The Beer Thread


Bronze Squire
So I read a couple of good write-ups about the Hunahpu Day fiasco over at Washington Beer Blog.

First is a Seattle local who traveled there for the festival and was at the front of the line waiting to get his allotted 3 bottles when they shut the doors on him. His recount lines up very well with what kudos said about the whole thing.
A Different Account of Hunahpus Day
I feel the negative light that is being shined on the fans of Cigar City, many of whom traveled hundreds, and in some cases thousands, of miles just for this festival is a gross misrepresentation of what I saw at the event itself. There were jerks to be sure, but there are at every event.

Cigar City dropped the ball here. They sold cases when they knew they likely didn't have enough Hunahpu to even meet the guaranteed bottles. They told us to come late and then rewarded those who showed up early. They knew there would be thousands of people at this event and didn't take the proper steps to prevent people from just walking in or using counterfeit tickets. And when things really went to hell at the end, they didn't address the crowd until it was far too late.
Another is from the blog host just talking about beer-hype in general.
The Fine Line Between Beer Geeks Beer Jerks
Saturday's Hunahpu's hoopla was caused by more than a desire to drink Hunahpu's Imperial Stout. Redner told the Tampa Bay Times, "There are a lot of people out there looking at beer as a commodity and not something you're buying for your own personal consumption." But don't blame the unscrupulous profiteers looking to sell the beer on Ebay. It isOURirrational exuberance that drives the prices. WE are the reason bottles of Hunahpu's sell for $250. We the Sheeple are responsible for the hype.

I have consumed Hunahpu's Imperial Stout. Sorry, but I don't remember who gave it to me or where I was when I drank it. I remember that it was a damn good beer. No disrespect, but it did not change my life. It is not "riot worthy." Drinking Hunahpu's did not make me cooler, more sophisticated, or in any way better than anyone else.

I appreciate the beer but I hate the hype. We all want to support our favorite brewery, but at some point our affection does more harm than good. We all want to feel included and involved in the craft beer culture, but at some point our love of beer threatens to turn us into hooligans. There is a very fine line between being a beer geek and being a beer jerk.


Still a Music Elitist
I'm so glad I have easy access to some of the greatest beer drinking spots around so I never have to deal with that madness. A lot of the special beers lose their appeal when so many places have nearly 70 taps on seasonal rotation.


Bronze Squire
I agree. I have so much great beer around me it makes no sense to me to put up with that nonsense, but I think the author did a good job pointing out that these things have become about more than just the beer. People attending these events do so to be a part of the "beer culture" and to say that they were there more than they do to get the beer itself. But hearing how much time some people did just to get a 10oz pour of PTY or the CCB near-riot, it seems the lengths people are going to set themselves apart in beer culture is reaching a point of laughable ridiculousness.


yeah Brown Shugga is all over the place around here. It's even at our grocery stores.
Went today to see if the local ABC liquor store had any - nope. All out and won't be getting more. Pisses me the fuck off so I'm trying Sucks for the first time now. I'll give a terrible review of it after I drink it. I've heard good things.

store down the street has about 1000 six packs, you want to do some paypaling?
I would but the shipping makes it not worth it. If I had a shitload of money to waste I'd tell you to buy as much as possible for me.

Beer culture now for middle class people is what the Jordan's culture is to urban youths. It sucks and I want it to end asap so the only people left are ones that appreciate the beer. Luckily while I was at the liquor store today the beer guy put me down on the list for people to save good stuff for. DFH 120min is already being saved.


Still a Music Elitist
Whereabouts in the country do you live, kudos? I find it a bit surprising you can find Sucks easily but can't find Brown Shugga.


Tampa, FL


You can really taste the whiskey in this. Too thin for an imperial stout but it tastes fine. I wouldn't buy it again but it's decent. The nose on it is terrible however. It smells metallic.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
We don't get too many fancy or import things around here, so I try to grab pretty much anything new to try it out. New being never seen on the shelf or what the drunk behind the counter tells me they just got in.

They had two of the Lips of Faith today, Wild2 and Cigar City. Will have to try later tonight after this dinner party thing we're having.


<WoW Guild Officer>
We don't get too many fancy or import things around here, so I try to grab pretty much anything new to try it out. New being never seen on the shelf or what the drunk behind the counter tells me they just got in.

They had two of the Lips of Faith today, Wild2 and Cigar City. Will have to try later tonight after this dinner party thing we're having.
I didn't care for either of them (they weren't bad, but they just weren't my style). If you can find the imperial yuzu berlinerweisse, it's pretty darn good.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I just finished the Dubbel tonight and would agree on both counts. I'd probably drink the Dubbel over the other if needed, but won't be re-buying either.


My friend and I picked up a couple growlers. I got the De Molen Geboren & Getogen and he got the Rogue New Crustacean Barleywine/ Imperial IPA.

When I got home I was surprised to see that the internet consensus was basically the opposite of my experience. High praise for the Rogue and not much like for the smoked beer. I though the de Molen was a really nice beer, it's a well balanced nearly session beer with a good deal of not overpowering smokiness. The rogue was just weird. It had the alcohol and maltiness you expect from a barleywine, but with the hops of an IPA. I love new things, but this didn't work for me at all. The mouth feel was all wrong and the combination of maximum hops and maximum malt just didn't do anything for me.


Got something right about marriage
I really, really don't understand the point of a grapefruit IPA. A hoppy IPA is going to taste of grapefruit by default, why add actual grapefruit into the equation?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Some IPA's have a grapefruit flavor ... and I like that. My thought was that it might accentuate the flavor I already enjoy...but it didn't really succeed on that front.


Still a Music Elitist
I didn't care for either of them (they weren't bad, but they just weren't my style).If you can find the imperial yuzu berlinerweisse, it's pretty darn good.
That one is very good. They had it on tap at a local spot a couple months ago and you mentioning it brought up tasty memories.

My friend and I picked up a couple growlers. I got the De Molen Geboren & Getogen and he got the Rogue New Crustacean Barleywine/ Imperial IPA.

When I got home I was surprised to see that the internet consensus was basically the opposite of my experience. High praise for the Rogue and not much like for the smoked beer. I though the de Molen was a really nice beer, it's a well balanced nearly session beer with a good deal of not overpowering smokiness. The rogue was just weird. It had the alcohol and maltiness you expect from a barleywine, but with the hops of an IPA. I love new things, but this didn't work for me at all. The mouth feel was all wrong and the combination of maximum hops and maximum malt just didn't do anything for me.
I find that to be a problem with all Rogue beers. They are complex but are not balanced at all. That or the flavors just mix poorly. It's gotten to the point that I avoid their beers completely.



Not really liking quads that much I didn't expect to think a lot of good things about this beer.

I was wrong. It's probably one of the better beers I've ever had. There is so much going on with the taste. Incredibly sweet. It's like a tropical island in my mouth. You can definitely taste the rum. Amazing.

At 15% ABV I'm not doing much the rest of the day though. Time to enjoy this day off.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Had the new stone enjoy-by (4/20) and it's pretty damn good. I'm not usually one for herbal-hoppyness, but it worked.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I'm jelly of kudos, would love to try some of that. Tried a Loup Garou last night and didn't really liked it at all.