Steam Deals and Digital Sales


Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>


risin 2


saints row 2


<Bronze Donator>
My dumb ass bought an additional Insurgency key when it was on sale awhile back:
DA7XH-QJQHZ-E84BZ (Steam) free to a good home!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hey all offering a few free games here if anyone wants them I will gift on steam. Shoot me a pm if you want Xcom EU Elite Soldier Pack, older xcom games Xcom Ufo Defense, Xcom Apocalypse, Xcom Interceptor. Xcom Enforcer, Xcom Terror from the Deep, Fantasy Wars, E.T. Armies. I need either your email address or I will have to friend you on steam to send the gift. I think steam must have changed this as I could have sworn you could send it to a user name on steam in the past.

I will update this when keys are given out and feel free to ask for as many as you like in one go.

I figured maybe I should give a bit of a explanation of the games in case people don't know. Xcom UFO Defense is the first and probably best of the original series of the XCOM tbs games. This is considered in the top 20 of nearly every top 100 list of games of all time. It is very deep and if you can stand the old graphics you owe it to yourself as a gamer to try this out. XCOM Terror from the Deep is the second in the series and similar to UFO Defense set mostly in the water. This means that all the the technology gained in the first game is useless because it cannot withstand the water so goes the plot. This is another great game and was for a time my favorite in the series. XCOM Apocalypse is the third and final of the original set of XCOM tbs games until the remake. Apocalypse's major difference is that it is set inside the city of Mega Primus rather than the world like the first two. You can also fight and raid other corporations as well as the aliens. The interface is also extremely busier and the game is overall insanely more complex. Some people feel Apocalypse is the pinnacle of the original XCOM series and others find it way to different and busy. If you want to know more about these games here are links to the Wiki's for each.

XCOM : UFO Defense or UFO: Enemy Unknown outside the US :UFO: Enemy Unknown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

XCOM : Terror from the Deep:X-COM: Terror from the Deep - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

XCOM : Apocalypse :X-COM: Apocalypse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The other two XCOM games are very different from the tbs series. XCOM Interceptor is a space flight/business sim strategy game. The player manages space stations managing wealth/resources and takes control of starfighter ships to fight the aliens. I don't know too much personally about this one as I have no played it much. Here is a link to the wiki :
X-COM: Interceptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
XCOM Enforcer is a action third person shooter game set in a separate time line from the first four games. The player takes control of the Enforcer robot and takes out alien transporters and aliens while rescuing hostages. You can pick up data points that you use to accomplish research between levels. You can also pick up unresearched objects which expands the paths you can research. Here is a link to the wiki for more info :X-COM: Enforcer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fantasy wars is a tactical map based turn based strategy game. It is similar to the battles of the Warlock series of games without the depth of the map based portion of that game. Fantasy Wars incorporates rpg systems such as leveling up from experience and skill selection. The player gets to choose from the Humans, Orcs or the alliance which I believe are Elves and Dwarves in the campaign section of this game. Each race has different champion archetypes with a different set of skills to choose from. This is a game that you can tell other games iterated upon and is quite fun if a bit shallow in overall scope. Here is a link to the wiki :Fantasy Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

E.T. Armies is scifi first person shooter developed by a small studio from Iran. The game tasks you to defend the resource stripped barren Earth from the mysterious Forsaken invasion. It is a decent fps with nothing new to offer to the genre. It is free to whoever wants it and worth checking out
. Here is a link to the game's Metacritic page(no wiki as of yet) :


Blackwing Lair Raider
rebel galaxy is 50% off on steam, picked it up been wanting to play it ever since release
Save 50% on Rebel Galaxy on Steam

also new humble bundle, looks like the SJW bundle with Her Story, Cibele, etc but maybe if a girl ever says you are a misogynistic piece of shit you can proudly show her your steam library. I bought it and set the proceeds to go 100% to charity
Humble Narrative Bundle (pay what you want and help charity)
Never heard of Rebel Galaxy but it looks interesting, another Freelancer? As for the bundle, I actually heard decent things about 'Her Story'. Debating whether I should go for tier 1 for a buck.


Her Story was actually really interesting and completely unlike any other game. It is very satisfying to start to put together what's going on through your own investigative work. However, like Gone Home, "progress" in the game occurs in your head and not in ways measured by the game. The game doesn't even have a way of recognizing if you've figured anything out or not. The "ending" (and it isn't much of one) is the same whether you've solved the mystery or are still clueless.

Can't go wrong for a buck, though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Rebel Galaxy is a very good game. The space combat is more like ship to ship combat on the ocean. The space ships all have broadside guns and they are exactly as they sound. I paid full price for it and have zero regrets.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Her Story was great for what it was and has nothing to do with anything SJW related in the slightest. Don't avoid it based on that assumption. Avoid it if the idea of typing in random search words in to Windows 3.11 for Workgroups and watching mediocre acting doesn't appeal to you.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
rebel galaxy is 50% off on steam, picked it up been wanting to play it ever since release
Save 50% on Rebel Galaxy on Steam

also new humble bundle, looks like the SJW bundle with Her Story, Cibele, etc but maybe if a girl ever says you are a misogynistic piece of shit you can proudly show her your steam library. I bought it and set the proceeds to go 100% to charity
Humble Narrative Bundle (pay what you want and help charity)
Why do you think Her Story is SJW? Because it has a female protagonist? There's nothing about that game that's SJW. If you've actually played it, you're extra stupid to think it's SJW material. If you haven't played it, then you're just a dumb fuck who spouts shit without thinking about it or follows some herd thinking. Not sure which is worse.

Also don't see how Shadowrun, which is the featured game, is an exemplar of SJW ideas.


Blackwing Lair Raider
FYI thanks for whoever negged me about Her Story and SJW shit, I think you got me confused with Spronk. I did wind up buying tier one for a buck, why not.


FPS noob
not loving Rebel Galaxy, the space flight is not 3D its more like flying a ship on an ocean but in space. basically like steering a ship in assassins creed 4 or pirates or those kinda games. The combat is also weird, you shoot like from a ship so its broadside style combat. I was expecting a full 3d space flyer like elite or whatever. Otherwise its pretty good, voice acted "story" (indie style) and trading, pirates, etc. still, I got bored after an hour or two and not sure how much more I'll play.


Potato del Grande
Fuck Steam. They've got that stupid refund policy for people to sham on. I had what I felt a pretty legit issue and they refused to refund. Have been playing Pillars of Eternity, was almost done, so thought I'd get the DLCs.... so first, apparently I couldn't do the expansions after beating the game as you can't get out of the final dungeon, so had to load a much earlier save. Then, the new content was hella low level and faceroll easy. So, played the new content for like maybe 20 minutes, but because it's an expansion the 'time played' clock ticks when playing the regular game it was more than 2 hours so they refused the refund.

I've spent hundreds on games they know I'm never going to get around to playing, and the one time I'm annoyed enough by a purchase to request a refund on a game I'm actually playing to buy a different game I'm actually going to play, they refuse on a stupid technicality. Cocks, I say.