

Golden Baronet of the Realm
The thing about Abi is you could tell she was enjoying every last second telling Shirin she was going out the door. That kind of chick is the kind you don't put your dick in. You wake up one day with your penis cut-off if you do.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The thing about Abi is you could tell she was enjoying every last second telling Shirin she was going out the door. That kind of chick is the kind you don't put your dick in. You wake up one day with your penis cut-off if you do.
She's the kind of chick you don't even want to accidentally make eye contact with at the bar.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
She is stupid, manipulative, and emotionally unstable. Other than that, she is a real winner.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Listened to an interview with Shirin this afternoon and she said Abi was 100 times more crazy than she was depicted on the show.


Molten Core Raider
Listened to an interview with Shirin this afternoon and she said Abi was 100 times more crazy than she was depicted on the show.
Considering that they only have ~46 minutes to cram in 3 days worth of footage, I believe it. There's no I/O panel for Abi's kind of crazy.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I wish they'd up the money to at least 2 or 3 million. It's been 1 million for 15 years now.
I don't think they have any real motivation to do that though. I highly doubt they are short on people applying for the show.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Abi's insanity strikes again. Good lord at that tribe. Woo is on Abi's strike list next. Her saying something to Woo at tribal reminded me of a horror movie. I'm like oh shit he's the next to die! lol


<Prior Amod>
I tried looking at each 3rd chest and it seems only jeremy's team had the idol strapped on it. So i think idols are only placed if you find a clue.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Haha yeah, when they showed Woo's face after the votes were read the first thing that popped into my head was that Woo's perfect record of not knowing what in the hell is going on continues. He is single-handedly destroying the stereotype that Asians are smart.

I think they made the wrong choice this week. Abi is not worth keeping as a goat in my opinion because she is just too chaotic. You can't have an alliance member who is willing to switch sides at the drop of a hat no matter how nice it would be to take them to the end.

Jeremy and Spencer are my favorites so far this season. I would love to see them working together and although that's not exactly happening right now it seems like a possibility. Also sort of rooting for Kelly Wentworth and Sierra but we haven't seen much of them so far and we probably won't as long as they're on Survivor Joe's team and never lose a challenge.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I tried looking at each 3rd chest and it seems only jeremy's team had the idol strapped on it. So i think idols are only placed if you find a clue.
I was wondering about that too. The producers must also hide a new clue after every immunity challenge since the clues are specific to the challenge. I'm guessing they are disappointed that neither of the players that has gotten a clue have been caught retrieving it in the challenge.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Before the challenge even happened, I kind of figured that was the case. Otherwise Wentworth would probably be looking for an idol every single challenge.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I forgot to mention that it was pretty funny how both Peih-Gee and Abi said that their best quality was loyalty in the middle of the discussion on how they were both working with people outside their alliance to vote out someone in their alliance.


<Prior Amod>

yup, listen to PeihGee and you're like "yea she's just normal", then you hear her switch that around when she talks about Abi, and she's just confirming everyone is just keeping Abi as a goat.

Really seems like PeihGee is just saying, there's too much talking and scheming for her to do as old school, i wonder if the other old schoolers can hack it.

Dear lord, if i were Woo, i would just not do shit, since he's great at camp life, he should just get his own water, fish himself and say, "yea this is how it's gonna be till we get rid of Abi" and sit out on challenges.


cuz he has no other play, cuz he can't play, he's a non-entity in survivor, all the other survivors just see him as a waiter, someone that brings them food and sets up the table, and when they're done w/ him foot him the bill.

He's just dumb..., he's basically chinese Ozzy. I'd rank Ozzy higher in physicality than Woo, but that's still like top 3 of 15years of these contestants.

I still don't know how you ppl like Spencer. Do you want to relate to a skinny white nerd? he was so delusional he thought him and Shirin were controlling the game, WTF!


Trakanon Raider
Abi: "After I saw how unpredictable Varner is..."


Good work by Tash and Savage to turn things into their favor after Varner screwed up.

I still want Abi gone, but geez the lulz she provides is almost worth having her to the end.


<Prior Amod>
i remember jeff (on her season) was saying maybe it's a language/cultural thing with Abi.

Nope, just crazy

And that's cool by me, oh man it would have been glorious with Shirin/Abi/Kass after the merge, now it'll just be Abi/Kass but so far Kass isn't getting no attention, so she's boring. I'd like to see Tash get out of this to the Merge too, she's a fucking Beyonce song


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think they got rid of PG because she might just stick with her old tribe because they still had the numbers. Abi while crazy is easier to flip I think.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Abi has to make the merge. The potential with Kass is just two great. There's nothing better than watching two psychotic women trying to undermine each other.