Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine


BES is actually very expensive not to mention companies are unable to get any new phones for refreshed contracts. Suprised any company uses a Blackberry anymore, it's just not cost effective no matter how good it works with Exchange.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Bisi going hard to the mat for a guy who's so retarded he tried to beat cancer with fruit juice. Steve Jobs: Dumber than Lumie and Twice as Gay. Title for my upcoming biography.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Bisi going hard to the mat for a guy who's so retarded he tried to beat cancer with fruit juice. Steve Jobs: Dumber than Lumie and Twice as Gay. Title for my upcoming biography.
He also thought a vegan diet would allow him to never smell, thus he could skip bathing for weeks at a time. Atari put him on the night shift because he smelled so bad.


I'm Amod too!
The man was a massive piece of shit and the primary reason I've never owned, or have even used, an Apple product. Now that he is thankfully dead and gone I stay away because Apple is just a bunch of overpriced hipster crap. Fuck Jobs and I hope that one day 'main stream' history stops gushing over the waste of skin and recognizes how much of a shit stain he was through his entire life.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Hate all you want bros, without Apple's iPhone you wouldn't have Android as it is today. You'd still be mashing physical buttons in a shit poor designed mobile OS. iPhone forced everyone to rethink their mobile devices.

Android makes the superior OS, and Samsung makes a superior handset, but without iPhone who knows what kind of shitty devices we would still be using today. Thank you Steve Jobs.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Bisi thinks that without the iphone we'd all be using phones the size of actual bricks with physical buttons that only accept an input of 500lbs of force delivered by the tip of your penis. There's no accounting for this kind of foolishness.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I think the evolution in phones would have come anyway whether Apple was involved or not...but Apple was at the forefront and it's first big mass market success,

The same holds true for iPod and digital portable players, and the iPad, and iTunes for media.

All of these would have happened regardless of Apple, but they were the first to have mass success for all of those...which is why they get so much credit.

Steve Jobs if anything only saw the upcoming trends and was able to capitalize on them faster than the competition.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Don't forget how stupidly popular the RAZR was back in 2005-2007 or so. Motorola was ruling the world and stuck on iterations of it, and still tried to post iPhone launch. If Ed Zander hadn't been a blathering idiot it could be a pretty different world.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, its dumb to think that the iPhone was truly a revolutionary device. There were TONS of smartphones being developed and tried and marketed before that. The iPhone had a better OS (despite its other horrendous launch related design flaws) and was marketed EXTREMELY well. Along with the typical bullshit high Apple Price Point.

Had Apple not done that, the evolution of smart phones would still have occurred. Much like other products (World of Warcraft) it was a perfect storm for Apple.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I can't stand the crazy Steve Jobs hero worship that has gone on since the iPod released.


<Prior Amod>
The iPhone made things more user friendly and was the first to do what it did, well. It was a revolutionary device as far as phones went. I think Jobs was a piece of shit too but I can't deny that.

All proceeding iphones were much less so and started to lag behind the market very quickly but that first one was revolutionary to its genre.


Bisi thinks that without the iphone we'd all be using phones the size of actual bricks with physical buttons that only accept an input of 500lbs of force delivered by the tip of your penis. There's no accounting for this kind of foolishness.
I'm not a Jobs fanboi at all, the guy was a total prick by all accounts, but let's give credit where credit is due. Bisi isn't wrong, the iphone was revolutionary. All phones that came after it share the same technology introduced by the iphone, such as touch buttons and apps. Do you remember the best phone before the iphone? It was something like the Motorola razor, or the Blackberry. Do you remember surfing the internet on your phone before the iphone came out? How about using your phone as a navigation tool for your car? Reading reviews? Playing games? Of course you don't because it wasn't practical. Now we take all these things for granted.

Just because he was an asshole doesn't take away from his accomplishments. Just like one of the most brilliant people today is probably Elon Musk, and that guy is a total asshole to work for also. Just like Jobs, he makes unreasonable and unobtainable deadline and goals for his employees. I guess sometimes visionaries just lose sight of whats directly in front of them.

If there is any proof I need of the importance of Jobs to Apple, it's what has happened to Apple since his death, which is absolutely nothing. There is no more innovation, just iterations. They are just gonna milk the iphone and ipads to the grave at this point.

Something like the iWatch is so boring, it would have never been approved if Jobs was still alive. There is no innovation, nothing sexy about it, nothing revolutionary, so Jobs would have just killed the project or forced it back to development until they came up with something better.

Even the latest iphone with the camera that slightly sticks out from the surface.....ZERO chance that gets approved if Jobs was alive. This is the same guy who delayed the iphone twice, once to put Gorilla glass for the case, another time because he wanted the edges to be beveled. Little things most people don't think about but that make a big difference in the end.

Jonathan Ive may still be the lead designer at Apple, but now it's looking more like Jobs had a bigger impact on his designs than he's willing to admit. All the new products coming out from Apple now are shit, or re-gurgitated shit. It's too bad really, because we really need a company, not just Apple, that's willing to innovate, even if others take the idea and make improvements on it.


Trakanon Raider
If it weren't for Henry Ford, we'd all still be riding horses.
Of course not, but Ford is widely regarded as being a revolutionary thinker in terms of standardizing mass production, the 40 hour work week, and so on. Some of that may be myth or exaggerated, but he's rightly given a lot of credit for being one of the most important people of the early industrial age. I think Steve Jobs was a gigantic cock sucker and avoid Apple products like the plague, but the iPhone WAS a pretty big deal when it came out. Jobs deserves a fair amount of credit for that, like it or not.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Steve Jobs is basically the Brad McQuaid of the tech industry. He had The VisionT and then other people created it. Only thing separating the two is marketing ability and opiate addiction. Oh and only one of them tried to cure cancer by pouring guava juice into his rectum.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Steve Jobs is basically the Brad McQuaid of the tech industry. He had The VisionT and then other people created it. Only thing separating the two is marketing ability and opiate addiction. Oh and only one of them tried to cure cancer by pouring guava juice into his rectum.
Let's list the multiple triumphs of Brad "Dirtbike" McQuaid:
