

Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I'm looking forward to Rodney at final tribal. You know he's going to play up how awesome of a game he played because, well, he's obviously sitting at final tribal because he's a beast!

Pretty sure neither Will nor Rodney gets a single vote.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah, I'm looking forward to Rodney at final tribal. You know he's going to play up how awesome of a game he played because, well, he's obviously sitting at final tribal because he's a beast!

Pretty sure neither Will nor Rodney gets a single vote.
NO, not only is Rodney a beast! DUDE, he did that without a single drop of alcohol, even for his birthday! because no one would give him their reward, cuz they're all assholes!

I'm sure he'll make that point.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The advantage Mike got was too good with the blindfold comp. Sort of bs, imho.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Glad to see the jury got over their bitterness and voted for Mike. Was disappointed to see the one no collar chick say she would've voted for Rodney -- wtf was that about? She always seemed like the smart one. Now that I think about it more she had to be trolling the shit out of him, right?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Kass and Shirin? You shitting me? Fucking Survivor fans. Gotta be the same assholes who watch CSI and Law and Order.

I also want to take this opportunity to bitch at whoever rips this show. It's fucking 9:30 on the west coast and the reunion show was posted maybe 20 minutes ago, but not the main 2 hours. Here I am watching this shit on regular TV with commercials. Fuck.

I will say Mike had almost no competition in those final challenges. I feel like these were some of the worst competitors ever. Really outside of Joe, everyone from the merge on was shit.

Edit: Jesus fuck. This fire making competition is awful. What a pathetic group of people. If it takes you an hour to build a fire at that point (with flint, no less), you should probably just be sent home. Don't even deserve to vote for the winner.


Mr. Poopybutthole


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I think Mike or Joe is going to be your winner. I really didn't expect Sierra to swap. Joe should be able to bring in the other no-callers, plus Mike bought Kelly's undying loyalty with that challenge, giving them plenty of numbers.
This show is becoming too easy to predict since Jeff took a larger role behind the scenes.

I really wanted to see Troyzan play again. He was theonlyperson from New World that knew how to play, aside from Kim. I'm assuming that the season is remembered too poorly for him to have had a shot.

This reunion is fucking awful. 45 minutes spent forcing men to beg, plead, and appease. Fucking ridiculous, especially considering some of the actions/words of past seasons (many by women toward other women/men).


<Prior Amod>
worthless sierra continues with worthless ponderosa

Rodney being just as useless, he didn't eat, so he couldn't make fire! Wow, can you believe, he's even more jersey shore once he talks for more than 1min? fuck why didn't he drown?

I have such a hardcore fucking crush on Jenn. And what shape is Will exactly? Wtf.

"i always kinda zoned out when he did..."

apparently this voting campaign worked for Monica


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I was really surprised that everyone seemed to think it was better to boot Sierra than Carolyn. People must have really liked her because she had no game.

It was pretty great how hard the final immunity challenge was. It seemed like they were all about to drop dead by the end. Climbing stairs quickly is a bitch. I remember that from running mountains in gym class.

I love Mike for forcing that fire making challenge. That shit was hilarious. Maybe not the best strategic move but he would have beat either of them and it was some good TV watching them utterly fail at making fire after "surviving" for over a month. I wonder if he knew that neither of them had made a fire the whole time that they were there.

I thought Mike was apologizing too much in the final tribal but people were more butthurt than I imagined so maybe it was the right move. It was definitely the right move to do that special apology to Dan though. I really think that flipped his vote after he had said that even if there was no one else there at the end he wouldn't vote for Mike. I listened to Dan's interview on RHAP and he was all "wah wah they edited me bad!" just like he was in the reunion show. The guy is really delusional.

I too was surprised that Jen said she would have voted for Rodney if he had been there. She was probably just trolling him.

I don't have a lot of feelings about the second chance people. Everybody that I was interested in seeing again made it in but a lot of those people I either didn't see their first season or don't remember it. I'm kind of surprised that Kieth made it and I am looking forward to watching Jeremy play without his wife since I thought he played a pretty good game last time that was damaged by him being butthurt at Brad Culpepper for his wife getting voted out. I heard an interview with Kass where she said that Spencer still hates her guts so we probably won't be seeing a brains tribe reunion next season. People have already been hustling since the vote opened and some people are going to get there with alliances already formed but I'm not sure that is really much of an advantage once you get to the island and things start to shake out.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I actually felt bad for Dan getting put on the spot during the reunion(and I fucking can't stand Dan!). Oh shit, he jokingly said "Your mother's a whore!". What a vile piece of shit!
That shit was completely retarded, but I guess Probst doesn't like when you bad-talk the show after you get home. He made Dan pay.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Definitely dem titties. She seems pretty cool, too, I guess.