The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread


Vyemm Raider
9 and 12 were the two final fantasies I quit mid ways due too terrible. 8 wasn't that good but it was better than 9. Sure 9 may have had good char advancement but as a complete package it was flat.

Oh and fuck 13, drop that shit and push versus.


Good catch Chris. FF9 had one of the better character advancements in Final Fantasy? What a terrible statement.
FF9's just a game that neckbeards beat their ballbag on as a throwback to "old school", which was barely more than 10 years old at that point. The game itself kinda sucked, the fighting was more one dimensional than ever with the only new twist being an uncontrollable "limit break". Funny enough, special attacks made trances worthless if they were invested in powering up anyway. You know the marble is mad when he spends 2 out of his 3 turns healing until he falls over dead.

I'd say in defense of 9 at least it's better than 8, 12, and 13.


Potato del Grande
I liked how in FF8 you could break the game doing things like refining Tents with Siren to get 3000 HP or refining cards, it was stuff you could figure out yourself. They tried some bold stuff as they could never really follow up on FF7 except graphically (which they did) and I respect that, I also had a lot of fun playing it and enjoyed the storyline. I do get how people consider it less good though and won't argue with that unless you reference FF9/13 as better games...


FF8 has a mess of a story compared to FF9. After you travel to the orphanage and everyone remembers that they know each other, the game takes a huge nose dive in story with all of its space travel and time compression nonsense. In FF9, the plot takes a jump with Garland's big plan to have Terra assimilate Gaia - but at least you could follow the story. Also, all of FF9's characters have decent development and backstories compared to the majority of characters in FF8, who are just along for the ride.


Avatar of War Slayer
I subscribe to the Squall is dead theory that I believe was posted earlier- its the only way I can enjoy even reading about 8's story etc.

As for visuals, I liked FF7's shaded color polys on character models that did not have "giant pixle" stuff like FF8/9 did - that giant pixle pet peeve was one of my big things about the n64 vs ps1- to me in 8/9 the textures if too small or too big would look like shit- yeah they looked nice with everything at midground but once you changed that- bleah.... they did perfect the going from in game to FMV seamless- that was cool- ill give FF8 that much, but no more.

I thought in FF9 the black waltz dudes where badass and looked awesome- I could have used a little more of Vivi or whatever the player black mage was to grow up more and maybe even have a "class change" moment where he turns into the more badass style than the frumpy dumb thing that he is.

I bought 7 on PSN awhile ago for a playthough and did the same for 9 when it was on sale- as I lost my 2 and 3 discs for it...AGAIN... so now I have purchased FF9 3 times...orig (used)... best of green box on sale...and PSN...


A Mod Real Quick
I really want to play FF6 again. I could emulate it, but maybe if I bought it I'd be more inclined to beat it again. Is it available on PSN? Perhaps one of the Anthology or whatever versions that came packaged with a second game? Worst decision ever to sell that.


The PSN version of FF6 is good but its translation is a bit different. Many prefer the Woolsey one of the FF3 version released in the States, myself included.


Avatar of War Slayer
Aye its on PSN as FF6 from the anthology that added the FMVs and increased load time into battles...this is not as bad as it was on the disc... also because it is a "PS1 Classic" you can play it via your PSP/Vita remote play :) I have an old backwards compatable 60gig I only have it on when it is in use as it heats up fairly quick and I don't want to leave it on overnight to play via my PSP in bed etc... I need to swap my ps3s as I have a slim 120gig upstairs and the 60gig is running out of space and I am too lazy to upgrade its harddrive...

but yes, 6 is available- they all where recently on sale- I /think/ you can buy 1 through 10 in various formats


<WoW Guild Officer>
fuck, I really should just get a PS3 (or 4?) so I can play FF whatever.


Avatar of War Slayer
fuck, I really should just get a PS3 (or 4?) so I can play FF whatever.
It does have a great array of RPGs from the years past- the PS1, PS2 and PSP offer a huge library of great RPGs - the Wild Arms, Lunar and FF games make the purchase worth it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Can't the Vita play them all as well? The issue with playing some on the PS3 is they look fuck-all terrible on a 50" HDTV.


There are two schools of thought on the merits of FFIX - there's those who recognise it as a massive love-letter (and, ultimately, farewell) to the FF fans by theoriginalSquare staff, full of references to the earlier games and essentially the lastrealFinal Fantasy game; and then on the other hand there's also those people who are wrong about it.

The Ancient_sl

Link thatlet's playagain so the uninitiated can waste a day going through the nooks and crannies of the game and still come to the conclusion that it sucks. Which it does. You can right a fancy love letter full of references and still make a shitty game.


Btw, calling another person a Neck Beard for disagreeing with you in a Final Fantasy argument is absolutely hilarious.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
In Sean's defense, this is the only love letter he ever has, or will get - so please don't take this away from him.


Potato del Grande
There are two schools of thought on the merits of FFIX - there's those who recognise it as a massive love-letter (and, ultimately, farewell) to the FF fans by theoriginalSquare staff, full of references to the earlier games and essentially the lastrealFinal Fantasy game; and then on the other hand there's also those people who are wrong about it.
I never understood this "farewell to the original fans" thing because I can't really see how it is. Do you mean "It's High Fantasy like FF1-5, not Science Fantasy like FF6+"? Because that is very little to go on really. It really isn't like any of the older games at all, other than the token references to crystals or moogles.


Molten Core Raider
FF9 was originally written by the FBI to lure out potential pedophiles and furries.

Then square bought it.


I never understood this "farewell to the original fans" thing because I can't really see how it is. Do you mean "It's High Fantasy like FF1-5, not Science Fantasy like FF6+"? Because that is very little to go on really. It really isn't like any of the older games at all, other than the token references to crystals or moogles.
Because it was the last game the original Square/FF team worked on before leaving the company. As for the other part:

Tl;dr - Pretty much any part of the game where the script isn'tdirectlyrelated to the main plot (and even some places where it is) is probably a reference to a previous FF game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I never understood this "farewell to the original fans" thing because I can't really see how it is. Do you mean "It's High Fantasy like FF1-5, not Science Fantasy like FF6+"? Because that is very little to go on really. It really isn't like any of the older games at all, other than the token references to crystals or moogles.
What? I'd argue that crystals and moogles were more than token references, but even beyond that, there's a whole heap of things. The vast majority of shit in that game was a reference to an earlier game - items, bosses, locations, jobs. I'd also argue that there's a change to a more linear, directed game flow in the post-9 games in comparison to earlier in the series.