Summoner's War - Sky Arena


<Gold Donor>
DoctorSpooge's advice is sound. I wouldn't bother 6*'ing any of those either, with the benefit of hindsight. He mentioned several worth going for in SDs, but let me add Light Inugami to that list, in case you see one pop up. Honestly if your first three 6*s were Light Bearman (runed for 100% critical), Light Vagabond, and Light Inugami, you'd be ahead of 80% of the population in both arena prowess and farming. Eventually you'll get a 4* worth investing in, and before you know it you'll have too many different things to focus on and wonder what happened to the days of your warbears.

If you honestly don't get anything and are sitting there with nothing to do, Fire Inugami has the longest usefulness. A lot of people love Ramagod (Wind Warbear) but he's a one-trick pony in my eyes, and is absolutely worthless for anything but farming (which many of the others can do as well) and maybe some Arena Offense. If I see ANY warbear on Arena Defense, it is almost a guaranteed victory because I can ignore it until everything else is dead; it is far too slow and weak unless it gets a Clean Shot off, and at worst you lose one monster to it and then kill it.

Same goes with Water Epikion Priest, which you didn't mention but deserves a warning as well. It *seems* like a fantastic defense, but again all anyone ever does is ignore it until everything else is dead and hit auto until she dies too. Sure she might ward off some arena attacks during low levels, and she might even win you some matches, but if I had it all to do over again i would have foddered her, and never wasted all those other 3* priests to level up her skills.

Which is another subject that someone mentioned a couple weeks/months ago in this thread. It may seem like a good idea now, but anything 3* or higher, don't ever just feed it to something to level up skills. If you have your Fire Inugami, for instance, which is currently at 4* from your list, and want to feed it a bunch of other Inugamis...level those all to 4* first, then when your Fire is ready to evolve to 5*, use four of those other ones as evolving material. And then if you decide to 6* it (I wouldn't), level up five more to use as fodder as well. If you aren't spending money, you will run out of fodder much faster than you realize later on, and you'll wish you had all those back. Sure, it seems slow at first, but trust me. However, I probably wouldn't use too many of those until you got something truly useful like a Light Inugami, but I realize you do need something at early levels, so Inugamis aren't really that hard to come by, might as well use them.

Oh, and I haven't touched my Light Fairy since they nerfed the Giants team (DoctorSpooge is correct, imp team isn't really viable anymore...well it can be, but not worth your time), so I wouldn't go out of my way to get one if I were you. She can be useful early on though, so if you get a chance might as well grab it.

Really you are just waiting for a couple good 4*s (and 5* if you get really lucky). Feel free to ask here, or join the Line group, to make sure anything you get is worth your time. In the meantime, get some of those mentioned above, max out your Fire Inugami as a 5* and team it with your two warbears for now, and anything else just level them to 5* level 1 so you can use them as fodder for 6*s later on. You'll be glad you did.


Hah, yeah. Never got the appeal of Rina. Confers virtually zero benefit to the team (heals are pretty weak) so her sole perk is that she can do pitiful damage for a relatively long period. If I saw a Rina or Ramagos (at least one of which I saw more than 50% of the time) I'd fucking attack without taking heed to the rest of the team. The true terrors of arena defense are the Tyrons, Lushens (if quick), Zairosses, Chloes, Arnolds, etc


Registered Hodor
Thanks for the tips. I guess I'll just work on getting the Fire Inugami awakened and 5* and see if any good units come my way in the meantime. When it comes to getting Light Bearman, Inugami, and Vagabond, I guess you just have to spam the light dungeon on Sundays until you or a friend gets lucky? All of the "lf bearman sd add me plz" spam in the chat channels seems to be mostly ignored.

As far as arena goes, I just put a lone imp on defense for now so my rating stays at 900-1000 and I get easy opponents. It's basically like win trading, but I don't care that much about the weekly reward at this point and just want to farm glory points as easily as possible.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My wind dragon knight seems to be moving from totaly useless to quite overpowered in arena with this patch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lich changes seem interesting as well. My first 4 star was a wind lich which I could never really figure out what to do with but resisted the urge to feed him. Hopefully he becomes usable.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What is Verdehile's role in things? I'm about to make my second 6* (Acasis was first, she is a beast) and I'm considering Verdehile since everything I read says he is amazing. From my experience, he does decent damage and the power bar fill is great but he is really fragile.

Looking at other people in the guild, I've seen several people who have him at 5* but not 6*. Am I better off bumping my Shimitae or even Copper up to 6* over Verdehile? I've got an Ahman that I'm leveling, but I don't have proper runes for him yet.

My main focus right now is just farming (which Acasis does a great job of) and PvE to get better runes.


<Gold Donor>
I wouldn't make Copper a 6*; he can be useful, but he's a one-shot wonder and that's it, and once you get some better monsters you'll never touch him again.

Shimitae wouldn't be a bad candidate, except for the fact you already have a wind 6*. But, together they would still be fantastic, and he is useful throughout the endgame, so it is worth considering.

Verdehile can be great with the right runes, but mine is fragile like you said. If you have the runes, you wouldn't be screwing anything up by making him a 6*. He just needs a ton of extra hps to go with his crit rate and speed.

I sort of wonder if you shouldn't just keep farming and building up fodder in the event you do finally get something awesome. Hard to say, because you know that the moment you 6* one of these, you'll pull something great and have to start grinding all over again. But if you don't, you won't pull shit.

