Thats Racist ! (Rich old man in LA buys and sells black folks)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
That's an awful article, nothing will change for the most part until the older generation dies off.
If you live in the rural South (and some of the not-so-rural areas as well), then you'd know it's gonna take longer than that. Racial mores and attitudes here are passed down from generation to generation like grandma's fine china.


Ssraeszha Raider
I don't even disagree with his overall point but that was a really bad article.
I disagree with his overall point and the entire article. People who have nothing real to say love bitching about how terrible and racist America is. This was a billionaire owner with more tenure than anyone else in the NBA and he got his shit wrecked in just a couple days after a private conversation was leaked.

I don't know if it's been confirmed or not, but supposedly Sterling is the one who's idea it was to record all of his conversations. Supposedly, he's been having memory issues among with some Nixon esque paranoia.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I don't know if it's been confirmed or not, but supposedly Sterling is the one who's idea it was to record all of his conversations. Supposedly, he's been having memory issues among with some Nixon esque paranoia.
I've heard that as well and that there are hundreds of hours of recordings. What was leaked might only be the tip of the iceberg.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I would think purposely leaking those would open yourself up to a world of lawsuits.


I don't get why its any concern of the league whether this guy is racist or not.
Really? Oh gee, no sponsers, no money....not to mention the majority of the labor force is BLACK! Come on, get your head out of your ass and think for more than 2 seconds.


Musty Nester
Hey man, better 20 years late than never.

It's not like the other NBA owners didn't know exactly who this dude is and what his attitudes twords the coloreds are.

I sort of suspect it's equal parts ageist against him as it is a condemnation of his lifetime bigotry. If he was just quietly a bigot people never would have heard about it. Because for the past 30 years, people haven't heard about it. But noooooo, he just HAD to go and go senile.

It's very difficult to muster any sympathy for him or his employees. Although to be completely fair, his employees are the more sympathetic case.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Uhh quietly a bigot? Dude lost a federal lawsuit over housing discrimination.


Registered Hodor
Hold on to your jimmies, there's drama coming. Sterling is going to sue the NBA if they try to force him to sell the team.

Donald Sterling Reportedly Will Sue NBA If Forced to Sell Clippers

If the board does side against Sterling, he plans to take legal action against the league, according to Kevin Armstrong, Bill Madden and Teri Thompson of the New York Daily News:
Donald Sterling won?t go down without a fight, according to an NBA executive who is close to the disgraced owner of the Clippers, and will sue the NBA if the other 29 owners vote to force him to sell.

The wheels are in motion to remove Sterling, a process that the executive said Wednesday night would lead to a lawsuit by the disgraced owner, possibly tying up the future of the team for years.

"He is not going to sell the team," the executive said.
Standby for the lulz if he actually wins his case.


Ssraeszha Raider
Hold on to your jimmies, there's drama coming. Sterling is going to sue the NBA if they try to force him to sell the team.

Donald Sterling Reportedly Will Sue NBA If Forced to Sell Clippers

Standby for the lulz if he actually wins his case.
There's not a chance in hell he would win that. Even if he did he'd have 0 sponsors, very low attendance, and no decent players would play for him. He'd essentially be:



Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
If he was just quietly a bigot people never would have heard about it. Because for the past 30 years, people haven't heard about it. But noooooo, he just HAD to go and go senile.
It's not like he went on the news with it. He was having a private conversation with his "girlfriend" who baited him into it while secretly recording him. I don't feel sorry for him, but it's not like he was advertising or "going senile".


I read that the girlfriend did not release the recordings and that it was a friend to whom she gave snippets of audio for safe keeping, but was not authorized to release them to the public. Supposedly.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Hold on to your jimmies, there's drama coming. Sterling is going to sue the NBA if they try to force him to sell the team.

Donald Sterling Reportedly Will Sue NBA If Forced to Sell Clippers

Standby for the lulz if he actually wins his case.
not if, when he wins

after he wins NBA is gonna be financially crippled for years. Because he's gonna win potentially billions. Yes, billions. He will have a legion of lawyers and financial experts show the loss of potential revenue for the foreseeable future due to NBA trying to force him to sell the team. He's gonna show that his other businesses suffered from that as well. If he sues, he wins. And NBA is fucked, and NBA knows it


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Really? Oh gee, no sponsers, no money....not to mention the majority of the labor force is BLACK! Come on, get your head out of your ass and think for more than 2 seconds.
It's only the knee-jerk over-reaction of people to racism against blacks that would cause that sort of thing anyway. Its this exact over reaction to racism that got everyone worked up over Zimmerman. People have known Sterling is a total racist for 20 years, sponsors didn't care, people didn't care, players didn't care.

Guarantee you that the players are probably bigger racists than this guy in any case. Do you even know any black people? EVERYTHING is about race with them. EVERYTHING is racial. It's so tiresome.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'd need to see the contracts with the NBA and what clauses allow them to force him to sell the team, and what sort of discretion they have or if there are certain triggers. No way to know if he'd win without seeing the contracts.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd need to see the contracts with the NBA and what clauses allow them to force him to sell the team, and what sort of discretion they have or if there are certain triggers. No way to know if he'd win without seeing the contracts.
It's the NBA's constitution that has the 3/4 vote clause. I'd have to go pull up an article, but there's a broad "conduct detrimental to the league" or similar statement they would use to force the vote. It's very open to interpretation, I think the real question is whether he has standing to challenge the NBA's rules and decision in court. He can certainly try.

I'd prefer they just enforce the ban fully and let him fade away. This guy loves attention and legal fights, so it would play right into his hand. If they ban him, people will forget about him. If they fight him, he stays in the spotlight and they risk losing.


Ssraeszha Raider
Adam Silver is an amazing lawyer and incredibly smart. I think he knows what he's doing.

But hey, I'm sure you guys with your 0 knowledge on NBA owner bylaws and what their contracts contained probably know a lot more.