Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Molten Core Raider
That's literally not a story just an extrapolation of the trailer with a couple guesses.

Seriously not even worth reading. Doesn't even mention any character not seen yet. Just some kid looking for attention.


Buzzfeed Editor
Lol why are so many of you salty as fuck about casting? If people are good in the role, then who cares?

SJW shit has nothing to do with any casting type stuff. You know what does? MONEY. Guess which demographics are growing in terms of theater attendance? Guess which demographic is more likely to just pirate the shit online?

You brought this on yourself you cheapasses
Asians? Because it's notAfrican Americans.Their attendance has grown at a lower rate than their population increase over the last decade (Which effectively means they've been shrinking as an audience.)...They account for 12% of movie sales. But in reality, there hasn't been much of a demographic shift over the last decade. (It's all been steady, Caucasians down a few %, which was picked up by Hispanics, but not huge movements.) Unless you mean DVD/Blu-Ray sales, but I think they follow similar trends. In any case, Asians would be the obvious choice for demographic appeal, since most of those markets are becoming power houses.

Hopefully it's not money or anything else, hopefully the dude is just a good actor, from the trailer he certainly seems to have decent facial expressions hah, and I've heard he was good in other things. For me personally, if I'm salty over anything it's because I even thought about that nonsense, instead of just hoping everything turns out well. And because Idris Elba still isn't a Jedi, how the fuck does that happen? (Seriously, as shit as the Prequels were, should have been Idris in as Mace. Him being an old, wise but bad ass Jedi would be so perfect.)

You can correlate the people who are talking about or were concerned about the whole sjw angle on this to the amount of posts they have in the gamergate thread.

Hint: not many people give a shit. Leave your bubble.
The two of us who came here and said that were mainly annoyed with ourselves because our minds momentarily went to thinking about how JJ got trolled when casting was being announced, which we saw because of GG, but we still hated we thought about it...Coming here and admitting thatisleaving the bubble. Also, the whole racial angle is in a ton of papers =-/, people give a shit, but it is a silly thing to give a shit over, I agree.


Buzzfeed Editor
Massive Spoilers, Entire plot of the movie including the ending.
Actually sounds pretty cool.

Honestly, while I'll be sad, I'm hoping they kill off the originals pretty quick. Luke goes the way of Obi-Wan next film, hopefully. Not because I want to see them die, but I want concise ends to their stories, and let the new people have the reigns. That said, this was a plot in the EU right? Brother vs Sister, but wasn't it Luke's kids? I never read the EU, so meh. It's a nice parallel to Father/Twins from the first series. Just hope it ends up being decent.

I'm more worried about Adam Driver as a casting choice. Something about a relatively young main antagonist feels a bit off to me. Hopefully we don't ever see his face. The casting of the two main leads seems pretty good to me
Honestly, yeah, this has me skeptical when I saw him. I guess I've just always associated the Empire with older people, it's easier to see why they prefer order over "freedom"/democracy. Young antagonists usually have to act half crazy or be very dare devilish/extreme to feel sinister...And that just doesn't feel very "Empire". Vader was cool because he was an unstoppable force, not a hard charger/crazy guy. I guess we'll see.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Fuck, Lithose is here. Nobody talk about lightsabers.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Is this not the thread where I can learn the difference between a parry and a block?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
And because Idris Elba still isn't a Jedi, how the fuck does that happen? (Seriously, as shit as the Prequels were, should have been Idris in as Mace. Him being an old, wise but bad ass Jedi would be so perfect.)
Yeah, for as many roles as I've liked SLJ in it's obvious that he was picked for his popularity with audiences. And it's not as if he was bad at all, especially for something directed by Mr. Poetry. Still, I'd have rather seen someone else in that part. Jackson just brings too much of his established screen persona to a role like that and there's nothing he can do about that now really. It was just a bit jarring to see him in the robes. Someone who was more of a clean slate would have been better and Idris Elba would have been damn near perfect.


