Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Didn't they say Luke took on a group of apprentices?

I think many forget Luke got almost no training himself, so it's no wonder he failed on his first attempt in trying to take someone people on and teach them.
Eh? I'm saying there was only two light side force users in existence as of ROTJ. That guy is complaining why everything is revolving around the Skywalkers. You can't teach a person to become a force user they need to be born with it.

Luke never fought anyone before Yoda trained him. so no idea what you are talking about with the no training.. He also has the guidance of all three jedi masters at the end of ROTJ.


what Suineg set it to
Well, I just got back from seeing it in IMAX 3D. 7/10? 6/10 if it wasn't Star Wars. I enjoyed it but I was also disappointed. I tried to keep my expectations in check and overall I thought the movie was well crafted. In fact, I can't really think of any showstopping flaws in production, acting, lines, etc. But God damn, the entire movie was too fast and too convenient. Pieces that should have been huge plot points were basically like 'lol ok push this button'.

Now, I kind of expected it to a point - I 100% believed JJ was going to be like a little kid explaining Star Wars "AND THEN THEY DO THIS AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN" and that's what we got for the most part. The biggest thing missing from VII is the pacing and ... well substance. This should have been two movies. One just Rey + Finn/Poe leading up to a space battle around a rescue attempt at Rey. Then develop the Death Star MK 3 plot and have it destroy stuff and lead up to the two baby-Jedi fighting each other.

If they had made a few minor tweaks (possibly mostly fixed in an extended edition) I would say probably 8/10. Primarily my issues would be these:
Convenience of the plot. You can allow for so much happenstance but really? I can buy Finn going 'fuck this' and leaving and looking for Poe. That point is moved by the story. I can buy a scavenger running into a valuable droid and taking interest in it. I can buy Poe trying to crash land near a settlement so they both survive (though, they could have just you know said that so it wasn't like Finn was wandering like a retard in the desert and lucked out). But then the Millenium Falcon being there too? Then Han finding it just then? I would even be willing to give away the Maz Kanada having Luke's saber, powerful person who collects shit could very well have stuff like that. But the whole thing together just seemed a bit...forced. Pun partially intended.

Look, I don't want to eviscerate the movie but there are ways of making that whole thing work without making it just entirely RANDOM. So I feel the plot was cheapened unnecessarily.

Issue 2 was that everyone knew about dark/light whatever. The thing I enjoy the most about EP4-6 that was lost in 1-3 was the mysticism and almost secrecy. Like no one truly believes it until they see it. Too many people just 'knew' about it like 'oh yea, Luke? Yea we go way back.' I don't quite follow why every. single. person. in. this. movie. seemed to know about everything besides Rey. This might be slightly unfair but, there needed to be more 'what do you mean?' Also, everyone seems to know about Snoke as well. What? I don't know, very unSithlike. Just weird.

Issue 3 was the Republic and the apparent destruction of Coruscant. I'd be OK with it but not even a minor backstory? This is why I think two movies would have been good. First just introduce the New Republic, have some sort of minor scene where they are taking a really passive approach with the First Order who haven't really done anything besides sit in a few systems so Leia is like 'fuck all yall' and takes a fleet with Ackbar (or not-Ackbar? not sure if that was him) to form a volunteer force to actively attack them. I mean really, 10-15 minutes to catch back up with what would have been galaxy-changing events since EP VI.

Yea, I'm being a bit critical. But with unlimited budget and, frankly, time since EP VI I expected alittlebit more than we were given. 4-6 were great and balanced films overall (ROTJ little teddy bear shark jumping but it worked) and 1-3 took the bureaucracy and politics bullshit to the 10th level of hell and they sucked because of it. I almost feel they had an aversion to even expose the greater Star Wars universe in this film just because of how badly 1-3 sucked because they literally only did that from scene 1 of TPM. It doesn't serve the movie well, however.

Again, with a good extended edition this could very well be 8/10 movie. Luckily it sets the scene for an interesting EP VIII and IX. And holy fuck thank god this was miles better than any prequel movie.


<Prior Amod>
Eh? I'm saying there was only two light side force users in existence as of ROTJ. That guy is complaining why everything is revolving around the Skywalkers. You can't teach a person to become a force user they need to be born with it.

Luke never fought anyone before Yoda trained him. so no idea what you are talking about with the no training.. He also has the guidance of all three jedi masters at the end of ROTJ.
He wasn't with Yoda long and no one knows the exact amount of time but for time lines sake of everything else happening the popular belief is maybe 6 months which isn't long at all. Also you have no idea what the force ghosts did or didn't do after the movies, all we saw if them chilling there smiling, we don't know what they are capable of or how long they can manifest.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Eh? I'm saying there was only two light side force users in existence as of ROTJ. That guy is complaining why everything is revolving around the Skywalkers. You can't teach a person to become a force user they need to be born with it.

