

Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
RIP small head. Wish they had targeted douche 1 or douche 2 instead though. Tai vs Cydney was awesome at the end of the challenge, pretty impressive for both.


Trakanon Raider
Tai is one of my favorite players ever now...not sure he can win it, but if he can keep getting the endurance wins and use that idol at the right time, then maybe. That said, nobody is running away with it on an individual level yet...just wish there were more decent people to root for.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
There is definitely more than meets the eye with Cydney. I thought that when she revealed a couple episodes ago that she's an ivy league graduate and she proved it tonight.

It was pretty telegraphed in the episode that Pagonging the brains was not going to go ahead as planned just because of the confessionals of Jason and Nick talking about how everything is easy and under control. You never see that smug shit unless it's about to be punished. I don't think Jason and Scot stealing the tools in retaliation is going to get them anywhere either.

I really felt bad for Aubrey in her crying confessional. It just seemed like she was blaming herself for some shit that wasn't her fault so I was glad to see things turn around for the brains even if that wasn't really her doing either.

Tai voted for Jason? WTF? Between that and blurting out the thing about the super idol I'm not sure that Tai is the sharpest tool in the shed, cool as he is. We're really blowing up the stereotypes this season if the black female bodybuilder turns out to be the smartest person in the game and the Asian dude with glasses turns out to be the dumbest.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Really though? She was the captain and picked the teams. Obviously execution of the challenge wasn't all her but she pretty !much screwed the pooch on the draft. The least she could have done was split the strongest between the teams and evened it out. She was hard on herself though but I understand where she's coming from.

Our DVR cutoff so didn't see Tai's vote. That is strange. The tool, food, camp sabotage thing never works out well it feels like. It is just a huge asshole move.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
She had 3 women on her team, it just turned out that none of them had good enough balance. The only person that we saw that was able to do it was Julia and she was the other captain. Maybe Aubrey should have grabbed Debbie but she might have sucked just as much as the other girls. Just proof that it's never good to get any kind of leader/captain title in Survivor. The only thing worse is winning one of the reward challenges where you have to pick people to take with you.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
IMHO, for that challenge I would have picked Tai. The guy has super balance and I'm sure he could have walked that easier than anybody out there. The fucker can climb those tree's with ease. I'm glad Julia was picked though as we got a nice view of her twins.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
re: Why Tai voted for Jason

Nick said in his exit interview with Rob that Michele and Julia wanted to target Jason instead of Nick, and Tai was in on that conversation. But then when they ran it by Debbie and Aubry, Debbie said that she had already told Joe to vote for Nick, and if they changed it to Jason, Joe would get confused and wouldn't be able to remember who to vote for.

So they switched it back to Nick and didn't have time to tell Tai.
NeoGAF - View Single Post - Survivor 32: Ka?h Rng, will.

Could end up being a colossal mistake for that alliance. He would have been out the door with an idol in his bag. I'm surprised they didn't show this on TV.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The challenge was less about balance and more about the people you had holding the posts. Team Julia had Nick and Scott. GG.

I assumed the Jason vote came from a clueless old-man Joe. Tai really put a target on his back this week. If the girls just hold strong as 5 and ride this out, I will be impressed... but something tells me that won't happen.


Trakanon Raider
Tai made a huge mistake in trying to talk too much about the idols, that's a mistake that would get you sent home in that that very tribal council so he's lucky he had immunity. Maybe that lit light bulbs with the ladies, there's idols around and the men have them, should be interesting to see if Tai is still with the ladies and how the idol gets used next week.

Also surprised Tai wasn't picked to walk the balance beams, we don't know in what order everyone was picked but maybe that was a mistake Aubrey made. This season we got some women who are willing to make moves and not ride coattails, so I don't mind seeing an all girl alliance, the guys are cocky douches and don't want them to win even with their sob stories.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, Tai went full retard at that TC. Was a pretty good episode, though. I always enjoy the super-cocky blindside edits.


Vyemm Raider
I think others have mentioned it before in these threads but I really would like to see some ponderosa type videos of the school yard picks. They'll give 5+ minutes of airtime to the individual reward winner picking a friend to join them but totally skip that dynamic in the mid game.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well, that's one way to go down in Survivor history; under the heading of 'Biggest Monumental Fuckups'.

I wonder if Debbie's giant ego will allow it to sink in that her own team slit their own throats just because of what a yappy idiot she is.

All aboard the Tai train, CHOO CHOO!!! He's kinda goofy but as others have pointed out, he really is a good dude.

