

Blackwing Lair Raider
I think it needs to be that once an idol has been played it's just gone. I don't like that they get replanted after they are used (although, admittedly, it made Samoa entertaining).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's hard to see John or Jaclyn actually winning. I think they'll have to win out because John's idol will never come into play. He's so blind on Missy and Natalie that he will never see it coming. Jaclyn knows not to trust them but he isn't listening to her. They deserve to lose. Natalie is pretty dumb though because she needs that couple or one of the two couples broken up now and she should have plotted to get Jaclyn out as soon as John won the idol. She so fucking dumb for sending worthless Alec out too. I can't even believe there is one couple let alone two still there this late in the game.

This cast is pretty fucking dumb but we already knew this.


Trakanon Raider
For fuck sakes is this what survivor challenges have come down to, five people standing around chatting who's going to win it? Tired of these fucks handing over rewards, stop sucking up to the cunt mom. "I'm so proud of my daughter she found an idol!" no you cunt natalie found the idol.

They have to hand the idols out like candy because most times the holders are too stupid to know when to use it and get sent home with it.

P.S 3 balance challenges in a row, guess they wanted to go easy on them.


<Prior Amod>
It's hard to see John or Jaclyn actually winning. I think they'll have to win out because John's idol will never come into play. He's so blind on Missy and Natalie that he will never see it coming. Jaclyn knows not to trust them but he isn't listening to her. They deserve to lose. Natalie is pretty dumb though because she needs that couple or one of the two couples broken up now and she should have plotted to get Jaclyn out as soon as John won the idol. She so fucking dumb for sending worthless Alec out too. I can't even believe there is one couple let alone two still there this late in the game.

This cast is pretty fucking dumb but we already knew this.
I think she's banking on keith being her pocket vote when she needs it, cuz keith is too dumb to vote w/o someone telling him who to write down and alec is too dumb to follow any plan. she doesn't want to break up j/j, she wants to get rid of jon, to her he's a threat, jaclyn is a nothing.

right now out best hope is to see what kind of game natalie can bring, cuz the rest are too stupid to play a good game.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Natalie siding with a couple will be her downfall. If all you have is Keith who is too dumb to keep his mouth shut about most everything you are SOL.


Trakanon Raider
I think I hate Missy more than any other Survivor player ever. "My daughter's not a brat." Everything about her reeks of a lot of the things I hate about our society. I'm not saying she's a worse person than Colton, but I hate her more.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think I hate Missy more than any other Survivor player ever. "My daughter's not a brat." Everything about her reeks of a lot of the things I hate about our society. I'm not saying she's a worse person than Colton, but I hate her more.
What was funny was Baylor saying she has to protect her mom from men and then later in the episode they show Baylor making nice Alec and Baylor is like he's an ok guy and they made it seem like she was starting to have a thing for him. Like Mother like Daughter is all I could think.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I have been impressed with Natalie's game but I don't understand why she didn't just move her blindside to Jaclyn after Jon won immunity. Then rocking the boat to save Keith seemed doubly dumb because now Jon is pissed off anyway and instead of taking out his closest ally, you took out a guy who has zero chance of winning and would have voted however you told him to. Now if Missy goes out it's going to be tricky to deal with Jon's HII since you have no way to split the vote and he's going to be on edge because of Natalie rocking the boat in the last tribal. If Missy stays in then you could at least vote Jon, Jaclyn, and Missy for Keith and Natalie, Baylor, and Keith for Jon and hope Baylor can just order Missy to vote with them on the second round if Jon doesn't play his idol.

Still rooting for Natalie but I really think she fucked this one up.


<Prior Amod>
I still think it's natalie trying to have keith as a vote in her back pocket and it really looks like keith has given up, so he's just like "keep me on longer, use me as a vote". Here's how i'm thinking natalie might be thinking.

It's going to be a final three,

natalie is thinking ok if i bring j/j with me no one will vote for them b/c they're horrible ppl, no one likes them and they've flip flopped everyones game to hell.

natalie is thinking ok if i bring missy/baylor with me no one will vote for them b/c no one in the world would like either of them.

I think this is like thinking that no one has thought of, keep 2 horrible couples together that no one on the jury likes, surround yourself with shitty ppl and the jury has to vote for you.

In a numbers game, no one would want to go against the couples in a final 3, b/c you think "oh damn, that's 66% chance of me not winning" but it's really 50% b/c ppl aren't voting for 1 person, they're voting them like a unit, and if you keep that unit/couple in the final 3, then neither of them can affect the jury back in ponderosa.

