Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I thought there was supposed to be a star wars trailer before the age of ultron movie, but I didn't see it. Did I get gypped, or did I mis-remember the trailer news?
It was at mine, but was the same full length one already released.


Tranny Chaser
The First Order are the peeps with the Tie Fighters and Stormtroopers. The Resistance are the peeps with the X-wings. They do speak of a "secret" base for the First Order which rather implies that they have a reason to hide and Resistance doesn't exactly sound like the name for a group that is in power... so it seems pretty vague what the overall society / government of the Galaxy is like at this point.

Some said that after the battle of the second death star the Galaxy went into a 30 year period of cold war between what was remaining of the Empire and the Rebels but the stuff above doesn't sound like two opposing central governments and more like two fringe elements diametrically opposed to both each other and whatever happens to be the central government.


Potato del Grande
Everything could have just gone independent and you have First Order trying to bring back The Empire and Rebel Alliance trying to bring back The Republic, both being relatively fringe groups?


I really need to stop reading Star Wars info, I feel they are just giving way too much away

Like the female trooper



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I thought there was supposed to be a star wars trailer before the age of ultron movie, but I didn't see it. Did I get gypped, or did I mis-remember the trailer news?
It was just the most recent trailer we'd already seen online before the Avengers showing I went to. Cool hearing it in full on blaring surround with subwoofer drops and shit though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I really need to stop reading Star Wars info, I feel they are just giving way too much away Like the female trooper
We'd pretty much already figured that out in this thread though. For many normal people it will still work whenever they do the inevitable on-screen helmet removal gender revelation though. Which is yet again derivative of Leia the bounty hunter!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is there anything else about this 'First Order'? The caption on the picture is the first time iv heard of it.
It wasn't new information, its been mentioned. Still don't really know much detail about them but would appear to be the empire in their post-Battle of Endor/death of emperor state.


Log Wizard
Yeah until these new things Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma weren't confirmed as to which actor they were. Guess it's just what we all expected, though.


Vyemm Raider
Kylo shot looks like a bad shoop and not an an actual scene. His outfit also is much more plain looking and not at all Revan style frayed and shit like it appeared in flashes of the trailers.

Daisy's speeder changed colors. (different side?)

lol @ the other black actor being a CGI alien.

Brienne appears to be standing on the set of Game of Thrones, waiting for Pod to bring her a horse. She also looks fucking awesome. (how long until Chromium armor shows up in the TOR cartel market? Do they not like money?!)

And yeah, maybe the Empire/Republic fractured into hundreds of fiefdoms fall of Rome style and now we're trying to come out of the Dark Ages. Seems logical enough that they wouldn't just leap back into the system that just went to shit. I always thought it was dumb that the EU went right into a New Republic.

Jive Turkey

Kylo shot looks like a bad shoop and not an an actual scene. His outfit also is much more plain looking and not at all Revan style frayed and shit like it appeared in flashes of the trailers.
In the VF behind the scenes video you can see Leibovitz shooting the snowtroopers without Adam Driver in the shot. It is indeed a drop-in and a poorly executed one at that


That guy
I'm liking the redesign of various things (ships, armor, etc) more and more each time I see something new. Especially the stormtrooper outfits, they look great.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm liking the fact that those pirate dudes were a bunch of rubber mask aliens, not CGI. I know they've announced how much they favored practical effects but its still refreshing after the prequels disasters.

Jive Turkey

I'm liking the fact that those pirate dudes were a bunch of rubber mask aliens, not CGI. I know they've announced how much they favored practical effects but its still refreshing after the prequels disasters.
I swear Lucas intentionally made the lipsync of the neumoidians look like garbage in an attempt to put a nail in the practical effects coffin. It's like they weren't even trying. Nice to see it being embraced again


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Low expectations sir low expectations. We all know what happens when we get too excited... Gungans
During the interview with Vanity Fair, Abrams talked about a plan he had to kill off a character many Star Wars fans feel strongly about, Jar Jar Binks.

"I have a thought about putting Jar Jar Binks's bones in the desert there," Abrams told Vanity Fair. "I'm serious! Only three people will notice, but they'll love it."

That right there has to bump up the expectations.