Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Mr. Poopybutthole
Vader was a cripple who got his ass handed to him several times and only survived through luck or desperation. He's only a badass in the sense that he was a trained force user in a galaxy where almost all the other trained force users had been wiped out. I mean shit, Obi-Wan should have absolutely wrecked him when they met up on the Death Star, but obviously in 1977 none of the backstory existed yet.

Poe basically says it was a 1 in a million shot that couldn't happen again.

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Uncle Tanya
The dead speak!

This is how Star Wars TROS opens, and how it ironically closes. Dead.

This film drives a nail into the franchise's coffin with a thunderous boom.

With the maelstrom of opinions, reviews, spoilers, images, whispers, trailers, rumors, I felt before going into this there was no way I'd leave the theatre thinking it was just "okay"... I was going to love it or hate it because the film was going to either be amazing or the ultimate picard.

THAT prediction was true.

Unfortunately, it wasn't amazing. Which leaves us with:

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Avatar of War Slayer
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<Silver Donator>
The dead speak!

This is how Star Wars TROS opens, and how it ironically closes. Dead.

This film drives a nail into the franchise's coffin with a thunderous boom.

With the maelstrom of opinions, reviews, spoilers, images, whispers, trailers, rumors, I felt before going into this there was no way I'd leave the theatre thinking it was just "okay"... I was going to love it or hate it because the film was going to either be amazing or the ultimate picard.

THAT prediction was true.

Unfortunately, it wasn't amazing. Which leaves us with:

They got your money tho, all that matters.
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Uncle Tanya
It's actually difficult to accurately paint a picture for you guys of what this film is like in its entirety.
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Uncle Tanya
It's like a guy goes into a pizza joint and just says give me everything.

Um, Sir?

Yeah yeah, just give me everything

So... all the ingredients?

Yes. All.... of.... the..... ingredients. Everything.


Goes in the back and tosses a pizza and just puts literally everything they have on it but right before it goes in the oven, the guy goes:

Oh and um... make the entire pizza have no flavor whatsoever.

Out comes the pizza... chock full of everything and it all tastes like the color khaki.
  • 8Worf
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That guy
It's like a guy goes into a pizza joint and just says give me everything.

Um, Sir?

Yeah yeah, just give me everything

So... all the ingredients?

Yes. All.... of.... the..... ingredients. Everything.


Goes in the back and tosses a pizza and just puts literally everything they have on it but right before it goes in the oven, the guy goes:

Oh and um... make the entire pizza have no flavor whatsoever.

Out comes the pizza... chock full of everything and it all tastes like the color khaki.

Think this might be the best description of the Star Wars sequels I've seen


<Silver Donator>
87 percent audience ratings, wrap your heads around that shit.

I don't wanna live on this planet anymore.
  • 2Cringe
  • 1Picard
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Millie's Staff Member
87 percent audience ratings, wrap your heads around that shit.

I don't wanna live on this planet anymore.
they tried to copy Joker, tell the critics to shit on it, then pump up the audience score and fool people into thinking its a good movie.


Musty Nester
87 percent audience ratings, wrap your heads around that shit.

I don't wanna live on this planet anymore.

Nah, anyone paying for it doesn't want it to be bad. So it does make sense.

The people who TLJ genuinely pissed off aren't reviewing it.

It's like RLM basically has to review it at some point. I have the impression that Mike and Jay and Rich would rather not, but at this point it's mandatory. RLM started with Star Wars reviews. They can't skip the final one. And they'll try to find the things about it that aren't terrible.
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Uncle Tanya
I feel like I have a million things to say about this film and it's seriously difficult because it's just such a disappointment on so many levels and you guys know me... I generally have no problems writing lengthy posts. I just don't know where to begin :/

Look I cried 3 times during Endgame... I felt shit, loved the hell out of the film and it just sucked me in and made me crave more and more. I bring up Endgame because they're similar in these aspects:

Childhood loves - comics & star wars
Lots of hype
Curtain closing type of film
Very visually dazzling
Disney owned

But I felt NOTHING for Star Wars... nothing. Only sadness for feeling nothing LoL.
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