If natalie got rid of jacklyn now, she'd be in ponderosa chatting up a storm of how good jon is this and how jon is that for the next few days, that might work on these dumb jurors.

and with keith in her back pocket, he's a pawn, not a partner.


Trakanon Raider
With the way these idiots have been handing over rewards I would be afraid to enter final 3 with a couple, those two got all the way to the end they deserve the prize! Especially if it's J/J cause you know their sob stories are out now.

Also J/J are in the middle because they keep flip flopping to each side, people would rather have them on their side, and not thinking like you're suppose to and get rid of them since they flip their allegiances like the wind. They do it to every other person they don't trust, just not those two for some reason.

And yes Natalie, Keith, Alec, Baylor should have probably voted for Jaclyn, would have been a nice slap to Jon's face holding two idols.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I would be scared to sit next to Jon and Jaclyn if for no other reason than that they are good looking and that impresses dumb people. Also Jon truly believes that he has been playing an awesome game and if he made that case it's actually possible that some of these dipshits believe him. Keith would make me nervous as well just because he has so many alliance members on the jury. I think my ideal F3 if I was Natalie would have been Alec and Missy. It is true that if a loved one gets to Ponderosa early they could poison the well against you though, so it might be best to be sitting next to Missy and Baylor just so they can't vote for each other and/or shit on you with the jury. I think Baylor would have a shot at getting some votes just because she's more likable than Natalie but it would be hard for her to claim she was ever running the show.

I forgot to mention it earlier but it was pretty telling that Jaclyn who hasn't really done anything in the game except flip flop is even talking about how naive Jon is to think that no one would ever flip on him even though he's done it to everyone else at this point. Also, Jon and Jaclyn getting into an argument about which of them should get the credit for playing the idol when it was obviously Natalie that told them to do it was just ridiculous. That dude is really clueless.


A Mod Real Quick
The wine story was the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I'm sorry the dude has cancer or whatever, but that story reeked of upper class douchery.

He should've instead said they drank craft beers or something.

I love how Baylor/Missy always harp about how bad the mom had it with men all these years... I'm sorry, but if you get married and divorced 3 times, the better likelihood is that you are a bitch and are the problem. Her Survivor personality just proves that point.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is the worst survivor season hands down. I don't want any of these idiots to win. Natalie thinks she is smart because she is playing next to the worst players in history.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
As pointed out though, I too do not see Nat's strategy in swapping her vote to get Alec out. She hasn't gained anything and lost everything (the trust from her "alliance"). The two remaining couples are going to destroy her next episode, barring an immunity win by Nat. The power play would have been to keep talking with Baylor, see Baylor's soft side for Alec and play on that to convince a blindside of Jaclyn. During the horseback trip, Baylor was talking all kinds of smack about Jaclyn, so it should not have been a stretch whatsoever. Use a secret alliance of Nat, Baylor, Alec and Kieth to vote Jaclyn while the open alliance thinks it's a straightforward Keith / Alec split vote. These opportunities in the game do not happen often, especially with idol threats and so few people.

Nat has now just lost trust from every player in the game but Keith. Nat was somewhat closest to Baylor in her little side alliance and Baylor is going to be even more upset her bro/boyfriend was sent packing. Just a stupid stupid play from any angle you look at.

TL;DR: They are all terrible players.


<Prior Amod>
You know, i'm on the Natalie train, which is really weird for me, when this season started, i hated Natalie and her sister. Not for being indian or for being fat and girls not even for being twins. But for being reality tv whores, this is their third time on a CBS show, previously 2x on amazing race, and the one time i saw them on amazing race, i wanted them to fall to their deaths, they were intolerable.

Maybe it's b/c they were disgusting ppl together as "twinies" or whatever, or maybe this cast is just full of deplorable humans, Natalie has become my favorite.

Actually this season has been weird, I actually liked the "celebrity" shithead they bring on, in this case john rocker. Now i hate every celeb they shoehorn into survivor from fat blair facts of life to lazy worthless basketball cliff. John rocker was an above avg survivor player. he did camp work, he caught fish, he went into beast mode for the challenges. what did him in, was public opinion.

But yea it would be very lol if keith manages to stupid stumble his way into final 3 by fucking up everyones plans to the point that they should just keep him around.


A Mod Real Quick
The twinies are 100% absolutely annoying when together, but while apart I've actually found Natalie to be quite likable.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I would fuck Natalie. She has very nice teeth.