Survivor: Blood vs. Water


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
It seems like everyone on the tribe watched Colton's season and know how much of a bitch he is.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It seems like everyone on the tribe watched Colton's season and know how much of a bitch he is.
When you return to Survivor, you have to have enough self-awareness to realize everyone is going to have familiarity with you and that you have to adjust your strategy to either be more subtle or just completely change how you play. I think this is especially true if you fall into the villain category. After all, the only reason Russel was able to pull of his strategy with little alteration in two seasons was because it was back-to-back seasons where no one had a chance to learn about him. Since "self-awareness" and "planning" are both things Colton defines as "I'm going to be a bitch!", this will (thankfully) be his downfall. Judging by next week's preview, the point where he realizes things aren't going to go his way should be entertaining.


<Prior Amod>
if you're returning as a survivor and from the looks of it most of these ppl are doing it three times, wtf! i mean seriously pick new ppl, that rupert guy, it was his 4th time, holy crap, i didn't get a chance to watch him, but was he even entertaining the first 3x he was on?

cantatus has a point i believe, wasn't that why they axed richard hatch off early on his return season? i mean every survivor always remembers the winner, and the first survivor gay mean naked guy is hard to forget. tyson candice and tina are all 3x'ers by now were they that interesting?

i mean some ppl here are just plain dumb... i know if i got a spot on jeopardy, i'm spending a week in the library, or if i got ninja warrior i'd goto like parkour camp for a week.

wtf? how hard is it to find a local survivor guy and say... "look i got casted for survivor, your gonna take me up in the woods, and teach me how to live for free, and i'll name drop you once a week, or if i win i'll always say your name"

wikihow shows 7 ways on how to make a fire, i'd learn them all! (aside from the flint/steel boyscout stuff i learned)


Molten Core Raider
About Rupert: He was entertaining (I found him annoying, though) in his first season. He was also the most physically dominant player of his season by far, both in challenges and at camp. So much so that he was easily the face of Survivor for at least a couple of years. CBS even had him doing all kinds of "Coming up Next" commercials for their shows. He has also gone far in every season (well into the jury) until this one.

Hatch was targetted in All-Stars like every other previous winner had been. There was a collective idea that "winners must go first" among everyone in that game, so he was screwed from the start.


Tyson was definitely entertaining in his first season, he would have stolen the entire season if it wasn't for Good Ole Country Boy JT. In HvV he got Rustled (get it?!) and ended up voting himself out in one of the craziest tribal councils ever. Top 5 all-time Tribal, and probably the dumbest move of all time in hindsight. Still incredibly entertaining.

Candice was terribly boring and vapid in her first season, and was only thrown into Heroes vs Villains due to a severe lack of "strong" female players that they could bring back. This time, she got in again by default, because Tits McGee's (RC's) father had a heart condition and they had to be pulled. Candice had no business returning a 2nd time, let alone a 3rd.

Tina was brought back in All-Stars because she won season 2. She never was bad, but never really a stand-out, either. She only won because Colby is a fucking retard and took her with him to the end. I'd say her appearance here is just to throw in a true oldschool player into the mix along with Gervase. Also, her 2nd appearance was super brief, she got the same treatment that Richard Hatch got.


<Prior Amod>
so i talked to my survivor friend and he said (since i wanted to get some good survivor under my belt) to check out season 19, um he loved it so much he gifted me the season on amazon, lol (it was only 10 bucks) 1 marathon later, and i find out why he thinks it's the best season.

i asked him specifically for a good season with one of these returning players, he said you should just start with season19 and work your way down in disapointment.

he told me about tina, and colby and i was like that name sounds familiar, and i'm like, oh it's the top shot guy.

but man i didn't know survivor was so short, only 16 episodes for season 19, i'm used to big brother like 40 episodes, ha.

i don't seem to like any returning playings, i'm voting for new blood.

i got a question, that blond won the redemption island challenge, i thought she would go back? so like when does that actually happen?


i got a question, that blond won the redemption island challenge, i thought she would go back? so like when does that actually happen?
The last time they had RI the player would return at the merge. So she has to keep winning until then. Then after the merge there's another RI which lasts until near the end.


Molten Core Raider
i asked him specifically for a good season with one of these returning players, he said you should just start with season19 and work your way down in disapointment.
Season 20 is probably the best ever, even better than s19. In that one you get Rupert, Candice and Tyson from this season.


Season 20 is probably the best ever, even better than s19. In that one you get Rupert, Candice and Tyson from this season.
Strongly agree. Season 20 has the best game play ever seen in Survivor. It is an amazing season.


