Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Finally watched it. I was a bit wary after some of the mixed reactions here - haters can get fucked.

I'll rank ESB ahead of TFA simply because I'm in my 40s and nothing will top the emotional impact of going to the movies and watching Vader confront his son and fuck him up.

But if I take a step back, the acting (Daisy Ridley's got a bright future), writing and direction are just way superior in this movie than any of the 6 previous, which is shocking for me to say about any Abrams flick.

No, it's not high cinema, but neither were any in the original trilogy, which were also full of the kinds of leaps and inconsistencies that people are bitching about here.


Murder Apologist
In that recording it really does sound like someone in a helmet. But when I was in the theater it sounded exactly like the fat alien trying to buy BB-8 from her with food rations, and I remember clearly seeing his fat chubby hand on the little girls shoulder.
OK if that leak from the novelization is legit and Kylo actually does say "it IS you!" during their duel I think the masked voice that's tells little Rey "Quiet Girl" on Jaku might actually he Kylo Ren himself!

Look,at 0:31 of that visionRey is about to be attacked by one of the people that killed off the last of Luke's Jedi.... but he gets killed by Kylo Ren before he could hit Rey:


Then Rey slips to the mud and we pan out to see the Knights of Ren in the rain before Kylo steps toward her. The NEXT scene is the Rey being left on Jaku crying "noooo come back" and the masked voice saying "quiet girl" sounds earily like some dude wearing some kind of vader mask.

If the novel snippet is legit, then Kylo just recognizes the girl he spared that night as Rey. Why did he spare her? Maybe she IS his cousin.


what Suineg set it to
Please don't be second immaculate conception, please don't be second immaculate conception...


Murder Apologist
I agree it's too obvious.

Plus if Luke is Rey's father, then whatever happened with her mother could very easily explain why he left the Jedi, his kid and the galaxy behind to become a recluse.

Maybe it turns out she was a sith spy (IE: Mara Jade) or some other kind of traitor or even a student slowly turned to the dark side by Snoke---it's too easy to wrap it all up with a lover's betrayal that forces Luke to somehow end up killing her and raqequitting the whole galaxy.


Gunnar Durden
No way Finn is Landos kid just because he's black. He will stick with the random poor child plucked from his home and made into a soldier. He's the plucky replacement for Han.

Clearly Rey's parents will be a story point. They won't do it with Finn too.

Should we expect Poe to be a major character going forward too? I wonder if He ends up as the new Lando. Only a big part of 1 and a half movies.


what Suineg set it to
No way Finn is Landos kid just because he's black. He will stick with the random poor child plucked from his home and made into a soldier. He's the plucky replacement for Han.

Clearly Rey's parents will be a story point. They won't do it with Finn too.

Should we expect Poe to be a major character going forward too?
Finn is literally Han Solo. Academy/training of some sort as a kid, rebels and goes out on his own as a young adult. Poe is literally Wedge Antilles, expert pilot that shows up just to blow things up occasionally. Captain Phasma is literally the Trash Compactor Tentacle Monster, completely worthless story point to advance the plot and seem scary for an instant.


Murder Apologist
Poe is the Han surrogate actually. Ep8 will be a Poe/Finn buddy movie since Rey's gonna be levitating rocks while standing on her head for most the movie.


Karazhan Raider
I'm calling it now. Rey is NOT Luke's kid. She will end up being Kylo Ren's younger sister.

Kylo Ren (Ben) was sent off as a teenager to go train with Luke. After a period of time, he turns on Luke killing several of the other trainees while also converting some of them to his followers (Knight's of Ren).

Leia has another kid with Han that she does not tell Han about and hides from him. Keep in mind, it is never implied that they were married or had any long term relationship.

After Kylo Ren goes to the dark side, Leia agrees to hide Rey at the request of Luke for her own protection. She is sent off to Jakku to remain in hiding from Kylo. Kylo is lead to beleive that his younger sister is dead or is missing.

Yeah, this might be a bit of a convoluted story but, honestly, its not any more convoluted than any scenario you can come up with that would have her being Luke's kid.

P.S. - I'm still not convinced that "Rey" is her actual name. I think its a name being used to conceal her identity.


Murder Apologist
How is Luke ragequitting the galaxy because his babymama turned to the darkside and he accidentally killed her MORE convoluted than Leia having a baby in secret, mindwiping herself, the little girl, and everyone who knows about it, then sending the kid to live under a fake name all by herself on a desert planet?

I agree that Rey being Luke's daughter is unlikely because the betrayed-husband thingisn't convoluted enough.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
In the film Leia says that the moment she sent Ben away to train is the day she lost both of them (Ben and Han). It sounds like that may have driven Han away and eventually the whole evil thing probably broke them up for good.

Until future films come out, we can only guess. Han was acting sort of impressed with Rey and he seemed to know more than he was letting on. But she could have just as easily been Luke's kid and he recognized that.


what Suineg set it to
You know what though, I forgot to mention in my review - John Williams is still god tier. The lightsaber battles were SO, so good compared to the prequels. The final one was just amazing visually. Just love the snow, the rawness of the fight, the physicality. Just perfect. In fact that whole scene was probably one of my favorites in all of SW, even if I don't ignore the fan service lightsaber in the snow bit.


Murder Apologist
Rey's theme is memorable but kinda---weak I dunno. It sounds like something from a JRPG:

It's maybe too delicate? Definitely felt meh in the movie by itself, but when her melody was merged with the main theme during the duel it wasn't bad. The version of it at the end was pretty good too.


Karazhan Raider
How is Luke ragequitting the galaxy because his babymama turned to the darkside and he accidentally killed her MORE convoluted than Leia having a baby in secret, mindwiping herself, the little girl, and everyone who knows about it, then sending the kid to live under a fake name all by herself on a desert planet?

I agree that Rey being Luke's daughter is unlikely because the betrayed-husband thingisn't convoluted enough.
As I mentioned, where has it ever been stated, or even implied that they got married?

Also, why would it be necessary for anyone to have been "mind wiped"? When Leia and Rey meet each other, it sure as hell seemed to me that they recognized each other. They hugged each other for quite a while. Is this something you do with a complete stranger you just met? Now granted, it could be that she recognized her daughter, or it could be that she recognized her niece.

As for living by herself on a desert planet, don't let Obi-Wan Kenobi know what a bad idea this is.


Max Landis is getting a bunch of backlash because he called Rey a Mary Sue. Now my twitter feed is full of random media critics and internet personalities telling everyone that if you don't love Rey and the movie then they're sexist and probably racist too. I actually got blocked by a few people because I argued that Rey was more of a Mary Sue than Luke Skywalker or Harry Potter. I wonder how long before the internet articles start being uploading denouncing anyone who doesn't love the movie as Hitler loving Nazis.

Jive Turkey

Watched it again tonight. I actually enjoyed it even more the second time around. I was able to appreciate some of the details and locations a bit more. The location of the last lightsaber battle in particular. There was just something awesome about Chewie showing up in the Falcon and carrying them away; The twilight, the light snow... just made for a great scene