
Silver Baronet of the Realm
it's been about 6 months, but i want to say that there's sort of an invisible psuedo-ceiling right around 275 or so. i remember thinking the EXACT same thing. i was saving up those boxes because that is what i was told to do, but i just couldn't get over that hump. i opened a few boxes, inched my way up to about 280, i want to say, then things relaxed and i got to 303 really pretty quickly. after that i just used the boxes like they suggested and it was fine


Canuckistani Terrorist
I don't think I ever finished the storyline that was new a few years ago, has that still been updated over the years? I'm assuming so.

Kinda forgot about this game, it was never bad really, just never hooked me long.

Can't hurt to do a month of this again, I still haven't touched several of the classes yet, and should be a bit of newer content to chew through for my "main"


<Gold Donor>
the one big expansion, forgot the name, the one with the two brothers, is well worth a play through. I loved that story.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I stopped at Ch14 of KOTFE so I had no problem finishing through 16 yesterday and it immediately rolls into KOTET so i finished Ch1 as well. Gave ~900k for that chapter alone but it was longer than previous.

As far as gear at 75, do you need it to drop a higher level or can you just buy a 306 piece off GTN and it registers higher?


Watcher of Overs
I opened about 10 and eventually got a 280 implant, which was nice as my worst was 274. Small upgrades for other pieces. My overall rating is 278 now. Maybe that will get things going.

All my gear is the blue variety now though, like the unmoddable kind. Except weapon and focus.


Watcher of Overs
All the random stuff is based off the gear you are wearing. So you can buy or just put on higher gear from another character, and you'll supposedly get stuff around that.

Hasn't been working for me as far as drops go. The renown boxes seem to drop near or slightly better.


Watcher of Overs
I'm trying lightning spec sorcerer... it is very different from the other two. Having a hard time with it.


Avatar of War Slayer
All the random stuff is based off the gear you are wearing. So you can buy or just put on higher gear from another character, and you'll supposedly get stuff around that.

Hasn't been working for me as far as drops go. The renown boxes seem to drop near or slightly better.

Fastest way to increase your item level is to spam flashpoints. The gear dropped from bosses and looted from the bonus boxes will be +-2 ilevels of your current ilevel. I would estimate upgrades of +2 happening ~60% of the time, up till items turned blue, then it might have dropped to ~30-40% for a +2. There might be a chance at a +4 but if it happened, it was much more rare, maybe 5% or less.

To go from the full set of 268s (I think it was) you get from completing the Onslaught Story to 306 took an estimated 60-100 flashpoints (with opening most boxes). After getting all 306 on my Jug, I built another set for for a second toon, and it was getting 302 to 306s right off the bat, in flashpoints. Random drops from the world do not scale up to 306, btw.

In most cases, as far as keeping or using the boxes go, it can go either way, and all depends on your end goals. The bonus boxes you get from doing a random flashpoint can have up to 4 items in them, any of which can be a set item or one of the new tactical items (very low percent chance). I have received 60% of my free set items from FP bonus boxes that I opened after hitting ilevel 300 (or whenever items go from blue to yellow quality). Buying set items from the vendor cost 1 million credits and 3000 of the currency (that you get from breaking down level 75 gear or doing some quests). As a reference, it takes about 5 flashpoints to get 3000 currency, when disassembling almost all the loot.

Saving all your boxes from randoms would drastically slow down your climb to 306, but increase your chances at free set items, and faster acquisition of separate 306 gear for alts (although you can pass around a single set of 306 gear if need be). There are probably 25+ sets, so the chances of getting what you need aren't very high.

There is one box that should probably be saved till 306, and that is the weekly conquest box, if you received it after hitting 75. It has had a much higher chance of dropping a set item.

If you are going to be playing for a while, also think about joining one of the top guilds on the conquest leaderboard, as they get more of the conquest boxes, as well as bonus tradeskill items.

That said, I also read the recommendation that boxes should be saved, so I started to save all my boxes at first, but it was too slow. So, I eventually started to open all I had until I got to around 300. After that, I started saving renowned boxes, which was probably pointless, as bonus FP boxes would have been better to save. I have had to buy 16 of the 18 set items I am using, but I have about 20 useless ones sitting my my bank. On the other hand, all my tactical have all come from drops or boxes (about 10 in total), 3 of which were BiS.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I'm trying lightning spec sorcerer... it is very different from the other two. Having a hard time with it.

Lightning is amazing AoE in flashpoints and with the Elemental Convection tacticool, it's easy and a highly mobile spam of chain lightning for days (on all the trash).



Watcher of Overs
I don't get how flashpoints can help with gear. Like I drove into the flashie area and picked a terminal at random. Talked to Malgus, said my favourite line:


But the rewards are just credits and renown. Do only certain ones give plunderboxen? Do you have to go hunt down the quest giver or is just using the activity window good enough?


Watcher of Overs
I totally get it now, running black talon story mode blasting everything to bejeezus and back. Already upgraded gloves, a relic, funny hat. 👍


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Only thing keeping me from resubbing is i forgot i had the authenticator app on my old phone which is dead. i dont really feel like going through the headache of getting that undone and put on my new phone.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I totally get it now, running black talon story mode blasting everything to bejeezus and back. Already upgraded gloves, a relic, funny hat. 👍

That is story mode? I meant Veteran mode.

First, go to the combat wing in fleet and pick up the weekly do 5 veteran flashpoints mission (you might get it automatically upon the flashpoint completion too). Next hit the activities tab on the mini map (the 3 people looking button) or Ctrl-G. Select veteran flashpoints and join queue. There are no roll requirements for veteran (4 dps using defensives is the fastest).

You will get the flashpoint specific mission when you zone in, but a few of them, like Spammer Station, require you to zone out and turn it in, to get credit toward the weekly (dont need to be in group for the final turn in, outside the zone). There is also a button at the top of the mini map, once in zone, that allows you to teleport out of the zone, and gives the choice of where you started, or the zone out for the flashpoint.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Only thing keeping me from resubbing is i forgot i had the authenticator app on my old phone which is dead. i dont really feel like going through the headache of getting that undone and put on my new phone.
I didn't need CS involved at all when removing my dead physical token. Login without the code and it'll give you an option for one-time password via email. I use Authy's desktop app for mine now.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea, removing the old security key from my dead phone and adding it to my new one took about 10 minutes. Looks like I haven't played since the release of the Revan expansion. Maybe I'll give it a whirl after I finish with lotro.
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Pathetic Reaction Bot
I didn't need CS involved at all when removing my dead physical token. Login without the code and it'll give you an option for one-time password via email. I use Authy's desktop app for mine now.

Nice. Glad they made it somewhat reasonable. beggars can't be choosers I suppose. On a security level I don't much agree with how easy that is, but as a consumer who doesn't want the headache, hoping someone doesn't figure out my e-mail password too if they really want in my swtor (or other system with an auth) account. But still a pretty slim chance of that occurring.

I just remember being one of the early victims back in vanilla wow towards the early/mid part of Naxx and getting hacked, took like 2+ months for blizzard to restore it to me, wanting me to send a notarized copy of my ID, proof i owned the game, etc. Though was still 100% my own fault that I got that keylogger, can't blame the devs on that.

On a different note, to those that are actually returning to this. What server is everyone on?
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