<Prior Amod>
just finished season 13, so why is candice considered a hero for heroes vs. villians? i mean at most she is a nothing, at best she should be a villian b/c she betrayed her long time tribe to go back to the white ppl. I mean that's how i look at it, she was in a tribe with all mixed races and she couldn't wait to get back with the white ppl. It was only fitting and strategy that the 4-man tribe kept dominating and sending her into exile to punish her, is that why she's a hero, cuz she was blah? or perceived as being picked on? i can tell now, why ppl say candice is a waste on this show cuz she does nothing, she's just a pretty blond girl, i guess she's a doctor by now, but she doesn't show any sign of intelligence really.

watching s20 now... and candice is still blah, rupert is pretty blah also, but it's too much survivor now, and i don't even see tyson, i don't know if i can deal with season20 this weekend! (btw it was just cheaper to join amazon prime lol 80bucks get's you everything for a year)


Molten Core Raider
Candice was thrown onto the Heroes tribe because of a lack of strong women who had played Survivor. The same can be said of Danielle from the Villains one remembered who the fuck she was, but they needed to balance out the tribes. Any woman who makes any impact on her season/gets some airtime will likely be asked to come back.

Edit: Just realized that I answered this question for you yesterday. Do you read replies or what?!


<Prior Amod>
i thought there was more to it than just the need for production, maybe she was a fan favorite or something, instead of she was available and pretty. I didn't see her as strong, aside from that one challenge when they had to wrestle her across the ground, that's it really.

i mean you could often tell right away a fan favorite, i breezed through s14 and the easy favorite was yao-man. but watching her on s13, she was forgettable and overshadowed by everyone aside from making the betrayal move, you know 19seasons and she's considered a hero? but i guess like you said, needed for production and she's a female.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Candice was thrown onto the Heroes tribe because of a lack of strong women who had played Survivor. The same can be said of Danielle from the Villains one remembered who the fuck she was, but they needed to balance out the tribes. Any woman who makes any impact on her season/gets some airtime will likely be asked to come back.
And even then, sometimes that's not even needed. I know I watched the season Laura was in (Samoa), but even watching old clips from the show, I just have very little recollection of her ever playing. It's sort of unfortunate that, by casting women based on looks, they usually have to scrape the bottom of the barrel when it comes to bringing back veteran female players.


<Prior Amod>
i think they have a limited pool of veterans that they can bring back.

basically they can only bring back veterans that have some degree of providing good television, so they'd have to make it pass the first few episodes and they have to basically have no jobs. I mean survivor is 39 days and i'm sure it's longer, unless you're self employed, or just become a reality tv junkie trying to appear on as many reality tv as possible to get monies.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Have they ever done a survival reality show that featured survival experts? I think a show that gave experts a platform to make a paradise out of nothing would be really cool.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I thought that's what Naked and Afraid was supposed to be. But it seems that half the contestants on N&A are marine or army guys that mistake military for survival.

N&A is still one of the most entertaining survival shows I've ever seen.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
About Rupert: He was entertaining (I found him annoying, though) in his first season. He was also the most physically dominant player of his season by far, both in challenges and at camp. So much so that he was easily the face of Survivor for at least a couple of years. CBS even had him doing all kinds of "Coming up Next" commercials for their shows. He has also gone far in every season (well into the jury) until this one...
Rupert won me over in the first episode of his first season (Pearl Islands). It was a wierd start to the show where the contestants were given some local currency to buy goods in a local market for their tribes in a very limited time. For whatever reason the opposing tribe left their belongings in one spot while they went out bartering. Rupert went full on pirate and stole the opposing tribes shoes that were left unattended and sold them to locals in exchange for supplies for his own tribe! That was straight hilarity to me. Then the guy went on to dominate in challenges and providing food / shelter for the tribe.

I will admit, I think his survivor fame got to his head a bit on subsequent castings. The guy still does everything for his charity, which is great. No matter what, I'd rather have a Ruper over the million other "ride coat tails and do nothing" contestants.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
This is the first season of Survivor that I have ever watched. My wife used to watch it, and I would half pay attention while I was reading or raiding in some game, so I sorta know some of these people. I am just going to echo pretty much everyone else and say fuck Colton. Every time he gets on camera with his over the top gay lisp and bitchy attitude, I want to turn the TV off. He is so fucking obnoxious, and I can't wait until he is gone.


<Prior Amod>
i just finished fast forwarding through season 22 redemption, that one was dumb season, after they got rid of russell, it was like the boston rob show, why would anyone want to watch one guy dominate 15 ppl? it was really sad to watch these losers bend to robs will, well at least the crazy black guy had a strategy.

so watching this redemption island worked like this, the guy got sent out,and he faced 6 cast outs in a row, then the merge happened, then he got sent out again, cuz he was stupid. then they waited till it was 3 on redemption island and they went to duels.

i'm guessing they're doing the reverse now since they waited on 3 this time.

anyone see the previews for this next episode? colton is gonna act all drama queen and stuff and cry. Seriously if you're a previous contestant why would you ever believe it when a person cries? I'm sure he'll get some sympathy from ppl, cuz a lot of them seem dumb.