Survivor 26: Caramoan

Kubla Kas_sl

The first time she won the game the alternative was far, far worse ( me, Sandra winning that was a good thing. Fairplay was the best player, but he didn't make it to the end).

I broke down the winners on one of the FoH threads, and it was easy to see that, as a whole, deserving players do end up winning more than under the radar players:

Hatch, Ethan, Heidik (not only uber strategic, but also an uber asshole), Chris, Tom, Aras, Yul, Earl, Todd, Parvati, Bob, Boston Rob, Kim. That's 13 winners who were the dominant strategic force (or at least a big part of it) on their season and completely deserving. I left out several other deserving players who weren't big on strategy (JT, Tina, Dani, Vecepia).

My point is that there have been very few under the radar players who have won, and fewer undeserving winners. Under the Radar will get you far in Survivor, maybe even to the end, but it won't likely win you the game. Butthurt juries happen, and deserving players have gotten screwed out of the million, but these situations are in the minority.

Edit: Yeah, you can throw JT in the strategic column too, but it's generally seen as Stephen controlling the brains part of that season.
Good points. I guess I remember the UTRs and butthurt juries more than the deserving players, maybe because I focus on the injustice. I still hate Boston Rob though.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, you're going to remember those because they're fucking retarded. Why the Boston Rob hate, though?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
While I don't have any hate for him, Boston Rob was pretty much handed his win. He got a tribe full of retards and pied-pipered his way to a million bucks. Those people were pathetic. They were almost happy to get voted out by him! I'm sure some of it was good social gaming on his part, but a big part was just them being star-struck or something. I just don't get it.

Kubla Kas_sl

I remember at the time that Amber won, I felt that the show should have made it clear that those two cannot share the million bucks. And frankly, I think they should have disclosed outside auditing of their financials to prove that Boston Rob never got a dime of his wife's money to spend or they should take the money back

EDIT - Oh and I thought it was bullshit what he pulled on Lex. I really liked Lex and Lex made dumbest move of his game trusting Boston Rob. I couldn't believe the luck that they pulled buffs to swap teams and both teams stayed the same minus Amber leaving Rob, couldn't have scripted it any better to F over Rob and Amber. He was smart to promise Lex, but I wish he would have been a bit more honorable and kept his promise to Lex.




I remember at the time that Amber won, I felt that the show should have made it clear that those two cannot share the million bucks. And frankly, I think they should have disclosed outside auditing of their financials to prove that Boston Rob never got a dime of his wife's money to spend or they should take the money back

EDIT - Oh and I thought it was bullshit what he pulled on Lex. I really liked Lex and Lex made dumbest move of his game trusting Boston Rob. I couldn't believe the luck that they pulled buffs to swap teams and both teams stayed the same minus Amber leaving Rob, couldn't have scripted it any better to F over Rob and Amber. He was smart to promise Lex, but I wish he would have been a bit more honorable and kept his promise to Lex.
Erm what? They got married, of course he was entitled to spend her winnings.




Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Got a bit behind on my TV shows so I just watched the ep tonight. Little Hantz definitely left in a memorable way. I so wish someone a little more manly than Eric was there when he was about to dump the beans. Eric just tapped him on the shoulder and ran away. I wanted him to deck him so bad right then.

I have to say that it was totally unfair that Brandon kept yelling about "feeding himself" to Philip since what Philip actually said was "you don't slap the gift horse" which I would argue doesn't mean anything at all.

Definitely give props to Jeff for playing an outstanding retard whisperer. If I'm ever being attacked by an insane midget, there is no one I would rather have nearby than Jeff Probst.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Finally caught up after falling a couple episodes behind. Holy shit. Whatever person is in charge of screening people to make sure they are mentally competent to play needs to be replaced. I just find it amusing that, prior to the season starting, Jeff gave an interview to EW where they outright asked him if Brandon was fit to play again and his answer was "yes".

I suppose you have to take the editing into consideration and just how little of the time on the island we're really seeing, but I think the fact that his eight teammates didn't feel comfortable enough to keep him around and forfeited a challenge for the first time in the show's history really says a lot. The guy seriously should have his mental health evaluated by a professional because his mood swings and the way he just flew into rages over the smallest things were just not normal. Perhaps the stresses of the game got to him, but I have a hard time believing there isn't some underlying issue there. It makes me feel sorry for his children.