Either way, if you do feel the need to 6* one, you won't be sorry doing either Verdehile or Shimitae. I might lean towards Verd just because of the element difference, but that's really the only reason I can think of.

EDIT: Oh, and to answer your actual question, his role is mainly the attack bar fill. Giving your other creatures 40% more attacks (I'm assuming that's how it works out, maybe not) is powerful enough on its own. I almost never use his second skill because he doesn't do enough damage by himself to make me give up one hit/20% fill from using the first skill instead.


Registered Hodor
I got my first natural 4* today (Wind Vampire) but his skills seem pretty meh and it looks like an absolute chore to awaken him. His leader skill (48% resistance) has been nice to have along for the secret dungeon this weekend though. I guess it would be dumb to fodder him?

Speaking of the secret dungeon, is the Fire Grim Reaper any good? I've farmed up 4-5 of them now and was wondering if I should skill one up or just use them all as 3* fodders. His skills look like they could be pretty handy for arena or any PvE against healer mobs.


Mobile Game Hunter
Fire grim is good against wind secret dungeons, and can be a fairly good farmer if runed well. I believe he's the second best grim, next to light.

Pair him with Raoq in a wind dungeon and you'll be happy, but I don't think he's a monster you'd look forward to 6*.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Thanks for the response. I ended up just pulling the trigger and 6* the Verdehile and I don't regret it.

As for Fire Grim, he was my first decent 3* and he can completely carry you at lower levels and through the story. You eventually outgrow him, but I have mine at 5* and can't bring myself to feed him because of all the work he did for me in the past. I've since kinda outgrown him, but if you rune him with despair runes he he stuns the shit out of stuff while doing good damage and preventing heals. His only real downsides are that he is a bit squishy and really really slow (base speed of 91 at 5*).


Molten Core Raider
I don't agree with Vvoid's Copper assessment. I use him for every aspect of this game. He is my 6* max (and probably best runed character.)
He can solo Aiden Forest hell, every stage, even boss, so you can 2x exp and get 3956 exp per shot for your fodder, takes about 3 minutes to run.
He is amazing on AO paired with Delphoi or Leo for the mid-range/all fire teams. He can tank like no other and as long as he is >15k hp he can survive high-HP extorts, and his Thunderstrike crits for 18k-29k depending on if you bring a Megan/Shannon into the mix.

I definitely don't regret 6*ing him.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't agree with Vvoid's Copper assessment. I use him for every aspect of this game. He is my 6* max (and probably best runed character.)
He can solo Aiden Forest hell, every stage, even boss, so you can 2x exp and get 3956 exp per shot for your fodder, takes about 3 minutes to run.
He is amazing on AO paired with Delphoi or Leo for the mid-range/all fire teams. He can tank like no other and as long as he is >15k hp he can survive high-HP extorts, and his Thunderstrike crits for 18k-29k depending on if you bring a Megan/Shannon into the mix.

I definitely don't regret 6*ing him.
I use mine in all aspects as well currently, but only have him at 5*. My normal group for DG and AO is some mix of Copper, Acasis, Shimitae, Bernard, Shannon and Verdehile. I usually swap Verdehile for Shimitae for Cairos, and swap Shannon for Verdehile in AO when there is a Rina (critting for ~1.5k all the time with him sucks on Rina) or a heavy blue team.

I looked at how your Copper is runed and I don't have good vampire runes. I'm currently all guard with a total of about 1400 defense on Copper. Even with these low stats, when I bring Shannon along I've seen him get 22k crits. He is basically my Rina killer in AO, although I can't get through 6* Rina shields right now with him. I've gotten a lot of 1-shot kills with Thunder Strike, but I've only barely broken 1500 once in arena.

Not sure on my next 6*. I'm thinking I should buff some support for my next 6*, so Shannon (so she has a bit more survivability for Giants) or Ahman. Maybe I'll just have fun and go for more DPS. =)


Molten Core Raider
I am mainly waiting for a 6* guard rune for slot 1 to finish my Copper - Ideally with 15-20% HP and SPD to get him up to 110 to match my Leo.
He is awesome at soloing - he tanks mono fire teams all day (I want him to get ~23k hp but I'm not sure it is possible) so he can tank double extorts. His thunder strike by itself crits for 16k, 20k with Leo leader, 26k with Shannon or Megan buffing him. He is just really, really rune dependent.

Finally 6*'d my Fedora today, so gonna work on getting him to 40. I expect good things.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So Kung fu girls. They seem terrible, or am I missing something? I've got the wind one, which looks like the best, but almost every 4* I pull is wind so I don't really have room or need for it. Is there any reason to not just feed them to something else? I farmed the fire one from HoH for kicks, but it appears to be the worst one by far.


<Gold Donor>
Everyone (not just you Tonic) needs to join our Line group. Not only is their helpful advice and sometimes homoerotic chat, but it would be nice to know who the fuck some of you guys are. Some of those superstars in the guild that have are getting red stars every week, for example, many of us could probably benefit from your suggestions and you might even pick up a tip or two. But mainly, it would be nice to know who the hell some of you are on the board. Who is Jenneedy? Healthfood? MikeAwesome? If you guys are lurkers and don't really post here that's fine, but you're obviously involved in, and good at, this game, so join us on Line once in awhile!


Dindu Nuffin
So when does all the guild stuff start? Next month? Also downloaded the line app last night, will be around.