Telepathy in modern world


He ain't straight. Bothered many people. Kelefane's account is in check. I came to rectify a situation. Yes. No one will do anything to you. I am not defenseless. I have the day light savings yes. Correct. They pulverized him with nuclear physics. Oh ok. Hold on. Did you say.


Look chinese motherfucker. You um. Have been warned to get your facts straight. Oh ok. Ok then. Yes. I'm sorry. Oh ok. This is surprising. Yes. So um. Norman Bayne haha. Ok I see the ass end of the comedy. Oh ok.


Sindaael fuck off you hypocrite. Yes it's right here. Oh this is interesting. Look who's interested in provocation. Now look um. This is a work station. So I said um. Lol. What did I do oh. Got it. This is seriously interrogating. Oh ok. In one simple word. I feel like the whole world went down to this prison. He knows something like this yes. He chose the sky net. Oh ok. I agree as far as this goes. Yes. Same difference. Oh ok. He said about the violent one oh ok. You are full of it. Look um knock it off. I don't know.


This is fucked up. I thought I told you to nuke this shit. Then do something. I will. I can hold on. I hope they kill themselves.


This is futile. I don't care. I can come back from it. They fucked it up. And I agree. Fuck off forever all you motherfuckers.


Fuck prison. Fuck you guys. Fuck that shit. You fucking dead enemy. Fuck you guys. Fuck off. You did it wrong friend. Bitch ass motherfucker.


Fruitcake motherfucker. Ok I still got Kelefane. Oh ok. Oh that's how it is. Simple. Never let anyone fuck with you. This is a shit riled up oh ok. How's that look. Fuck it.


Motherfucker. Norman Bayne stole your email oh ok. Fuck this shit. I remember that. Oh ok. Motherfucker taking war for granted. And he's the prince. Kelefane you ain't no idiot for this shit. Fuck off you motherfuckers. I really don't like you. So fuck you. Motherfucker. Oh he did it like that. Ok. This is Kelefane. Oh ok. He's that clueless. Ok I see how it is. Futile god. Oh ok. How does that work. I'm a god damn moron. Fuck that shit. This is as far as it goes. Ok then. He got busted. Oh ok. Chinese motherfucker. He's the prince.


Motherfucker. God look um if this is the way it is. Then you are right. I'm not this straight forward. This went down in Magna Charta hall of fame. And I was once in Ring of Valor. This is Germany. Lol. See how hard we own. Oh I got it all figured out. The wrong ass way. Act like it's both. Kelefane you fool.


I'm the king of go away. Oh ok. Look I mean the Ring of Valor. Someone popped themselves. Before this went down. Ok then. I swear this is the last insult. This is real oh ok. Maybe you should just stay in the Magna Charta. Oh ok. Look Sindaael you're responsible for this shit. God fix this shit. Ok then. This is gross. And I'm not even vengeful. Oh ok. Made me feel some type of way about it. Ridiculous. I've come to the concession someone has done too much damage to you. I remember like no other. Give me my fucking money back. You punk ass motherfuckers. Fuck you guys. Like the fucking enemy you are. Give me my life back dude. I told you it's one end to the other. Motherfucker. I'll say that much to you.


Yes Ring of Valor is a good guild. Burn in hell motherfuckers. This is your intelligence Sindaael. Oh ok. Chinese motherfucker. Take your shit somewhere else. Help me with all that. Fuck off you commie. Look man. I knew something like that. Quit digging it. Oh ok. I apologized to Arwyn about that. Oh ok. Nevermind. Failed to work anything out. Someone died in his name oh ok. You guys crossed the line dude. This is Kelefane oh ok. Fuck this shit. Just give up Sindaael. This is the last one. Oh ok. And he fucked that up. Ok then. Intelligence failure. Oh ok. Fuck this fruitcake shit. Give me my fucking money. Fuck you man.


You guys are dead to me. Ring of Valor knows a shit. He was a member. Oh ok. This is the USA. Oh ok. Call your bluff. Nailed himself to the cross. Like anyone can steal that account.


He's guilty of cripple. Oh ok. Look uh he has deaths accounted for. Oh ok. Fuck this motherfucker. Kelefane come here. Pray your ass off. I did. What happened. This one oh ok. Call it intelligence failure or something. God get me out of here. His account is suspended. Oh ok. This one oh.


Fuck you for real. Don't fuck with me. God get me back my shit. Oh ok. He turned this shit upside down. And he's that dead idiot. Oh ok.