollywood is shitting in your mouths and calling it a sundae, and you're asking for seconds.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I would give a metaphor for what Lucas did, but this is a tranny family friendly forum.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I never went to the theaters to see either episode II or III. After how awful "The Phantom Menace" was, I knew there was no hope for the other two. I watched II, and III one time each, when they were on HBO, and I haven't watched them since. Meanwhile, I've watched the original three literally at least 50 times each. I don't really care how much money the prequels made, they were fucking horrible movies, and I'm 100% positive the next three will be just as bad. The only difference is I sure as fuck won't pay to see them in the theaters. I learned my lesson after "The Phantom Menace."
Same here.i only had 13 but when i saw the midi-bullshit-chlorians scene, i knew it was going to be bad, really bad."so all this time, the Force was some shit in their blood !?" *childhood being raped savagely*

@cantatus: i feel the same way with Alien. All the mistery around the creature and the space jockey was really great.i really didn't need to know their origins.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Same here.i only had 13 but when i saw the midi-bullshit-chlorians scene, i knew it was going to be bad, really bad."so all this time, the Force was some shit in their blood !?" *childhood being raped savagely*

@cantatus: i feel the same way with Alien. All the mistery around the creature and the space jockey was really great.i really didn't need to know their origins.
The nerdrage against midichlorians is hilarious. Especially when almost all that rage against it get it wrong. The Force isn't just some "shit in their blood." The way it was explained was that the midichlorians give the host knowledge of the Force. Midichlorians =/= Force

Don't worry, the Force is still mystical and mysterious. Trim your beard now.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The nerdrage against midichlorians is hilarious. Especially when almost all that rage against it get it wrong. The Force isn't just some "shit in their blood." The way it was explained was that the midichlorians give the host knowledge of the Force. Midichlorians =/= Force

Don't worry, the Force is still mystical and mysterious. Trim your beard now.
Lol so the only way to know that you have the Force is doing blood analysis? Still dumb, still stupid.....just like the prequels and your way trying to explain it.