Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
They're throwing about claims of Russian interference now, next step will be 30 year old rape claims.

The left has to left.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

The researcher doesn't believe games are being affected by feminist ideology.

Yet, Sarkeesian has protested and altered the storylines and graphic depictions of women in several games-- albeit often times quietly.
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Millie's Staff Member

The researcher doesn't believe games are being affected by feminist ideology.

Yet, Sarkeesian has protested and altered the storylines and graphic depictions of women in several games-- albeit often times quietly.

these people wont stop until they ruin every beloved Sci fi franchise
this year.
Star Wars RIP.
Star Trek RIP
Dr Who RIP
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<Gold Donor>
I'm not looking forward.

If I saw this four years ago I would be pumped and ready to jizz my pants over every rumor I could find. Now I can barely shake my head and move on. Not even Lucas's prequals could do that to me.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
That's hilariously bad. I've seen better cosplayers using sheet metal cut from old Jeeps. What the fuck is even the point of that armor when 80% of his body is exposed?
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
There is only one way to save this franchise from the festering shithole it currently is. You start by firing all SJW cunts at Disney from top to bottom. Then you ditch the current story and start over with some Knights of the Old Republic however many hundreds or thousands of years prior to the current storyline.

Now you have a badass universe to play with and can cast unknowns and really make use of all the assets that were purchased.
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privileged excrementlord
There is only one way to save this franchise from the festering shithole it currently is. You start by firing all SJW cunts at Disney from top to bottom. Then you ditch the current story and start over with some Knights of the Old Republic however many hundreds or thousands of years prior to the current storyline.

Now you have a badass universe to play with and can cast unknowns and really make use of all the assets that were purchased.
Makes sense, won't happen
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Millie's Staff Member
There is only one way to save this franchise from the festering shithole it currently is. You start by firing all SJW cunts at Disney from top to bottom. Then you ditch the current story and start over with some Knights of the Old Republic however many hundreds or thousands of years prior to the current storyline.

Now you have a badass universe to play with and can cast unknowns and really make use of all the assets that were purchased.
this is basically the best place to start off. ditch all the Luke and Vader stuff. dfitch anything to do with the empire and rebellion.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>

The researcher doesn't believe games are being affected by feminist ideology.

Yet, Sarkeesian has protested and altered the storylines and graphic depictions of women in several games-- albeit often times quietly.

Guy must have a phd in cuckoldry.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm sorry but Rian Johnson acts like a child in my opinion. Every interview I've seen him in he acts like a threatened child defending a wrong answer he thinks is right. He irks me.
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