Definitely give props to Jeff for playing an outstanding retard whisperer. If I'm ever being attacked by an insane midget, there is no one I would rather have nearby than Jeff Probst.
I've noticed Jeff has gotten a little more... blunt in recent seasons ("Sherri is completely useless in this challenge!"), but the guy has proven time and time again that he really knows how to get out of people what he wants. I'm always glad when I read that he re-upped his contract, because there's no way they could find a host that would be able to fill his shoes.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
In general, I like the way Jeff directs the flow during challenges and whatnot, the only bad thing about him imo is during TC he tends call people out himself, or directly draw attention to certain things as if he himself is trying to shake things up and cause drama. This of course is intentional and viewers are probably mostly greatful for it but I can't help thinking if I were one of the contestants i'd be thinking, "why don't you shut your fucking mouth, Probst, and let me work my fucking game and let these idiots draw their own conclusions about shit instead of you spelling it out for them". Kinda bugs me a little that he will hamper people's game at TC to force the drama.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I've had that thought as well. You have to remember that tribal council is a lot longer than what we see. We get the edited parts and I'm sure they show the clips that are more about showing that person's hand but I imagine he spreads those questions around to not put the focus on a particular person or issue.

Kubla Kas_sl

They let them forfeit but they were going to throw the challenge anyway and that has been done in the past including to Russell (keep crazy in the family).

Also, the repeated clips of facial reactions being used over and over again at tribal drives me nuts, I notice the same reactions all the time. They must keep a library of every facial emotion and just use them as they wish in the editing room to get the desired drama level, wish they could be a little more subtle.


A Mod Real Quick
Is anyone else a little sad that Jeff doesn't do any cool entrances into the finale anymore?

The time where he took the votes then drove the Jet Ski across the ocean was the greatest reality television moment ever


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've had that thought as well. You have to remember that tribal council is a lot longer than what we see. We get the edited parts and I'm sure they show the clips that are more about showing that person's hand but I imagine he spreads those questions around to not put the focus on a particular person or issue.
I'd also speculate that a lot of the questions that seem especially pressing are shown out of context and in response to something someone else said.

Is anyone else a little sad that Jeff doesn't do any cool entrances into the finale anymore?

The time where he took the votes then drove the Jet Ski across the ocean was the greatest reality television moment ever
I think that was a decision Probst made himself. I read an interview once where he said he really hated doing them and felt they were extremely cheesy.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
No, I get why he does it. I am saying his TC probing has morphed over the years. Used to be, Jeff would sort of lob some softballs up into the air and se who took swings at it. "Bill, you look irritated. Things going okay back at the camp?" or "Jessica, you rolled your eyes when Ron said such and such. What's the deal there?"

Lately it's stuff like, "Rhonda, you were completely fucking worthless at the challenge! Do you feel like your inability to help your tribe in any way what so ever puts a big old fat fucking target right the fuck square on your back!?" or "Jake, you're quiet and non-social. Do you think your tribe recognizes you trying to sneak in and coast under the radar!?"

Yeah, a little hyperbolic, but you get my point. Jeff has never had problems in the past with evoking drama by asking some well aimed yet subtle questions. He shouldn't be fucking with anyone's style or gamesmanship (or lack there of) in quite such a direct manner.


Golden Squire
For all we know these things had already come up during the TC. Don't those things last for a couple hours?


Lord Nagafen Raider
For all we know these things had already come up during the TC. Don't those things last for a couple hours?
Sometimes, yes, which makes me wonder if Probst has really changed that much or the editing has changed so more of Probst's pressing questions are asked. My guess would be it's a little of both. I seem to recall them changing their director (or whatever that role is for a reality show) a few seasons back, but at the same time, I would suspect that as more people come on the show that have watched previous seasons (which obviously isn't always the case), they come to realize more and more that it's not always in your best interest to answer Probst's questions. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that it's become a little harder to draw people out, which has led to him asking more direct questions.


Trakanon Raider
Jeff in the last couple years has gotten more involved in challenges in giving more direct play by plays, calling players out for slacking, giving motivation, and in tribal seems to pull more information out than you would think, but the retards playing these days can't seem to shut their mouths either. You use to have secret alliances going around that only the viewer knew about, now it seems like right off the bat the first tribal we already have 2 or 3 alliances blabbed about in the open. Some are obvious but it continues during the course of the show, even as new alliances are formed or someone gets the idol, you hear them blabbing about it at the next tribal. Just seems like everything is much more open past the Russell seasons.