Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine


Ya'll should be propping up Jony Ive and Tony Fadell more than Woz. Woz pretty much fucked off after Apple 2. Ive and Fadell are your iPod design kings. Without the success of iPod this thread wouldn't exist.
I know you are talking about purely engineering triumphs, but if you watch the documentary the CFO of Apple really saved the company right before that when they came back with the Imacs. Jobs threw him under the bus years later when they were under heavy investigation for backdated stocks. Something Jobs never got prosecuted for.


This is a great summary and was hoping someone would articulate these points. I've worked side by side with Apple for about a decade in the education field. I've been with their engineers, trainers, developers, and just about any other position that is not an exec. They are a very impressive company and while it is trendy to hate on Apple, their products have enabled people to do some pretty remarkable things. I don't think people give Apple credit for how they target a very specific market or need and excel. I can think of a time where you would only see Apple products in Sound Studios, Design Companies, and Production Companies because this was their niche. Apple has been attempting to broaden their perspective for years and that's tough for a company where their corporate personality is like hugging a porcupine. However, you can still see their stubborn development personality in their DNA. Their most recent media day (and the last couple) has really focused on medical and fitness. So it's easy to get that "we really don't care about you and your casual day-to-day wants" from Apple. Honestly, they probably don't... However, they seem to find that niche and absolutely hammer it out until it's the best for that need. We had the opportunity to see that in education when the iPad very first took off. When Apple gives you their attention, it's a pretty incredible experience. However, when they move on to the next lucrative development, you really feel like you get left in the cold and completely ignored.

It's hard to describe it and as a consumer it's way too complicated to devote any time to understanding and I think that is why people just make another choice. I don't think the average consumer wants to discover why Apple is right for them because Apple isn't going to meet you half way.

That all seems to be irrelevant to Steve Jobs but I think that corporate personality is a reflection of his own. What you see of Apple to this day is essentially Steve Jobs. So regardless if you give him praise or hate, it's working and though Apple took a very different path reaching that corporate success that Gates achieved, they got there Jobs' way.
You really need to watch this documentary , and open your eyes. Steve was the ultimate sales man, and that is it. The Imac, the Iphone, and the Ipod were never amazing feats of technology. We had cell phones, we had music players, and we had personal computers. All Steve did was make it look like art, and sold it really well telling the zombies you need this item to validate your life.

He has literally been stealing and manipulating from the people around him since day one, and conning the public into thinking he was some kind of technology genius.

Jobs should have went to jail many times. That is still a mystery how our government allowed him to operate the way he did considering all the companies money was out of the country, and Apple wasn't paying taxes on any of it. Not to mention the collusion, and illegal stock purchases.


Trakanon Raider
You really need to watch this documentary , and open your eyes. Steve was the ultimate sales man, and that is it. The Imac, the Iphone, and the Ipod were never amazing feats of technology. We had cell phones, we had music players, and we had personal computers. All Steve did was make it look like art, and sold it really well telling the zombies you need this item to validate your life.

He has literally been stealing and manipulating from the people around him since day one, and conning the public into thinking he was some kind of technology genius.

Jobs should have went to jail many times. That is still a mystery how our government allowed him to operate the way he did considering all the companies money was out of the country, and Apple wasn't paying taxes on any of it. Not to mention the collusion, and illegal stock purchases.
I don't think I need my eyes open. My point is Steve Jobs methods, regardless of ethical, credible, truthful, false, or whatever, spearheaded a successful company. You cannot have his titles or be in his position without having some influence and leave your mark on a company like Apple. I was saying that whatever he did created a unique company that I have a positive experience with professionally and as a consumer.

It's the same way with Disney. You can read or watch accounts of people stating that Disney is comparable to a prison as an employer. However, they are largest employer in the world and the most visited place on planet earth. You may not like them or agree with their decisions but you have to give them credit.

I'm not claiming Jobs is a saint, a genius, or even talented. I'm simply saying Apple is successful, they do great work when their products suit your needs, and at their most successful points, he was in charge.


It's the same way with Disney. You can read or watch accounts of people stating that Disney is comparable to a prison as an employer. However, they are largest employer in the world and the most visited place on planet earth. You may not like them or agree with their decisions but you have to give them credit.
Rofl, not in the same ball park. Apples China instillation was responsible for more deaths then any other company in history. Jobs was brought in front of investigators for it.

He was successful due to conning everyone in his life including our Government. In that he was special. I doubt anyone can get away with as much illegal stuff as he has , and still be revered by the public.

The only reason Apple was successful was Jobs, that is the only truth through all of this. It is synonymous

Even from the start, if it wasn't for Jobs stealing Wozs arcade board, and telling Atari he made it Woz would have probly never done half the things he is known for.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Sidenote: Steve Jobs is once again rolling in his grave from the announcement of an Apple stylus.



Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, Steve/Apple always shit on things that they weren't doing until they did them.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Fuck you for baiting me into replying (I still won't quote you), but Jobs making everything look like art isexactly why people praise him. Everyone didn't flock to Apple products just because they were "zombies" and made to believe they needed a given product in their life. They wanted an iphone because an iphone was a user friendly, artistic expression of the potential of what a cellular device could be, not the utilitarian "call, text, email, and play Snake" shit we'd been dealing with for the 10-15 years before iphone's release.

