Steam Deals and Digital Sales


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Tip for G2A, is just use the listed price they advertise. Never go for sellers under their advertised price.
Maybe I'm missing something, but if you do that, then what's the point? Isn't the point of these sites, is to get games cheaper than you could elsewhere?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Never had anything revoked from G2A yet, and have 10 games from them.

It also doesn't look like all Ubisoft games because my Shadows, and FC4 still works fine.

Tip for G2A, is just use the listed price they advertise. Never go for sellers under their advertised price.
Ubisoft has revoked keys on pretty much every title released in the last year or two. Usually it happens a couple days before release. That said, I don't doubt that for every key they ban a couple slip through the cracks.

Maybe I'm missing something, but if you do that, then what's the point? Isn't the point of these sites, is to get games cheaper than you could elsewhere?
G2A sources keys from retail boxes in regions that the publishers are forced to sell at a very low price due to the economy of those regions. While shady as fuck, it's not illegal (but neither is Ubisoft revoking those keys) and given that they've stayed in business for as long as they have it's probably safe to say that they don't get the keys using stolen credit cards, PayPal fraud, etc. Third party sellers on G2A? Yeah, who the hell knows where they got their keys from or what means they used. You might save an extra dollar or two but increase your chance of getting the key revoked by a huge margin.

My opinion, the developers get so little from a G2A transaction that you might as well just pirate the game. At least that way the parasites don't get any money either. It's the same reason I don't buy used console games.


Maybe I'm missing something, but if you do that, then what's the point? Isn't the point of these sites, is to get games cheaper than you could elsewhere?
You still get them way cheaper. The sellers you need to watch out for are the ones that do gift codes versus digital code.


Ubisoft has revoked keys on pretty much every title released in the last year or two. Usually it happens a couple days before release. That said, I don't doubt that for every key they ban a couple slip through the cracks.
According to that thread they were just revoking some games of G2A that were sold as illegal codes.

Like I said , never had a problem with them. Buyer Beware ,and all that shit. But they've been pretty good for me for over a year now.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Right, but if you go back on Ubi forums, or if you read sites like NFOHump or you'll see that Ubisoft has a long history of revoking keys, especially those sourced from Russia/CIS region and sold to people in Western Europe and North America. I definitely remember it happening to Watch_Dogs keys, various AC games, and SC Blacklist. Generally it happens a few days before release, so it's somewhat strange that they've just now banned some FC4 keys.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am definitely buying that, without a doubt. I never did play Home World 2, so this is going to be awesome.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
With all the different ways to buy games these days, is there any sites out there that you can import a wishlist, say from Steam to get started, but it will cross check prices across the internet, and not just on 1 selling platform?

The new queue feature on Steam, while mainly pointless, has expanded my wishlist by quite a bit, mainly for titles I'd buy if they became cheap enough. Would be nice to have the prices checked across multiple platforms, GOG, Steam, Amazon, Bundlestars, Humble, etc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Your best bet isEnhanced Steamwhich has that functionality built in while you're browsing Steam on your browser. It's made and maintained by a fellow on NeoGAF and I've been using it for forever. It's amazing.

Edit: Because it's not obvious, if you're looking at your wishlist with Enhanced Steam, hover your mouse over a game and it'll load the pricing data of lowest historical price and lowest current price. Nuuvem comes up a lot but if you don't feel like using a VPN you can click info for more details too.


Hnnnnnghhhhhh! A must buy. Even to this day, it's still my favorite RTS. The opening sequence is brilliant and The Return to Kharak mission is still one of the saddest moments of my young gaming life.

I hope this remastered collection is a prelude to us getting new info about Shipbreakers.
Look what I found:Homeworld / PC (DOS/Windows) / Downloads - replacementdocs

60 page manual, fully one-third of it was background fluff about Kharak and the clans. So you sit there reading it while waiting for the game to install, get a real feel for the whole story, play through the first couple of mission and then... Agnes Dei starts up.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Homeworld does have the best music of any video game ever. Nothing even comes close.
I thought the first Mass Effect was up there, but I agree.

This Homeworld derail got me looking over some of the other games from my mid/late teens that were my favorites and I noticed that 90% of them are Sierra titles. Their list of amazing titles in the '95-'01ish window is insane.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah Sierra was godly. My neighbor worked for them as a developer and he could get me any of their titles for $11. So I'd mow his lawn and he'd bring me home 2 computer games. Was a sweet deal. He'd constantly bring me home alpha builds of various games back when CD-R's were still really new and really cool tech. I had a pretty rough build of alpha Quake that I played the fuck out of for the longest time. Sierra must have published almost everything also because I remember getting both Starcraft and Half-Life from him when they were released.

An odd gem (or at least in my young mind) was Return to Krondor. I bought it off GoG but have kind of forgotten to play it. I remember it being fairly open and very easy to fuck yourself with some cool itemization and combat.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I thought the first Mass Effect was up there, but I agree.

This Homeworld derail got me looking over some of the other games from my mid/late teens that were my favorites and I noticed that 90% of them are Sierra titles. Their list of amazing titles in the '95-'01ish window is insane.
Homeworld was Relic. Sierra was just the publisher. They also published Half-Life and Diablo: Hellfire.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
With all the different ways to buy games these days, is there any sites out there that you can import a wishlist, say from Steam to get started, but it will cross check prices across the internet, and not just on 1 selling platform?

The new queue feature on Steam, while mainly pointless, has expanded my wishlist by quite a bit, mainly for titles I'd buy if they became cheap enough. Would be nice to have the prices checked across multiple platforms, GOG, Steam, Amazon, Bundlestars, Humble, etc.
IsThereAnyDeal.comwill import steam wishlists and send an email when the games go on sale anywhere below the price threshold that you set.