The 100


<Gold Donor>
I'm not gonna say I think the entire plan hinging on Bellamy infiltrating the facility is even remotely smart, or the confluence of events that needed to happen for it to succeed at all believable, or the number of times Clarke or someone else "slips away" or overrules the adults or whatever is believable either, but I still really enjoy this show, even without all the hot chicks. A decent amount of shit happens every episode and they don't fuck around too long with shit that they could have drug out for an entire season.

Now, the hot chicks are always welcome of course. There was a serious lack of Commander hotness this episode, but Octavia tried to make up for it by maxing out her mascara budget, so close enough. And we have yet another potential hottie in the grounder in the cage next to Bellamy, so we'll see how that pans out when she cleans up a little. Or dirties up, whichever. Also, I was shocked to find out that Paige Turco (Clarke's mom) is almost fucking 50 years old. I'd knock the bottom out of that in a heartbeat.


Vyemm Raider
Man this show is just firing on all cylinders right now. It is nice how they are already setting up whatever is gonna happen with the city of light after Clark hopefully murders all the mountain men.


Good show, but there's no way a society of human Klingons wouldn't rape the shit out of all the chicks running around. Those types of societies tend to not value women.

Of course, it is scifi, and plenty of other things I could nitpick. I should probably delete this post...


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Awesome episode. Killing off the she-doctor was quite satisfying. I am curious how this will end up next week. I expect great things! Considering the Mountain Men said there were only 350 of them or something. Even if all of them made it out they wouldn't be too strong compared to the clans, but maybe I misheard them.


Awesome episode. Killing off the she-doctor was quite satisfying. I am curious how this will end up next week. I expect great things! Considering the Mountain Men said there were only 350 of them or something. Even if all of them made it out they wouldn't be too strong compared to the clans, but maybe I misheard them.
No, I think you're correct. They said Mount Weather only has a few hundred people. So numbers aren't exactly on their side. depends entirely on what level of technology they have hidden in there. I mean, numbers means nothing if the Weatherites come rolling out of the mountain with tanks and attack choppers...


Blackwing Lair Raider
I am desperate for sci-fi lately. I've been watching this, Falling(Fallen?) sky's, 4400, The Dome, etc and they all mostly suck.

If it were not for Marie Avgeropoulos I wouldn't be able to stomach this abortion of a show. The only redeeming factor is that I can jerk off 2 times in the hour during the show before I go to bed so I pass right out.


Trakanon Raider
If it were not for Marie Avgeropoulos I wouldn't be able to stomach this abortion of a show. The only redeeming factor is that I can jerk off 2 times in the hour during the show before I go to bed so I pass right out.
Harsh, but she is pretty scorching hot. Is it me, or does she look even hotter than normal when dirty and scarred ? ;p


Potato del Grande
Good show, but there's no way a society of human Klingons wouldn't rape the shit out of all the chicks running around. Those types of societies tend to not value women.
Yeah, those types of fictional societies... errr... with female generals and commanders and clan leaders and warriors... just, umm, like don't value women...

But hey, saying Klingon rape is fun, so yeah, totally.

Sidenote: it would be nice if the powerful female leaders were raping other women, though.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I assume the grounders started out with alpha men leading them, pissed off Mt. Weather, and got killed. There ain't no Suzie Homemakers out there.


<Gold Donor>
I am desperate for sci-fi lately. I've been watching this, Falling(Fallen?) sky's, 4400, The Dome, etc and they all mostly suck.

If it were not for Marie Avgeropoulos I wouldn't be able to stomach this abortion of a show. The only redeeming factor is that I can jerk off 2 times in the hour during the show before I go to bed so I pass right out.
To each their own, I enjoy it quite a bit. Sure there is stupid, but name me a show that doesn't have any and I'll jerk you off my self.

I never understood why people that hate a show so much keep watching.


Yeah, those types of fictional societies... errr... with female generals and commanders and clan leaders and warriors... just, umm, like don't value women...

