Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Mr. Poopybutthole
O god, what if they make ...

Finn the son of Lando, as the second reveal.

Please don't do that Disney

I'm pretty sure that's where they are going with him.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I saw it last night, been catching up on the thread.

My biggest issue (though its faded with time already and I want to see it again this week) is one that's been hardly touched on here. The fucking fan service and call backs were way too numerous and heavy handed. It got to the point where even more subtle, organic call back stuff was annoying me though it shouldn't have been, just because I was fatigued by the blitzkrieg of all the rest of the overdone fan service aspects.

That and Carrie Fisher's scenes nearly ruined the experience for me at times. Seriously, kill that bitch with fire. Not just her appearance, her acting was total shit. Please don't let her back on set its a disgrace. Thankfully the stuff I didn't like was quickly supplanted by something fun or engaging whenever it started to make me cringe.

Production values, action, effects, score (though a bit out of place with the visuals at times), actors not named Carrie Fisher...all great. It had a Star Wars "feel".

Script/story, lacking in places for sure but still fun.

Harrison Ford was awesome, I'm glad we got a decent send off for Solo, almost makes up for the travesty that was the final Indy film. The new characters were great and I want to see more.

The ship battles could have been better, especially the final fight, but I loved some of the shots. The inside view of the Tie and the first person cockpit X-Wing shots were boner town. Lightsaber fight was excellent IMO. I loved how everything effects-wise had real weight and gravity and feeling, not some cartoony CGI slick uncanny valley shit like the prequels.

I had some complaints, some more specific stuff that others have mostly touched on already. But man some of you guys are going full retard with shit.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
O god, what if they make ...

Finn the son of Lando, as the second reveal.

Please don't do that Disney

Fuck that! I want Billy Dee!

Brahma_sl said:
They should have had Finn flying the Millennium Falcon from the start. Since he was clearly going to replace Han Solo in these movies. Just flip him and Rey's roles in that scene.(That would be awesome if he was Lando's son, and we get ol' Billy Dee in the next movie!) Plus I am not sure if he becomes a leader like Han did...he is really up in the air. Plus too much comic relief with him.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They went out of their way to beat it into our heads that Finn was NOT a pilot at all. From when he met Poe, to when he met Rey, to when he complimented the X-Wing pilot above him without knowing it was Poe. I don't know if that was just to explain why he needed Poe and couldn't try to escape in a Tie by himself, or also character development in general too.

Maybe he'll learn and fly the falcon with Chewie in the future, I do think that could work.


Buzzfeed Editor
I should have mentioned, for kids, I took my 5 and 6 year old. Kylo Ren scared the shit out of them both. They loved Rey and had no idea why I was so fucking hype about the ending. The 5 year old cheered every time she saw Chewie and cheered him on when he rampaged. I was worried it would be too dark, they did ok though and are really into it.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
I find it quite entertaining seeing the same people that bashed the prequels and those that liked them getting a taste of their own medicine as others are bashing a movie that they loved and are trying to defend.

And lol at those that still claim that the majority of audiences came out of Episode I like "wtf was that?" As that video showed many pages back, people loved it. I saw Episode I three times opening weekend and it got much better crowd reaction than this. People applauded seeing the return of familiar faces, and then the ending of course, but that was about it. There was some awkward applause from like 2 people when Death Star 3.0 was destroyed, but it felt like they were doing that because you're supposed to. Back in 1999, when Obi-Wan sliced Darth Maul, the audience erupted like their team just scored the winning touchdown of the Super Bowl. As someone stated a page or two back, this was a bit soulless and lacked that energizing factor to create suspense and emotion. When Han died, I was like, "oh, so I guess that's how that happens." It's nothing to do with the story, script or acting. There's just that intangible aspect that I don't think JJ can deliver. I felt more emotion watching Anakin run back to his mom asking if he'll ever see her again, than anything that happened in this movie. But like I said in my review, I still thought this was a great movie, 8/10. It's just my least favorite.

And I agree about Carrie Fisher. Totally phoned it in, and seemed entitled or like she didn't want to be there. Was very disappointing cuz Ford was rockin' it.


Log Wizard
One part of the movie I didn't care for was the whole cargo freighter full of tentacled beholders. Too much CGI in that sequence. Not much was established besides that Han was a smuggler.

I'm thinking Finn is the son of Boba and some random woman. That would be legit. People would be mad he's black and whatnot, but aren't they always mad anyways?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I just want them to say that Rey's mother was Mara Jade so all the EU Star Wars fans flip the fuck out, while everyone else is baffled what that is supposed to mean ;p


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
One part of the movie I didn't care for was the whole cargo freighter full of tentacled beholders. Too much CGI in that sequence. Not much was established besides that Han was a smuggler.
That was maybe the worst, most tropey shit in the movie. I was worried that Han's involvement WAS going to be as bad as Crystal Skull at that point, but thankfully the rest of the Solo parts redeemed it.

Zignor 3_sl

Oh shut up.

I was there for TPM opening day, too. Three times actually. My friends and I took off work and saw the first show. When it ended, we snuck into another show. I saw it again that night with other people.

People erupted for TPM because it was the first Star Wars movie in over 15 years. The hype at the time leading up to it was absolutely ridiculous. There was no other bad trilogy in between it and the OT to temper expectations. No one other than the trolls of the day thought it was going to be anything other than spectacular. The movie could have been Jar Jar farting into a pie for 2 hours, and as long as we got the Darth Maul duel people would still have cheered and gushed over the movie.

I expect with further viewings I will end up liking TFA a little more or a little less, but there won't be any dramatic shifts in how I feel about it like with TPM. This was a vastly better film in almost all areas. TPM had its moments, but to say it's on par or better than this one is not something many reasonable people will agree with.

Zignor 3_sl

And anyone who thinks Carrie Fisher phoned it in clearly hasn't seen Carrie Fisher recently. She's a goddam mess. I don't think anyone could have realistically wrenched a better performance out of her.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did anyone else not understand why FIRST ORDER and RESISTANCE were CAPITALIZED for no apparent reason in the opening scroll?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I liked that they didn't use the "darth" title at all, but now I'm also wondering if Snopes and Kylo are actually sith master/apprentice or just dark side force users.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Snoke could be full on Sith with the Darth title, just like the Emperor was in the OT, even though he's never referred to by that name. Kylo is clearly just an apprentice, so he doesn't get the Darth title yet.

And yes, Vader was Darth Sidious' apprentice, but he was also a Master. Kylo is not. Kylo is like young Anakin wanting to be a Master.


Buzzfeed Editor
I liked TPM at the time, but I was a retard, what the fuck did I know. And I was bored as shit by the actual story, what I liked was Darth Maul, the fighting (The Matrix was fresh on my teenage stoner mind) and trying to solve the puzzle of how this fit into the original three movies. I like this movie on its own merits. The Starkiller Base thing was a bit rehashed, I don't know why they did that. But at no point was I bored and waiting for the next fight scene, the story engaged me, and that Luke was a kick in the old junk. Very emotional movie, very much passing the torch and continuing the story. Now if they would just dream up a different threat than "big round thing blows up planets" I think they would be on the right track.