

Vyemm Raider
I burned myself out on this game when beta first came out last year, doubt I'll play it when it releases.

Not that it ever will. Chucklefish has a bunch of titles to publish and a swanky new office. They don't need to develop SB anymore.


Trakanon Raider
I follow their development posts. It sounds like they are making progress, but yeah, it doesn't seem ready for release for a while yet.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The amount of content added to the game is pretty staggering. I mean, KSP didn't really start out as much either.... But with enough content updates... It just kept getting better and better. I figure in about 2 more years at their current rate of progress the game would be awesome. I'd even say that the game in its current state is worth the 20 bucks or whatever it was that I paid.


Avatar of War Slayer
Its definitely in a WAY better place now, then it was. but still not as good as Terraia imo.

The expanded quest system is pretty nice now.


Will believe it when I see it. This game burnt me badly and is one of the reasons I no longer do greenlight games. (Towns being the other one)


Avatar of War Slayer
The game HAS changed alot since last stable update. I've been on unstable and nightlies.

But yeah, it is still not done. not even close. You probably can put a few hours into this. but then feel like you did everything.

Lots of RNG weapons. some have cool effects, firing patterns. but due to rng often not memorable. or not powerful end game. Armor scaling is still screwed for this too. fast weapons do no damage.
Lots of biomes. a MUCH better planetary progression system.

Planets themselves are still abit boring. beam down to a planet. dig down, get ore, ignore monsters entirely.

There ARE lots of dungeons. 100's of mini that can spawn. sort of eleborate versions of Terraria's jungle temples. small rooms with a treasure chest, and some deco. These are not generated like Terraria's underground houses, but are instead premade. but again, there are 100's.
Bigger dungeons have RNG wings. Decent amount of those as well.
Still little reason to actually visit any besides to steal deco for your ship.

Ship upgrading is nice. but contrary to base building, since its a prefab hull.

Bosses totally redone.
Now, instead of spawning in world, you travel to instances to fight bosses. These boss arenas are 100% unbreakable, and fully crafted with no RNG progressive building. some are straight up boss arenas, others are Metroid like dungeons. A bit dissappointing, given the Terraria roots. but at the same time, a good solid new idea. Hopefully the game will add summonable bosses in as well.

Top 2 teirs of biomes/ore/progression are not in the game atm. Which is a bit of a problem.
As the current progression system has Volvcanic, magma, dead planets as top teir (t6). Aka, you will NEVER fight a high end ice weapon, because ice planets are teir 5.
T7 is supposed to open up, and have all planet types. t8 tentacles.

I have lost faith in it for sure.
I don't think they know how to get alot of things done. Any lofty ideas of building towns with npcs gone. Any ideas of a good monster system gone.
Like, they seem to either not understand the importance of Terraria's monster drop system, or just have no ideas how ti implement something like it.

Starbound currently BADLY needs implants, accessories. Non-armor based gear. it badly needs non-core progression armor as well.
And it badly needs an upgrade system. The RNG weapons make alot of weapons forgettable. Often you may find a great weapon at t1-3, but have to ditch it, due to its lack of core dps, as you go. And then due to the RNG, never find a similar weapon type later.
There ARE cool weapons now. Bouncing shots, forking shots, lighting guns, flamethrowers, acid throwers, etc. Its actually really easy to overlook how many good ones, with so many diablo style trash ones. and again, even if you find one with an awesome firing pattern, it might be white quality, or low teir and thus shit.'
We need to be able to upgrade, and even rename weapons.
Visors. game also needs visors. metroid prime style. infrared, etc..


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I finally bit the bullet and bought this. I've wanted it since it was first on Steam, but having read so much about it being unfinished, I've held off. With the new update and it being on sale right now, I figured 'fuck it'. Now reading the above post, I feel like I shouldn't have. Hah! Will play it tonight some. Is there any good guide for beginners or does the game have decent tutorial?


Avatar of War Slayer
most tuts are probably out of date atm. wiki definitely is.

A major hint/spoiler for anyone playing the current builds..
there are now quests which require specific items from various villages. This can be a MAJOR pain in the ass, since its all RNG. and really annoying if you find one of these while playing through then days/weeks later get the quest to grab one of these items. so, keep your eyes open, and grab them as you see them, before you get the quest for them.

You will need a:
golden duck from an avian tomb/village.
An Avian moon symbol from an avian tomb.
A carved bone from a Floran village. (the horizontal one)
a stone USMC sign, from a USMC penal colony. (the ones outside the base)
A glitch BOOK, from castles, villages, etc.
An avian pirate ship treasure map. (on the wall in the captians cabin)
(might need a glitch globe too, or I'm mis-remembering that..)

reddit, etc will often share coords for this stuff. Universe seeds are shared by everyone, by update. like, nightly coords will not work for unstable, or stable. etc.. but everyones stable coords will be the same.

you need oil and sand to make steel armor. the alloy furnace required to make steel will not show up in your crafting menu, until you grab oil. This is a bit confusing. (desert planets.)


Trakanon Raider
I finally bit the bullet and bought this. I've wanted it since it was first on Steam, but having read so much about it being unfinished, I've held off. With the new update and it being on sale right now, I figured 'fuck it'. Now reading the above post, I feel like I shouldn't have. Hah! Will play it tonight some.
I bought it a while ago, and played through the content that was available before this huge update (I didn't do the beta nightly builds). My feelings are that I can see the potential for the game, and feel like it will be worth my purchase, eventually. Starbound is a shining example of why early access is the worst fucking idea in the history of gaming. People who are super into the genre will buy games like Starbound, play the unfinished version, and be like hey this isn't what I expected, and probably be turned off. When the game is finally finished down the road, most people who were interested in the first place likely don't care as much anymore, even though it will (should) be a good game by then.

That said, I did enjoy the game's very limited content before yesterdays patch, for what it's worth. I haven't had a chance to dig into the latest patch yet, but from the notes, I'm looking forward to playing it this evening. For someone like me who is going from last years update directly to this new build, without any experience from the beta nightly updates, it should be a nice chunk of new gameplay.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Early access is bullshit because the company already has your money and has no real incentive to deliver on their promised and finished product. Eventually they'll just say "fuck it" and give up on it saying this is the release and they're done leaving half the shit they said would happen on the table. But if you refuse to give these companies money they have a reason to actually deliver a product.


Trakanon Raider
People think they want to beta test a game, they really don't. I think that's on the consumer. If you understand its an incomplete game when you give them your money that's on you - these games don't have a release date attached - and disclaimers all over. There are valid reasons to early access support a game - just the same as kickstarter. Not all investments will pan out - its up to each game's maker what path they take with that good faith investment.


A nice asshole.
Rented a dedicated server for this, if you aren't a dick and want in shoot me a PM. Have a core group of 5 right now, room for 5 more.


Avatar of War Slayer
There are some good mods out there btw. great even, that go a long way into filling in the gaps in the actual game.
it DOES have an active modding community.
I'm on nightly. and don't really mess with them. Might soon.
The game has no DRM. so you can install the stable, then take the entire directory and copy/paste it elsewhere. and run that exe copy, for that version of the game, and saves. Modding that version. or even have 3 versions. stable, modded stable, and have your standard steam folder copy set to nightly updates.

This one get recommended often. It fixes the main issue of missing the top two teirs atm. (current stable caps at Fiery as "endgame". making only volcanic, magma and dead planets endgame. it gets boring fast) It adds a new teir with all biomes.
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