But hey, saying Klingon rape is fun, so yeah, totally.

Sidenote: it would be nice if the powerful female leaders were raping other women, though.
I'm sure powerful female leaders do rape (this is getting creepy) other females, just typically throughout history societies built upon the strength of men (grounders) typically don't value women or put them in charge. Like I said, nitpick of a really good show full of other things one could nitpick.

That being said, when guy above said "glad doctor died" I thought I had spoiled it that Clarke's mom bought it. Glad I found out differently.

I also like the transformation Octavia has made.

Sorry, guy five posts above mine, I think this show is a surprisingly edgy, well written piece of sci fi.

Edit: I should stop posting wasted.


Potato del Grande
Complaining about a show not having rape is what's creepy. You know the drama Parenthood is in the Bay Area, lots of rape in that area, are you outraged that the show doesn't have a bunch of rape on screen? I mean, one female smurf, there's no way there wouldn't be a ton of cartoon rape going on amirite guys?!

In short, bad nitpick, creeper.


Complaining about a show not having rape is what's creepy. You know the drama Parenthood is in the Bay Area, lots of rape in that area, are you outraged that the show doesn't have a bunch of rape on screen? I mean, one female smurf, there's no way there wouldn't be a ton of cartoon rape going on amirite guys?!

In short, bad nitpick, creeper.
That's dumb. That's not what I was saying. It's a female empowerment show where it would make no sense given human history of societies like that. Still a good show though.


Potato del Grande
If not depicting a ton of rape on screen didn't make sense within the context of the show, more people would be bringing it up. Instead, you're the only person I've seen that seems to even so into rape you thought it was the most relevant 'nitpick' to make about the show. Of course, it's sci-fi so there are a ton of things you could nitpick, but no, you chose to nitpick the fact they aren't depicting a bunch of rape on a tv show?

Who the fuck cares about that, though, right?

The bigger sin is your comments generally show what a low viewer-comprehension you have. I mean, the fact you think a fuckingCWshow with a few hot chicks (and plenty of not-so-hot ones) in positions of power is a show about female empowerment means you're even more ignorant than I thought.

Of course, my guess is you probably think any show that doesn't have women being raped must be about female empowerment.

I get it, you probably got drunk, lamented the lack of rape in your life, and thought you'd be cool to bring it up. But honestly it was just weird.

Pro-tip: stick to just talking about jerking off to the show.... that's the cool thing to do.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Harsh, but she is pretty scorching hot. Is it me, or does she look even hotter than normal when dirty and scarred ? ;p
Not just you lol. My god the more filthy she is the more I get excited. It's kind of sick honestly.

And to the other question about why I keep watching, it's a mix of pure boredom, love of sci-fi types of shows, and willingness to tolerate crap for a girl I want to bang.


If not depicting a ton of rape on screen didn't make sense within the context of the show, more people would be bringing it up. Instead, you're the only person I've seen that seems to even so into rape you thought it was the most relevant 'nitpick' to make about the show. Of course, it's sci-fi so there are a ton of things you could nitpick, but no, you chose to nitpick the fact they aren't depicting a bunch of rape on a tv show?

Who the fuck cares about that, though, right?

The bigger sin is your comments generally show what a low viewer-comprehension you have. I mean, the fact you think a fuckingCWshow with a few hot chicks (and plenty of not-so-hot ones) in positions of power is a show about female empowerment means you're even more ignorant than I thought.

Of course, my guess is you probably think any show that doesn't have women being raped must be about female empowerment.

I get it, you probably got drunk, lamented the lack of rape in your life, and thought you'd be cool to bring it up. But honestly it was just weird.

