
Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've only done a few of the new story solo flashpoints but I'm loving them for this game because a lot of people get butthurt if you want to watch cut scenes. I hope they implement solo modes for all the flashpoints if they haven't already.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I resubbed a couple weeks ago but am also waiting on the xp changes to start actively playing I think, I think I'm on Ebon I'll double check and add some of you guys if so.


Vyemm Raider
the new HM's are the most difficult to date, only a handful of guilds have killed Revan
So they are trying to do the WoW thing with tourist mode + balls hard mode? Instead of the old way where they barely scaled at all?

So we're getting the new planet but not the Op yet? I wouldn't expect the comm gear to rank up then. I'm just curious if they are bringing the spiked dildo back out for the post-cap planet. (for reference, the last time I played was when the Dread Masters raid was new and Czerka/Makeb dailies/flashpoints were butt-pounding gearscore checks) What disappointed me was how the game barely felt any different after 2 years. That's changed for the better big time since then IMO (disciplines)

And I just read about the outfit tabs... after selling off a bunch of crap I should have kept for it because it probably doesn't exist anymore. Man, so much easier/cheaper than shuffling mods around. I know people must be moist for this thing. It's been a top-requested feature for ages. Shame they didn't expand it to companions. I have to keep Mako in her armored space bra.

Although, I kind of wish they'd kept the armor type restrictions in place. It was a bit annoying how silly my BH looked firing rockets out of his space pirate cloak. Boba Jack Sparrow, reporting. Class restrictions are there for a reason.

I'm on Harbinger for now FYI, but every guild and every OP run I see is set for Fuck You PST times so I do want to move.

PS: Reminder to self to google where HK-51 upgrades come from now. He owns for mowing through trivial shit, although its easier to just use the faggy BH companion since he gets all my cast-off gear.


Vyemm Raider
I've only done a few of the new story solo flashpoints but I'm loving them for this game because a lot of people get butthurt if you want to watch cut scenes. I hope they implement solo modes for all the flashpoints if they haven't already.
They did them for SoR because they are required progression and part of the story, but it would be nice if they do it for the leveling shit because you can blow right past them. I haven't found the answer to that question with some half-ass googling.


I think swtor did the tourist mode thing first tbh, I remember when they announced it (and i played WoW at the time) and thought it was a good idea. The previous HM's were kind of challenging some more than others but not the faceroll SM's were


Golden Squire
Do the Yavin weeklies and the one Rishi daily to gear out companions. You'll never need to do anything else, even for HK.


El Presidente
Did they ever fix the Ashoka texture issues? Even if you're not dressing her up as a hoor, if there was any exposed skin it had some weird patterned texture instead of skin.


Golden Squire
That the MH/OH missions?
There's two Yavin Weeklies. One is where you do the 8 dailies. The other is the Revan fight. Former gives you an entire set of gear for one of your companions. Good shit too. The latter is for the Main Hand. Rishi is for offhand and is a daily.

Did they ever fix the Ashoka texture issues? Even if you're not dressing her up as a hoor, if there was any exposed skin it had some weird patterned texture instead of skin.
I think I remember something about this. To be fair I haven't used another companion on my Assassin since I got Treek.


Vyemm Raider
When entire chunks of Rishi are disappearing I wouldn't have much hope for that one, heh. /facepalm

Some issue with the engine culling code, or just plain too many assets trying to load.

Shadows are fucking murder on that planet, too. Luckily TOR looks good even without them because the environments are just so huge and well done.

Thanks for the tip about the weekly, I'd only done the initial version so didn't know about the gear set. Only been playing for two days, heh.



Hey Fappa!
Great question, I thought it might be a good idea to spell out some of the improvements that are a part of the Epic Story XP Boost. A lot of these changes can be found in the 3.2 patch notes which can be found here. Also, since I love bulleted lists, I am going to give you one those:

.The Epic Story XP Boost applies to the Class Missions of each class in the core game. In Rise of the Hutt Cartel it applies to the main story mission for each Faction.
.Each Class Mission now rewards far more Basic Commendations than before, which is a great way to stay geared as you level.
.There have been a ton of improvements to make travel easier (I will list them shortly).
Here are some of the relevant patch notes surrounding the Epic Story XP Boost:
.All Class Missions that previously rewarded 1 or 2 Basic Commendations now reward 8 Basic Commendations.
.The Planetary Modification and Equipment Vendors have gone through a large rework: The vendor's stocks have been adjusted to have a better variety of Modifications at a lower Commendation cost. In addition, the title of the NPCs has been changed to reflect the level of the items they sell.
.All Taxi Destinations are now available to all players.
.All Quick Travel Bind Points within a map region are now automatically discovered when the region is revealed.
.The cooldown on the Quick Travel ability has been reduced. For Subscribers and Preferred players the cooldown is now 6 minutes, and for Free-To-Play players the cooldown is now 26 minutes.
.The Legacy Travel I, II, and III unlocks now reduce the cooldown of the Quick Travel ability by 2 additional minutes each.
.The cooldown on the Emergency Fleet Pass ability has been reduced. For Subscribers and Preferred players the cooldown is now 90 minutes, and for Free-To-Play players the cooldown is now 180 minutes.
.The Legacy Fleet Pass I, II, and III unlocks now reduce the cooldown of the Emergency Fleet Pass ability by 30 additional minutes each.
.The base cooldown on the Priority Transport: Personal Starship Legacy Perk has been reduced to 6 minutes. Each Improved Priority Transport: Personal Starship unlock will reduce that cooldown by an additional 2 minutes.
As you can see, travel, especially with Legacy Perks is now much easier . I hope this wall of text makes the whole Epic Story XP Boost thing a bit simpler!


Trakanon Raider
Are the servers down or something? I installed last night, and I keep getting "Failed to update host" when clicking on the launcher?


Golden Squire
Have they recently made any improvements or additions to PvP at all? I always thought cross server warzones would breathe more life into the game for me.


Silver Knight of the Realm
From everything I've heard, the xp boost starts on May the 4th. (Some saying the 5th because tuesday = patch day.)


Golden Squire
It's the 4th. They've long since added the ability to turn certain things off and on without needing a patch.