It was funny to see a little of Tai's dark side come out when he woke up in the middle of the night and sabotaged the fire for the hell of it. I'd love to believe he did it to further villainize Scott and cripple Scott's chances even more at the end should he happen to end up there with him in a finale. Crafty little fucker.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I wouldn't call this necessarily a fuckup, let alone a monumental one. There was really no safe way to get one of the guys out and Debbie was fucking up the girls game at every opportunity and that wasn't likely to change. They could play it safe, let Debbie go, and maybe bring Julia over or risk an idol play where Cydney or Aubrey are on the chopping block. The only way that they could have split the vote was to trust Julia which was clearly not a good idea.

Julia would have been a better target but her winning immunity messed that up. I still feel sorry for Aubrey trying to work with opinionated idiots like Joe and Debbie. It will be interesting to see where Julia winds up with the guys after this. On the one hand, she voted with the girls apparently without telling the guys. On the other hand it was just to vote off Debbie which shouldn't be nearly as offensive as if she had written down one of the guys names.

The game is super complicated now with the idols but Jason and Scot are no masterminds. That tribal was such a joke with all that idol nonsense. Everyone that has watched survivor knows that showing the idol during tribal and saying you are going to play it means 100% that you aren't going to. What was the point of Jason giving his idol to Tai? He couldn't have done that at the point that they actually needed to make a super idol? I think that was a stupid move because Tai has more to gain with the jury by screwing over Scot and Jason than by working with them and from the preview it looks like Aubrey is going to start telling him that next week. If he turns on the guys at 8 and votes off Jason and Scot then he's at final 6 with 2 idols which guarantees him making it to final 4 and he hasn't screwed over anyone but the villains and he can blame everything bad that happened on Jason and Scot bullying him which would be the truth. If he makes a super idol to save Jason or Scot then he's got no idols and only an idiot would take him to the end. Jason and Scot are idiots so it could happen, but I don't think anybody wants to sit next to Tai at the end. Of course if he does join the girls, chances are they will try to blindside him at 7 but I don't really see what he has to gain by using a super idol on Jason or Scot.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
8 people left. Either a 5v3 alliance or a potential 4v4 depending how it shakes out with Julia.

Julia had the opportunity to solidify herself with the boys and vote Cydney, but she didn't. She voted with the girls and took out Debbie. It was the savvy decision, because at this point she doesn't lose trust or favor with either the boys or the girls. Her next move though, I can't see her staying with the girls and putting herself in the cross-hairs against a super idol, when she can just jump ship and become the boy's 4th.

Tai really is the wild card, and I love it! He probably plays it down the line with the boys to the final 3. After all, his path to victory is sitting next to Jason and Scot at the end. BUT... he could throw a wrench in everything. If he takes both idols for himself, which I believe by the rules he could, it would be the most hilariously epic moves in the history of the game. Jason (assholes actual name is Kyle by the way. Kyle Jason, a la Ricky Bobby) and Scot really deserve to get fucked over.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If I'm Tai I don't save one of those two dumbasses. All three of them have to make it to final tribal for him to win if Tai doesn't screw them over. Any of those women make it to final tribal and that women wins, imo. Tai has to screw over those two if he hopes to have any shot at winning. Tai has the ultimate power so I hope he doesn't pull a Woo.

I still can't believe he poured water on the fire. Totally out of character for Tai and I'm afraid he'll actually save either of those two when the time comes.


Trakanon Raider
I don't know why Jason handed Tai the idol, maybe there's a rule that the super idol has to be played by the same person and they have to have both idols before the votes are read. Sometimes I think Tai is too much of a goof, so while putting out the fire in the middle of the night was great to add more heat to Scott and Jason, I can't bring myself to think he actually did it for that reason.

Julia did some good work this episode, she went from the bottom of the bigger alliance to the bottom of the smaller one but with idols, she's had no solid alliance of her own since being sent to exile so she obviously had to do something. Winning that idol was a game changer, took the target off her back, she positioned herself for the swing for both sides and along with the idol reveals forced the bigger alliance to take out one of their own.

The other alliance had no choice but to vote for Debbie, unfortunately that's killing two birds with one stone since stubborn Joe most likely won't trust them now, but it would have been more troublesome if they voted Joe and kept Debbie. Don't think the guys will be too upset on the Debbie over Cydney vote, since they still have a game changing power in their pocket.

Also Joe instantly volunteered out of the reward challenge, why do old people apply for this show if they can't even compete, might as well have replaced him with a coat tail riding pretty girl.