Luke never fought anyone before Yoda trained him. so no idea what you are talking about with the no training.. He also has the guidance of all three jedi masters at the end of ROTJ.
Did you see anyone, beside Yoda and Obi Wan, that had the Force, in the trilogy? Luke, Leia and Darth Vader, the Skywalker family.
Yes there was the Emperor but that was the only bad guy using the Force.

Jive Turkey

It makes sense that almost everyone knows the story of Luke and light/dark, even if they think it's a myth. The entire political system of the galaxy was changed by the events in 4-6.

Jive Turkey

He wasn't with Yoda long and no one knows the exact amount of time but for time lines sake of everything else happening the popular belief is maybe 6 months which isn't long at all. Also you have no idea what the force ghosts did or didn't do after the movies, all we saw if them chilling there smiling, we don't know what they are capable of or how long they can manifest.
Even Yoda said he didn't have enough training when he left


Did you see anyone, beside Yoda and Obi Wan, that had the Force, in the trilogy? Luke, Leia and Darth Vader, the Skywalker family.
Yes there was the Emperor but that was the only bad guy using the Force.
At the conclusion of ROTJ there is only Luke and Leia. Yoda confirmed it before his death,

So I'm saying between the end of ROTJ and the start of episode 7 there would have to be force users popping up for Luke to even train..


what Suineg set it to
It makes sense that almost everyone knows the story of Luke and light/dark, even if they think it's a myth. The entire political system of the galaxy was changed by the events in 4-6.
How do you know that?

This is one of my problems with the film, they just kind of hand-wave that entire part. You are making an assumption that they could have explained with 1-2 scenes of "hey so here's what happened in the last 25 years lol".


He wasn't with Yoda long and no one knows the exact amount of time but for time lines sake of everything else happening the popular belief is maybe 6 months which isn't long at all. Also you have no idea what the force ghosts did or didn't do after the movies, all we saw if them chilling there smiling, we don't know what they are capable of or how long they can manifest.
We know for sure Obi Wan guides luke, so you really think more powerful force users like Anakin, and Yoda coudln't do the same? foolishness


Even Yoda said he didn't have enough training when he left
The first time he left in Empire, but he went back for training in between Empire and ROTJ. Hence we see him way more powerful in that movie.

He holds his own against Anakin, a god jedi. If he needed more training he has Obi wan after yoda dies to guide him through it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
At the conclusion of ROTJ there is only Luke and Leia. Yoda confirmed it before his death,

So I'm saying between the end of ROTJ and the start of episode 7 there would have to be a force users popping up for Luke to even train..
Yes and that is why i want to see people outside the Skywalker circle with the Force and fight for the light side. And i truly hope it's Rey.
It would be kind dumb if there were no more people whom the Force is strong with them.


what Suineg set it to
I can see that being a plot point. Luke realizing his family lineage is too dangerous and volatile so he relents to train Rey as an outsider to take the mantle.


My guess they are mirroring these movies so closely that we will have 2 major reveals in the next two films. One is obviously who Rey's father is, the other tho..

I'm not sure you can count the Kylo Ren is Solo's son as a reveal since they threw it in our faces pretty early on.

Jive Turkey

How do you know that?

This is one of my problems with the film, they just kind of hand-wave that entire part. You are making an assumption that they could have explained with 1-2 scenes of "hey so here's what happened in the last 25 years lol".
The Empire was defeated at the end of RotJ. The Episode 7 crawl says the First Order has risen from the ashes of the Empire. The Republic is the reigning political force at the moment

Jive Turkey

The first time he left in Empire, but he went back for training in between Empire and ROTJ. Hence we see him way more powerful in that movie.

He holds his own against Anakin, a god jedi. If he needed more training he has Obi wan after yoda dies to guide him through it.
I wasn't following the argument correctly. I thought he was arguing about him failing at the end of Empire. My bad


what Suineg set it to
The Empire was defeated at the end of RotJ. The Episode 7 crawl says the First Order has risen from the ashes of the Empire. The Republic is the reigning political force at the moment
Yea but it could just have been all the senators going 'OK lol everyone back to work again' and it was just like EP1 where they are all useless assholes. The only thing clear is they appear to be on Coruscant and they appear to, well no longer matter...


He is, in fact, Luke and Leia's son!