Thank you Draegan, Goodbye FOH


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's just disappointing that, despite Requiem not caring about running the forums anymore, he'd rather just shut everything down rather than hand it off to someone who would've willingly taken over. He just seemed to take this all so personally, like we were supposed to be unquestioningly grateful for anything and everything that happened on the forums. While the guy definitely deserves some gratitude for running things over the years, you'd think the person who ran FoH of all places, would've had a little bit thicker of skin.

But, whether this was just a petulant move of revenge on his part or him feeling like he finally could get rid of the site, I'm just glad we made the move when we did. Things were obviously going to implode sooner or later, and I think we were lucky to pick a time where we could hold everything together rather than feeling like we were just picking up the pieces.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yup. He had that stuff on his resume, about how he boosted sales through traffic. Only the traffic was fake. You could click the profile name and see that there was no join date. That's some Enron type shit right there.

When he knew he couldn't cover it up with the real posters, he erased its existence.
I don't fully understand how hosting, traffic and adsense all work, so maybe I'm making wrong assumptions here, but I don't understand why Req would allow the forums to implode if they were being used to facilitate inflated traffic for revenue purposes. I understand that Req doesn't seem to always make rational decisions, but why would you cut your nose off to spire your face? Was the bot traffic simply and only a way to make FoH a break even proposition, because that's the only thing that makes sense to me, otherwise it's Req and Tyen pissing in their own Cheerios.


Trakanon Raider
That was one of Trexx's first responses to Tuco jumping ship to morenetz, I believe.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Jesus, that's sad. I can't even imagine how many hours I spent surfing the FoH forums over the years. It's like watching the titanic sink. I knew it hit an iceberg, but I still can't fucking believe it.

Aychamo BanBan

I don't fully understand how hosting, traffic and adsense all work, so maybe I'm making wrong assumptions here, but I don't understand why Req would allow the forums to implode if they were being used to fascinate inflated traffic for revenue purposes. I understand that Req doesn't seem to always make rational decisions, but why would you cut your nose off to spire your face? Was the bot traffic simply and only a way to make FoH a break even proposition, because that's the only thing that makes sense to me, otherwise it's Req and Tyen pissing in their own Cheerios.
Good question. Maybe with all the recent exposure of their real life jobs of spamming people and ripping off companies with bots, etc, they got an email from someone who identified their spamming and bots? Were they still running ads on their website? Maybe they got blacklisted from whomever they were running ads for, and realized that they wouldn't be able to support the site any more? Who knows. I'd bet though that whatever happened, it was a direct result of their defrauding other companies. Or maybe it was just that if you searched for Ian or Daniel Salters by name it was being linked to the ridiculous shit they were doing on the internet. Who knows. But I do know they're both fucking retards.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't fully understand how hosting, traffic and adsense all work, so maybe I'm making wrong assumptions here, but I don't understand why Req would allow the forums to implode if they were being used to fascinate inflated traffic for revenue purposes. I understand that Req doesn't seem to always make rational decisions, but why would you cut your nose off to spire your face? Was the bot traffic simply and only a way to make FoH a break even proposition, because that's the only thing that makes sense to me, otherwise it's Req and Tyen pissing in their own Cheerios.
Because all you had to do was to click the user name and see that it was a bot. There was no join date for the bots, or any other data. It was just a screen asking you to pay $25 to join.

Is it really smart to let current and past customers see your bots all exposed like that?
Good question. Maybe with all the recent exposure of their real life jobs of spamming people and ripping off companies with bots, etc, they got an email from someone who identified their spamming and bots? Were they still running ads on their website? Maybe they got blacklisted from whomever they were running ads for, and realized that they wouldn't be able to support the site any more? Who knows. I'd bet though that whatever happened, it was a direct result of their defrauding other companies. Or maybe it was just that if you searched for Ian or Daniel Salters by name it was being linked to the ridiculous shit they were doing on the internet. Who knows. But I do know they're both fucking retards.
keeping my fingers crossed for RL consequences as well.


Millie's Staff Member
No wishes for rl problems for anyone. Though no doubt tyen is already in his own personal hell due to that crone hes shacked up with.


Molten Core Raider


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wow I am truly shocked it is gone just like that. Even more so, Im really amazed at how 2-3 people managed to ruin 10+ years of work. If anyone was on the side of Tyen and swamp donkey or even on the fence of the matter should now have a huge awakening on how truly little they cared about the community to let it go this far.

I was just a lurker in FOH times but I am truly appreciative of the work Draegan and everyone has done to get a place where every can be with people who give a damn. Only good times ahead.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I actually had a lot of fun playing with Tyen on VZTZ. He was a terrible leader, but it was definitely fun none the less. Only thing you could rely on him for was to be 110% high at any given time and to be miss-allocating or lying about loot around every corner. I remember he once went to help some mid 30s guildy in Cazic-Thule kill the Avatar of Fear (the guy had been camping it all day) and tells the guy that nothing dropped and links me 'Rubicite Breastplate$$$$$$' about a thousand times. Goood times.


NeoGaf Donator
Foh was my homepage back in college was on it for hours every day but over the past year or so I couldn't really stand to read or comment in anything besides fsr and the Millie forums.


Millie's Staff Member
I began reading noows when furby started linking the leaked epic 1.0 pics on whineplay and been here ever since. Really sad sad that my favorite board soured so badly it came down to this. Oh well. Nothing lasts forever. Hope I will be happy here