Survivor 26: Caramoan

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Agreed, Cochran's game to lose. Eddie could win but he'll need to untuck his penis and stop dancing around to 'Goodbye Horses' and win some challenges. Sherri, as you said has no presence, is only riding coattails, and the vibe back at the Ponderosa says Dawn has no shot.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Fuckin BruitaleTM

No way in hell I would've given up that reward. All it meant was 1 more person gets the visit (4 instead of 3); essentially 3 people you wouldn't have otherwise chosen + 1 you would have get it vs. you and your top 2 picks getting it.


Molten Core Raider
Well BrutalTM, I don't feel like discussing your boring as fuck posts that are just a rehash of everything everyone else has already said about the episode, so I may as well talk shit about your spelling.


Molten Core Raider
People don't like Dawn, I'm guessing, because she plays "real life and game are separate things" card and talks about what you do in the game doesn't define you as a person...yet she spends the entire game talking about her real life and bringing her adopted children and her other issues into it. Aka shes a hypocrite.


Golden Squire
That and she's almost as big of a bipolar lunatic as Brandon. Those two stuck in a room together would make for some great TV.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There is no doubt about that on the bipolar thing. I haven't watched the Ponderosa videos yet, but just the way Brenda was last night it just would not surprise me in the least if she had come and started planting seeds of bitterness. Which, by the way, I will add those have been pretty lame this year compared to years past. And I have seen way too many seasons end with a dud that I just instantly panicked

I agree that Dawn is pretty much going to catch all the ire from the jury as she had a hand in getting everyone ousted but Phillip, and for all appearances could be seen as the one who orchestrated it all. I know Sherri would be seen as a floater, and honestly I even thought that even his allies would see that about Eddie too. I mean come on, Reynold watched Eddie give up on that last immunity challenge for doughnuts while Reynold was fighting for his Survivor life. The other one that would make me mad is Erik. The guy flat out did not play a game, and if he gets mad for getting voted out, the only person he has to blame is himself. He and Sherri had every opportunity to get in the drivers seat when the 3 Amigos needed the votes. Yes, he's not as stupid as his first time where he gave up the necklace on day 36+, but still pretty dumb for playing "floater" when you are 5th man out.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, if anything Erik is a bigger coattail rider than Sherri.


A Mod Real Quick
If I have to stare at Dawn's face crying throughout the entirety of another episode I am going to kill someone. HOW THE FUCK DOES SHE FUNCTION IN REAL LIFE???

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
She functions with lots of Mormon prayer and alchohol I bet. If she makes it to the final 3, be prepared for tidal waves of shoulder-quaking sobbing, appeals to emotionalism - bringing up her kids and her general life's trials and tribulations etc, things that should never be considered when doling out a mil to a prospective winner.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I'd make sure that my brothers all knew to fuck up the challenge as badly as possible so I could just blame it on whichever one of them came out (they're all athletes so we'd dominate a challenge like this if we tried). Under no circumstances should you ever win the family challenge.
I feel like I've been saying this every season for like 5 years now. Kind of getting tired of it. That is, by far, the worst challenge to win. By winning you've effectively ended your game. It's just not worth it. And I haven't seen a season yet where the person who won didn't get screwed by that decision -- almost always in that very same episode at that (so it's not something that they even wait to fuck you on, it's pretty much immediate). I told my wife the same thing that if I were ever on the show, you throw that challenege.

I'm getting so sick of Dawn. The crying is one thing. But on top of that, she gets this absolutely ridiculously pained look on her face when she does it. At one point during her breakdown this week, Brenda said something to the effect of, "Let all your emotion out, and you'll come back 10 times stronger." I looked over at my wife and said, "If that were the case, she's Superman at this point." That bitch lets her emotions out WAY too much.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah I was laughing pretty hard when Dawn had her pained look on her face.. lost it when she was breaking sticks inside the camp and then started slamming them down with the most angry look I've ever seen.


Molten Core Raider
I am now officially on Team Dawn. Why? Because fuck everyone. Easily the least likable Survivor of the season...a season which had Shamar.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I pictured(heard) what you just wrote as having been made by a voice coming from your avatar. Good times.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Dawn is missing her front teeth because she is so fucking annoying that her husband punched them bitches out. True story.

These fucks better get Eddie out ASAP, or he is going to pull out a win in the biggest butt hurt vote in the history of the game. 4 votes probably takes the win and he has these ones already wrapped up.
1. Reynold
2. Malcom
3. AndreaBrenda is probably an Eddie vote as well and who the fuck knows about Special Agent... maybe he goes Cochran?

Who do we think gets pulled from the game next week? I am guessing Sheri explodes one of her fake tits and gets GG'd.


A Mod Real Quick
Maybe in a weird twist of fate, Dawn goes on a murderous rampage and kills everyone in their sleep. Wins by default.