

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This season has devolved...

Jon and Jaclyn are so entitled, I think they believe the $1m is already theirs. I know every person has their struggles in life, but holy fuck this perfect little couple looks like they have had every advantage in life leading up to this point, and now they are on a cast of Survivors that seem to think it is their job to help these two win the money. They hardly even have to play the game. Their cast-mates are just gladly setting it all up for them.

The cast is just terrible. Missy, Baylor, and Alec are horrible humans. The Rednecks are dumb. Gay guy and Indian chick are about the only ones that you can root for, from an attitude and underdog standpoint, but do you really want to see either of them win?


<Prior Amod>
I wouldn't say you could root for the gay guy, he's pretty boring w/o his gay friend since all he does is eat and let his boyfriend do all the work, now that he's gone he's just scrambling.

Indian girl has been trying to do something from day 1. Hell she practically sunk her teeth into gigantor jacklyn when she saw how the boys were treating her like dirt and worked that angle.

she's also given up reward twice, once to get on missy's good side, it worked for a while and recently to get on jon/jacklyns good side, yea that didn't work, but at least she's trying, she really has no other ammo until she becomes a swing vote or gets into a singles only majority. she also hasn't talked about her dumbass twin in forever so that's a big bonus.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
With Jeremy gone, I have nobody left to even remotely give a fuck about. Really bad casting this season. So disappointing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It amazes me how stupid Jon and Jaclyn are being. They are swinging way way too much back and forth, and I'm not sure what math they are using to figure they will be able to survive that. Hell, they only have one idol between the two of them, so half a tribal council? After last night's vote, the missus and I spent about ten minutes asking each other what just happened. It makes absolutely no sense at all. This season is still intriguing for me and watchable, but for all the wrong reasons. I have switched to full on "let's see what stupid shit they do this episode" mode now, just like One World was. The finale won't mean crap to me this season. Hopefully the casting is more like last season than this one, that is for sure.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, Jeremy was the only one I was rooting for anymore. At this point I don't really care who wins the game, because they're all terrible.

I like what Fight said above. "Missy, Baylor and Alec are horrible humans." Not just players, humans. And I agree. Missy is by far the worst; she's just a manipulative, lying piece of shit. I feel like Baylor could turn it around, but not until her mother is no longer around to influence her. And Alec, like his brother, just has no redeeming qualities.

I can't imagine that Jon and Jaclyn make it very far. Backstabbing a 2nd alliance in as many weeks? That's not bold, that's stupid. I was really just sitting there wondering what the hell they were thinking. Before they went to tribal I thought maybe Missy (because she's a terrible person) convinced the others to vote for Jeremy...but Jon and Jaclyn? What the fuck?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, they will be morons to not split up Jon and Jaclyn at this point. So, in other words, they won't do it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I thought it was pretty dumb to tell Missy of all fucking people you have an idol. She's such a huge cockroach. No matter how boring this season is to you guys I still find it entertaining but I'm used to the boredom of what has become Big Brother. Big Brother is on another whole level of boredom with all it's unanimous votes every week.


<Prior Amod>
Honestly the reason why Jeremy was kicked:

Reverse White guilt.

Jon and Jaclyn are 2 beautiful tall ppl, already they're winners of the genetic lottery.

Do they have any redeeming qualities? nope!

She's a worthless beauty queen, he's a run of the mill blue collar guy.

Their story? Her baby oven is broken and they want to have a surrogate.

WTF! go adopt!

Jeremy's got zero enemies, liked by all, is a firefighter, married to a cop with kids.

Hell yes White Bread are scared of him.

I'm pretty sure the person with the most power is Missy, cuz now she knows, she knows who has idols, Jon and possibly the redneck(she doen't know he does just the gay guy got everyone suspecting).


Thirtieth season next season so I assume they will bring people back since that's what they did for 10 and 20. Not sure how I feel about that. They have had returning people recently and don't have enough new people without going back to our old favs, all of which games we know at this point. As much as I'd love to Parvati, Amanda and all of them again, it wouldn't be anything new.


Molten Core Raider
Thirtieth season next season so I assume they will bring people back since that's what they did for 10 and 20. Not sure how I feel about that. They have had returning people recently and don't have enough new people without going back to our old favs, all of which games we know at this point. As much as I'd love to Parvati, Amanda and all of them again, it wouldn't be anything new.
They haven't done a true all-star season since season 20 (HvV) which is still probably the best season ever. Now they can mix in some of the more recent greats (Tony, Spencer, Malcolm) along with some older Survivors and I think it'd be fine. The issues I've had with returning players in more recent seasons has been that they've mixed them in with newbies which totally skews both the edit and the shape of the season. HvV2 would be fun.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Jon and Jaclyn are 2 beautiful tall ppl, already they're winners of the genetic lottery.

Their story? Her baby oven is broken and they want to have a surrogate.
Uhm, I'm pretty sure being born without the ability to reproduce is actually a huge failure at the genetic lottery. Good luck passing those genes on naturally?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, the seasons where they brought back just a couple returning players were kind of lame, but honestly the stretch of new players since season 20 has had a pretty strong lineup of new people to make for some interesting casting. Malcom, Spencer, and Tony for sure. Phillip is entertaining all on his own, and if they could convince Shambo to come with him I think that would be far better than the stupid Phillip/Brandon Hantz meltdown they tried. I liked Denise, Kass (fun to hate), Tasha, Vytas, Katie (Tina's daughter). There are more but I'd have to scan back over the last few seasons. Even bad seasons have at least one or two people I like enough to want to see them have another shot with a different mix of people. The only season I pretty much hated everyone was the one that Fabio won, but even that one had Fabio and that old lady who was awesome.


Molten Core Raider
If they were to make a season of 18 Survivors since HvV that have only played once I think it'd be pretty easy. Something like:

s21: Fabio, Marty
s22: Ashley
s23: Jim
s24: Troyzan, Kim, Chelsea
s25: Abi-Maria (need a female villain), RC (tits)
s26: Reynold
s27: Hayden, Katie, Vytas
s28: Tony, Tasha, Spencer, Kass
s29: Jaclyn (need a 9th chick)

That's 9 dudes and 9 chicks and I only had to stretch for 1. There are plenty of others you could use as alternates, and this is only dipping into the last 10 seasons. I think the cast I listed would make for a pretty great season.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Oh I forgot about Morgan. Her and RC in one of those mudpit challenges. MAKE IT HAPPEN PROBST!


Blackwing Lair Raider
I almost included Morgan for those very reasons.... And I'm down with RC for the same set of reasons... as long as they duct tape that mouth to keep that god awful laugh from coming out. Damn thing rivals Rachel Riley's screech. Was Troyzan the sports writer? I liked him, but I definitely wouldn't want that crazy doctor who had a similar name though. Well that would be a good crazy pairing with Phillip. I love me some crazy on this show... not Brandon Hantz, I'm going to slit your throat while you sleep psycho kind of crazy, just the eccentric flavor.


Trakanon Raider
Thirtieth season next season so I assume they will bring people back since that's what they did for 10 and 20. Not sure how I feel about that. They have had returning people recently and don't have enough new people without going back to our old favs, all of which games we know at this point. As much as I'd love to Parvati, Amanda and all of them again, it wouldn't be anything new.
Seeing how shitty this season is I wouldn't mind seeing some old "favorites" return. They have 18 spots they can spare a couple for returning players.

Why the fuck are people handing shit over to Jon and Jaclyn, I hope this a lesson, you can hand over rewards but people will still backstab you for a million dollars.