

Molten Core Raider
I'm spoilering this because you can't unsee this..
Are the models supposed to be older than the car?


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Well that episode was a bit of a letdown. I had a seriously hard time watching them go through those wounds and squeeze on them and shit. That was fucking nasty...


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
So, Aubry gets fucking antibiotics, but Neal gets told, "Nope! So sorry! Pulling you from the game is more dramatic!".

The fuck? I realize it was close to a joint, but a hospital is going to do the exact same thing they can do on the beach - pump him full of antibiotics. On top of that, the beach is probably more sterile than a fucking hospital nowadays anyway.


Trakanon Raider
Kind of a dick move keeping the idol. Although not sure how you get it to her without everyone noticing. I probably would have played it off as asking to say goodbye to the original brain tribe alone and giving it to her then or something. That really was a shitty episode, though.

The blonde beauty chick looks a lot like a cuter version of crazy Abby. She's kinda growing on me...I know she has no chance in the game, but they can at least keep her around as eye bleach for the two brains girls.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I dunno man... this is an episode that doesn't really work well on TV or in 'Survivor' at large. We've had enough seasons to see some pretty crazy shit. We get one blasse conversation about infections then all of a sudden Jeff is showing up on the beach with a doctor. Like, no doubt they were serious infections. But earlier we spent 20 minutes on a worm in a chicks ear eating her brain and no production response at all, but now one throw away conversation and we're bringing in the medical team and one dude is out of the game. There's a drama gap or something missing in between.


<Prior Amod>
I think i read that worm ear girl was screaming for production for 2 days until they finally decided to come out, the reason they were able to get a camera shot of the worm exiting is cuz the medic put a drop of something into her ear to make the worm come out.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Is someone even allowed to give the idol away, once they are told they are pulling him from the game?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Shitty way to go out for Neal but I promise you they don't pull people from the game for the sake of "drama". Tribal council is generally the best drama every week and losing people fucks up their plans for challenges and such although this one doesn't because it was right before tribal. Tropical infections are no joke and the fact that half the players have one is legitimate cause for concern. My cousin got an infection once that left a pit in his leg like Neal's and it was absolutely disgusting. Dalton Ross said that Survivor medical people had probably been checking the infections daily and the fact that Jeff showed up with the doctor for the cameras meant that they had already decided that Neal needed to be taken out. Jeff said that they had discussed the possibility of him wanting to pass off the idol before they told him he was being evacuated and decided that they would let him but he didn't do it.

This season is pretty good except everyone I decide to root for immediately gets screwed. I think Aubrey is a pretty good player but she is in a hole without Neal. I was hoping he would slip her the idol Neal was pretty stupid to be carrying the idol around in his pocket. Who the hell does that? If anything you should be carrying a rock around in your pocket when you don't have an idol and want people to think you do.

Julia is indeed very fucking cute.

I think Nick and Michelle made the wrong choice going with the brawn tribe instead of the brains. Debbie being a bull in a china shop with her "strategizing" might have been partly to blame for it. After the Liz blindside I thought Debbie might be better than I thought but I'm back to thinking she sucks now. Jason and Scott need to be broken up although it sounds like there might be a rift with Cydney next week that could give Aubrey an opening.


Trakanon Raider
Is someone even allowed to give the idol away, once they are told they are pulling him from the game?
Yeah, wasn't there some big deal about Colton refusing to give it up when he left the game a few years ago? I understand wanting a souvenir, but he's already going to have an amputated leg to remind him of his time on Survivor, so what's some little trinket compared to that?


<Prior Amod>
Is someone even allowed to give the idol away, once they are told they are pulling him from the game?
apparently so, this is why Neal did NOT give it away

The night before, as you saw, there's this scene of Aubry and I sitting on the beach. I let her know that I have the idol. That conversation goes on for quite some time. At some point she says something along the lines of, "You know, I'll slit your throat if I have to." And at that point, I had a pretty good idea that I was going to be pulled from the game. So in my fragile emotional state, I just did not find any humor in that comment.
during one of his confessionals he was scratching his leg and puss came out, then he saw a hole instead his hole, and he thought "oh shit", that's what prompted the impromtu quickie medical tests.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Neal also tweeted today that he didn't actually have the idol in his pocket, it was something else but people assumed that it was the idol. Would have sucked if he didn't have it and got voted out for a bulge in his pants.


Trakanon Raider
Neal also tweeted today that he didn't actually have the idol in his pocket, it was something else but people assumed that it was the idol. Would have sucked if he didn't have it and got voted out for a bulge in his pants.
I'd probably get voted out for a bulge in my pants if I was on a season with Morgan or Pavarti.


Trakanon Raider
Kinda doubting there's a rift developing with Cydney and the brawn guys, think that might have been a misdirect (it was really quick and at jason), she's pissed at someone else I'd guess.

Episode was shaping up to have a good tribal I think, sucks what happened to Neal but understandable he didn't bother leaving the idol to Aubrey "You know, I'll slit your throat if I have to." the hell kind of joke is that with someone you barely know.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Who would have thought Nick, the model, had this much game? The first 5 episodes they played him off like a pretty-boy buffoon. Then, they show him nearly beat the NBA champ in hoops, make some very sane & rational moves, and now moving in behind the scenes as a puppet master. Hero edit?

I liked Neal


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Who would have thought Nick, the model, had this much game? The first 5 episodes they played him off like a pretty-boy buffoon. Then, they show him nearly beat the NBA champ in hoops, make some very sane & rational moves, and now moving in behind the scenes as a puppet master. Hero edit?
He's also pretty funny/smart on Twitter.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
his tiny god damn head drives me nuts, can't trust him or root for him because of that


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
When I see people like Nick advertised as "beautiful" it reminds me that I have no idea what guys are actually good looking. Not that it's a major problem for me, but I really can't tell most of the time.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm surprised they don't get check out daily to be honest. It just seems like it's a matter of time that they don't catch something in time. It's shame we are losing such good competitors this season. Caleb and Neal had a good game going on.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Cydney is cool as fucking hell. I'm glad her move paid off this week. Tai doesn't know how to lie. It's very clear now.

Fucking Nick...what a tool. lol