That's literally not a story just an extrapolation of the trailer with a couple guesses.

Seriously not even worth reading. Doesn't even mention any character not seen yet. Just some kid looking for attention.
OK read it. Not really a spoiler.
Yeah it's more of an overview, I'm pretty sure it's 100% real the spoiler I read went into great detail and had character names and everything as well, this was ofcourse before the trailer that basically confirmed it. I am just paraphrasing it because I don't want to spoiler people fully so I just pulled the big picture stuff.

Currently 4chan has an edited trailer of Starwars they are passing around that starts off normal but then cuts right into glaring spoilers on a screen trying to ruin the movie for people.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I hadn't seen the original trilogy in quite a while, maybe not since the theatrical rerelease (in the early 2000's?). Needless to say, it was quite a shock to hear, "WEESA FREE!" and see Hayden Christiansen next to Yoda at the end of Return of the Jedi... wow. Just wow.

Edit: Lucas is like the original M. Night. He hit a home run with Star Wars, perfected the model with Empire, and then all that success went to his head and he stopped listening to criticism (or maybe it wasn't even offered). And another thing: I know artists are never completely satisfied with their works, but going back to movies shot in the late 70s and early 80s and adding hamfisted CGI is such a narcissistic and unapologetic "fuck you" to your fans.
I can tolerate practically all the Special Edition shit, with the exception of Christiansen's force ghost at the end of Jedi. Fuck that shit right in the arse!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
You can correlate the people who are talking about or were concerned about the whole sjw angle on this to the amount of posts they have in the gamergate thread.

Hint: not many people give a shit. Leave your bubble.
JJ AbramsJoss Whedon is well known for his SJW activism.

Also, I have 0 posts in the gamergate thread. Myth busted.

Edit: I was totally thinking of Joss Whedon, not Abrams. Whoops.


Molten Core Raider
Didn't Abrams have a scene in Star Trek where Kirk nails a green alien and while he's doing it Uhura comes in and takes her clothes off? Also in the 2nd movie he just has the blonde randomly get changed for no good reason?


<Prior Amod>
Didn't Abrams have a scene in Star Trek where Kirk nails a green alien and while he's doing it Uhura comes in and takes her clothes off? Also in the 2nd movie he just has the blonde randomly get changed for no good reason?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Didn't Abrams have a scene in Star Trek where Kirk nails a green alien and while he's doing it Uhura comes in and takes her clothes off? Also in the 2nd movie he just has the blonde randomly get changed for no good reason?
Yeah, I was totally thinking of Joss Whedon, not JJ Abrams.



Avatar of War Slayer
Could not care less. I am pretty sure we are being trolled by assholes like Mad max :MRA road. how is this even a discussion? Why am I even posting this? shut up about this retarded shit.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Yeah, I was totally thinking of Joss Whedon, not JJ Abrams.

You could have just gone over the director's head and said Disney. It would have been just as true.

Not that it will matter in the end. If the movie does well enough to satisfy or at least appease the fans, the black jedi will matter to fewer people than it does now. If it ends up lacking, it will just be one reason on the heap of criticism that will be built.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
You could have just gone over the director's head and said Disney. It would have been just as true.

Not that it will matter in the end. If the movie does well enough to satisfy or at least appease the fans, the black jedi will matter to fewer people than it does now. If it ends up lacking, it will just be one reason on the heap of criticism that will be built.
I'm not super savvy with Star Wars lore - are all the storm troopers supposed to be clones of Jango Fett in the original trilogy? I obviously know the republic armies in Ep. 2 and 3 were clones, but I wasn't sure if the Empire's storm troopers were also clones. If so, I could see why people would be upset since, you know, Jango Fett was played by a New Zealand guy.


I think there was a transition from clone troopers (of Jango) in the Republican army to normal humans making up the majority of the storm trooper population in the Empire. I'm no expert on the lore either but I think there are tons of stories about imperial troops defecting to the rebel side. People like Han and Wedge. That might all be non-canon at this point though