Pro-tip: stick to just talking about jerking off to the show.... that's the cool thing to do.
That's a little too sjw on your part, but ok. Never did I say I wanted rape depicted. Point I was making, albeit poorly obviously, is that the grounders wouldn't have been led by two people that collectively weigh less than 200 pounds. Mountain and sky factions, sure, but a faction that the writers modeled after a mix of Klingon and Afghan tribal groups...not so much. But it's cool, still an awesome show.


<Gold Donor>
a fuckingCWshow with a few hot chicks (and plenty of not-so-hot ones)
Woah woah woah! Now hold on right there! I think you do this show a grave injustice, and I will not stand for it, good sir. I can only think of two (non-extra) chicks that I personally don't find that attractive, and that's the Mountain Man chick helping the space people and the second-in-command black chick. Mutant handjob girl could be another not-so-hot but I don't know if she'll be a regular or not.

Also, mainly just breaking up the rape talk. Harder to jerk off to this show while thinking of why they aren't being raped. I mean, I still do it, but it makes me feel dirty afterwards.


Potato del Grande
Was it creepy when we complained about it with vikings?
Depends on context. The Vikings did, factually and historically rape a lot. It was part of their culture. To leave it out would be sugar coating the actual past in a show that I think was trying to present itself as true to, to an extent. Plenty of ways to depict it and present it that wouldn't offend me at all, and plenty of ways to suggest it's odd if it wasn't at all present.

But, to try to make factual/historic claims on a fictional, speculative group of people on a sci-fi show, all while ignoring some of what we do know about their culture, is ignorant. Remember, Oatlord's desire to jerk off to more rape scenes was founded on two principles: 1) claiming this fictional, speculative group of people are based on another fictional, speculative group of people and thus they would obviously be raping all the time because women are hot and don't wear a lot of clothes. and 2) The society that is littered with women in roles of power that will torture a dude to death for just about anything doesn't value women.

The first is projecting ones own desires onto a situation. Woah, a lot of hot chicks wearing hot outfits with shit smeared on their faces? Why aren't these equally hot men wearing just as little not raping them left and right?! I suppose the fantasy is that if Oatloard were big and hot and Barbaroided out he'd get all the rape he desired! But rapists rape, normal, sane people, even fucking grounders, don't just run around raping their commander and general because they're showing mid-drift. Not to mention, I think statistically more ugly women get raped than hot ones, because I'm guessing if you're a hot grounder warrior chick you'll be on the lookout for rape.

Let's not even fucking forget this is a show cast by CW, and the reality is most of these women wouldn't look so good in 'real' fictional life. So basically wanting a higher-than-normal level of rape is basically just wanting to see women get raped. Hey, CW, you cast chicks that are hotter than typically expected given the circumstances, now you've gotta rape the more often!!! hubba hubba!

Point 2 is just more ignorance, because even if these societies--in whatever dumb comparison to fucking Klingon's--didn't value women, despite the evidence they value anyone who is strong, woman or not... but even if they didn't value women doesn't mean the show should suddenly be all rapey.

What we know: Even faced with evidence a group of people do value women, Oatlord can't seem to grasp the concept, and seems to think hot women running around still mostly clothed on a tv show means that damn tv show should be showing more rape, and why wouldn't you rape someone who only weighed 100 pounds if you wanted because they sure as shit wouldn't stop him! And if you point out flaws in his perspective, well, the powerful women should be raping women too!

I don't give a shit about rape when it's valid, like in Vikings (though there are ways to infer things that I think would probably suffice even if some sick fucks wanted it all raped out for them).

I give a shit about stupid points of view, though, because, well I don't, I guess, because it's not like I expect deep discussion in this thread. But at least the jerking off perspective makes sense where the "why ain't their lots of rape being show?!" seems like a cry for help... holding a girl down.

Reminds me of the scene in This is the End where they quite hilariously take about raping Emma... who is plenty petite and some people argue she's attractive.... on a scale of 1 to 10--10 being this thread where there is no rape and 1 being you lurking outside bars at 2am--how disappointed were you, Oatlord, when they didn't rape Emma?