Are you seriously so dense that you think the iphone was just a "me too" product instead of arguably the biggest lifestyle revolutionizing product in the last decade (or two)?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Fuck you for baiting me into replying (I still won't quote you), but Jobs making everything look like art isexactly why people praise him. Everyone didn't flock to Apple products just because they were "zombies" and made to believe they needed a given product in their life. They wanted an iphone because an iphone was a user friendly, artistic expression of the potential of what a cellular device could be, not the utilitarian "call, text, email, and play Snake" shit we'd been dealing with for the 10-15 years before iphone's release.

Are you seriously so dense that you think the iphone was just a "me too" product instead of arguably the biggest lifestyle revolutionizing product in the last decade (or two)?
Are you under the impression that Apple invented the smart phone? Not only did they copy other companies designs for the phone but also poached their engineers. This is what Apple does. They take something that already exsists and repackage it to their cult. They have taken marketing to the next level and it is very impressive, but let's not pretend that they somehow invented anything besides proprietary cables that cost 5 times as much.


Got something right about marriage
They flocked to the iPhone because it was first touch phone and you do have to praise them for that. But Apple products are not nearly as user friendly as people make them out to be.


<Prior Amod>
artistic expression of the potential of what a cellular device could be

...... the biggest lifestyle revolutionizing product in the last decade (or two)?


<Prior Amod>
They flocked to the iPhone because it was first touch phone and you do have to praise them for that. But Apple products are not nearly as user friendly as people make them out to be.
The first smart phone with a touch screen was made in 1992 by IBM.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I do have to admit that the ipad-pro looks so fucking nice...

HD porn on that thing must be the jizzz.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Are you under the impression that Apple invented the smart phone? Not only did they copy other companies designs for the phone but also poached their engineers. This is what Apple does. They take something that already exsists and repackage it to their cult. They have taken marketing to the next level and it is very impressive, but let's not pretend that they somehow invented anything besides proprietary cables that cost 5 times as much.
I'm not pretending anything. Apple is like Blizzard. They don't invent anything; they take what's great about a product, refine it to its fundamental elements, and package it in a way that is very consumer friendly (and make a lot of money in the process).

Nobody is arguing that Apple invented the smart phone (or at least I'm not). I'm saying it doesn't matter who invented the smart phone because it didn't reach market saturation until the iphone made it approachable and something a consumer would actually want.

Are you under the impression that some other smart phone was the impetus for everyone you know having a smart phone?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Are you under the impression that some other smart phone was the impetus for everyone you know having a smart phone?
Well in my case the Original Iphone was such a steaming pile of fucking crap that I didn't get another smart phone till my current Galaxy S4. Apple is brilliant at marketing, you see their shit in every tv show and movie. I refuse to think that if Apple didn't exsist we would all be carrying around flip phones and shit. I think the hate is mostly because of the amount of credit they get for fucking everything.


Silver Squire
I think a lot of you confuse apple today with apple when they suddenly became relevant again after almost going extinct.

I'm not apple fanboi, in fact I can't stand their products today. I won't touch the Ipod revolution because you'd have to be a retard to compare the Walkman to the iPod and not see apple moving the market forward.

That said back when the first Iphone launched you had Windows mobile and Palm OS as the big players in the mobile smartphone enthusiast market. Apple not only took what those others did they made it significantly better and improved it across the board.

I'm not sure if you fuckers remember the old plastic screens that would wear and you'd use a stylus on them? Well the Treo's all had them including windows mobile Treo 700WX (i think it was called) the 500 through the 650 . Do you remember trying to browse using Blazer or Pocket explorer? The experience was complete shit. There were not real app stores anyone would recognize today and everything was a hodgepodge of shit that barely worked.

Apple went in, put a glass touch screen which was huge form factor and usability wise and safari was light years ahead of anything we had seen on the market or saw on the mobile market until much later in time. The suite of apps like Mail, calendar and all the other stuff was second to none at the time. Itunes was also a huge step forward offering a one stop shop and is still copied and modeled after today. Back then, apple wasn't just a copier they advanced the market in significant ways. It wasn't until after the Iphone 3g that they started going back to their incremental updates and other companies started to not only catch up but surpass them.

Look, Apple is a shitty company now. They happen to have a great first mover advantage and sucked people into their eco system so its not trivial to leave now that you have so much invested in apps, songs, video etc. Despite this Android is still amazing and has steadily improved to the point where it is the market leader.

Apple today is nothing like the apple of Ipods and the first Iphones. Microsoft had how many years to copy Apple and Android and look what they came out with? How about Palm and their last grasp at hope with their Palm Pre how many years later? Blackberry, lol? The only company to surpass Apple has been Google. Had apple gone away the smart phone market would of certainly eventually gotten to this point but it would of been a much longer road.

You have to give Jobs credit for that. No one turns around companies like he did.

The guy may have been a gigantic dick head. I'm sure if people looked at my life they'd find quite a few things if I suddenly became a Steve Jobs and they decided to make a movie of my life I'd probably look like a giant douche. I'd bet the same is true for most people. Everyone has shit in the closet that wouldn't look good on the front page of the news paper.

I have no love for Jobs as a person or even his company, but I can respect what he accomplished as a business man and how Apple did move the smart phone market forward in a huge way. That said, fuck apple now.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Face it Bros. Without Apple making smartphones sexy we would all still be typing on blackberries.

Fucking blackberries

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 4