StarCraft 2


A Mod Real Quick
haha, whenever I played I'd usually push out in 10 mins and the other guy would be shitting himself. Oh Plat league, you were fun.
I've never heard it in SC2... but in SC1 I remember everygame I joined if there was a zerg player everyone would go "NO RUSH 5 min" or "NO RUSH 10 MIN PLZ" and so forth. I played a bronze game the other day and walked up to an open base (single) and killed the guy in about 4 minutes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Probably because when people say that in SC2 you instantly 6 pool/proxy rax/proxy gate them.


Trakanon Raider
HotS can bend to your will much more than vanilla SC2, similar to BW. There's always the risk that people will figure out the best way to play is to go for some passive turtle, especially with toss, but Blizzard is pretty good with patching and they are closer to all the races being even than WoL ever was, without going "you have to kill him in 10 minutes or die in lategame and you have 50% chance that will work, so it's balanced"

If you like RTS, it's pretty much no-brainer, it's funny how probably the biggest competitor right now is the HD re-release of AoE 2. Nothing else has customs, but if you want to play DotA, you are playing LoL/DotA/HoN already anyway. Keep in mind they finally put in global play, meaning you can play on any server with single copy, similar to how D3 works, you get to make new character and you have to rank again, letting you smurf a bit. I also don't have to beg people for US account to beat Tenks. SP of WoL was pretty good, albeit with shitty story, HotS seems to be the same, including the story. I'm also sick and tired of F2P, just forking over some base amount without the game constantly bugging me for more is a godsend (I'm looking at you, Valve)

When I get my hands on HotS later this week, I'll make an official rerolled clan/group on US, unless one of you will grab it first.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I can fully understand why bronze players are so frustrated because when I was playing my HOTS beta placements my first 3 games were against people, probably, Silver in WoL. I was scouting them like a madman because I was convinced they had to be doing something shifty. They didn't have the correct number of sentries. They took some strange gas timings. Their buildings didn't make sense. I was convinced it simply had to be a proxy something. So I made sure to turret up against DT, turret my mineral lines in case of Star and constantly scan their front in case of Robo. When I finally did my 2 medivac attack they simply had like 4 stalkers, 2 sentries and a handful of Zealots.


I had been debating whether or not to buy HOTS and I ended up just purchasing it now. Does Rerolled have a channel or a group in the game or are you guys still playing using the FOH channel still.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, if you are better there's simply nothing the other guy can do to win simply because you have space to prepare for everything before he even starts doing it.

The old channel was Fires, I don't think there is one right now, so one of the regulars should make a group, because you are free to join those.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I had been debating whether or not to buy HOTS and I ended up just purchasing it now. Does Rerolled have a channel or a group in the game or are you guys still playing using the FOH channel still.
Update the OP with a bit more info. If you guys want to fill out the info for who you are I'll toss it in the OP.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah, if you are better there's simply nothing the other guy can do to win simply because you have space to prepare for everything before he even starts doing it.
With the new scouting options at the disposal for all three races if you lose to a timing or an all-in it is no longer valid to blame the game. It is simply on the player for being lazy on scouting. So HOTS has introduced more deadly early game but also made it so early game scouting is more viable. It should lead to more exciting games based upon one player opening with a gambit and another having to react instead of the other player hoping to just blindly counter with their "ultra safe build."


It never was valid to blame the game for losing to an all-in. The only time you lose to an all in is if you read it wrong or you are playing off race (in my case I learned to stop every all in with protoss but I still lose to them as T or Z, as I have not learned all the defenses).


Trakanon Raider
Then you haven't been playing against good all-ins or PvZ, literally the smallest mistake could lead to your downfall like looking at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Not really. I lost to loads of all ins, but after you lose to them a few times you figure out what to look for and how to stop them. Opening Nexus first, forge gate pylon, making a zealot for the choke and making a sentry after the core will keep you safe for anything the zerg can do off a pool into 3 hatch. What zerg all in do you lose to?


Toe Sucker
I caved and got HOTS, don't know shit about the new units other than the launch stream matches im watching atm. Looks pretty darn fun! Not sure who i'll focus on using at this point though, i've always loved toss but terran is fun too


Trakanon Raider
Not really. I lost to loads of all ins, but after you lose to them a few times you figure out what to look for and how to stop them. Opening Nexus first, forge gate pylon, making a zealot for the choke and making a sentry after the core will keep you safe for anything the zerg can do off a pool into 3 hatch. What zerg all in do you lose to?

200/200 roach max ? even dumb ling runby can be lethal.
Any combination of roach/bling/speedling pre lair can be lethal in WoL, if you can't confirm he didn't take gas, since you need to cut a lot of corners to stay even to hit your timings. Sure you can be safe and open stargate, but then he can just mass ling/roach and deny your third. On some maps taking third isn't even viable due to the zerg just rallying roaches in your general direction and winning. WoL PvZ was one of the least stable matchups where you have to constantly be a step ahead of the zerg or you are going to die and you rely on skipping stuff to get ahead.

Tenks: PM'd you my info


Ah okay, I dont think of a roach max as all in, I was thinking more <10 minute stuff. Fwiw I am masters with protoss on EU, although I would not say PvZ is my best matchup. Anything <10 minutes can be identified and/or held. Roach max is more difficult for me, but not impossible. If you are planning to take an early third in pvz I think you have to setup to defend a roach max while scouting for muta with an observer.

I disagree about cutting corners, but then I rarely do phoenix openings so I dont need to. You can do any type of immortal build without cutting an corners. When all else fails, go for a 2 base immortal all in, as the build is naturally safe anyway (you can afford a zealot and want to follow it with sentries anyway).


A Mod Real Quick
Probably can't play much til the weekend but you can add me in-game and I'll be up for some games on the weekend. I'm pretty bad so if anyone else is a baddie you're more than welcome to bash your shrivelled dick against mine.