The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

Zombie Thorne_sl

lol. I love when people take this retarded fucking appraoch and claim they have multiple PS3's yet they only use them to watch/stream movies. Really? You spent money on more than 1 PS3 so you and your wife can stream movies? Seriously, its the most retarded fucking stance on PS3 EVER. Buy a fucking laptop you cheap fuck, and hdmi the bitch to your TV. I dont understand the PS3 hate when it comes to evaluating it as a gaming machine. The Blu-ray capability is just an added convenience. The PS3 was and is a successful gaming system, period.
I dont think he's saying it isnt a successful gaming machine by any means, hes just saying that is what he currently uses it for 97% of the time. Im the same way, and know a bunch of people that do the exact same thing. The success of this generation is going to be more about the eccosystem they offer and not just the games they play.
lol. I love when people take this retarded fucking appraoch and claim they have multiple PS3's yet they only use them to watch/stream movies. Really? You spent money on more than 1 PS3 so you and your wife can stream movies? Seriously, its the most retarded fucking stance on PS3 EVER. Buy a fucking laptop you cheap fuck, and hdmi the bitch to your TV. I dont understand the PS3 hate when it comes to evaluating it as a gaming machine. The Blu-ray capability is just an added convenience. The PS3 was and is a successful gaming system, period.
So he spent 299 on a media center (ps3) and that's stupid? Not sure if serious

Zombie Thorne_sl

I do not need backwards compatibility, people always talk of BC on consoles... i can not ever think of a time where i said.. ohh, i want to play that PS1 game on my PS3... or even a PS2 game on my PS3, just never happened yet. Maybe you guys like to play those old game again, i just don't get it. I get a new system and i get the new games for it. I think people complain about BC because in theory you are still playing your PS3 games and think you want to play them when you get your PS4?? ummm my PS3 and my PS4 will be hooked up to the same TV, compatibility issue solved.

PSN titles that wont transfer is annoying, but from a technical view, it makes perfect sense.. the architecture is so different that the games won't run properly... take Kings Quest 1 for an old 486 and put it on just a first generation Pentium computer (i did this btw) sure it ran, but man, it was just not right... same here for PS4... I think what should happen is that Devs should work to convert their games if they so see fit to do it for the PS4 architecture, then Sony should check if you owned the game, and if so, the new version should be avail to you for free or at a hugely discounted price....
But yet again, how many old games do you plan on really playing? You still playing your PS2 games on your PS3???
Yeah i have no idea why people are so up in arms about the BC thing. I didnt expect to play my NES games on the Super NES... I want NEW games.

I read Neogaf sometimes, and i honestly just get pissed off. That community is the most entitled group of gamers i have ever seen, they want everything under the sun and then say "399!!!???! Ill wait til a 199 price drop and buy games after they drop to 20 bucks." You cant have nice things without paying for it. I am sure the nerdrage will be epic when PS World pricing is introduced, everyone seems to think Sony is doing it all for the customer and it will be 20 bucks a year or something absurd. I am betting 10-15 bucks a month for the services you want.

I think it is more of a age/generational thing though. Im in my late 30's, most of the neogaf types seem to be much younger. Thank god for RR/FoH.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I do not need backwards compatibility, people always talk of BC on consoles... i can not ever think of a time where i said.. ohh, i want to play that PS1 game on my PS3... or even a PS2 game on my PS3, just never happened yet. Maybe you guys like to play those old game again, i just don't get it. I get a new system and i get the new games for it. I think people complain about BC because in theory you are still playing your PS3 games and think you want to play them when you get your PS4?? ummm my PS3 and my PS4 will be hooked up to the same TV, compatibility issue solved.

PSN titles that wont transfer is annoying, but from a technical view, it makes perfect sense.. the architecture is so different that the games won't run properly... take Kings Quest 1 for an old 486 and put it on just a first generation Pentium computer (i did this btw) sure it ran, but man, it was just not right... same here for PS4... I think what should happen is that Devs should work to convert their games if they so see fit to do it for the PS4 architecture, then Sony should check if you owned the game, and if so, the new version should be avail to you for free or at a hugely discounted price....
But yet again, how many old games do you plan on really playing? You still playing your PS2 games on your PS3???
I still have my launch PS3 and I only play 1 PS2 game on it. So yeah, your point stands, but you cant really completely dismiss it. I dont have a PS2 so I wouldnt be able to play that game otherwise. Everyone's situation is different. I pretty much feel the same way though, as if you buy a new system, you should prolly buy and play new games.

edit: And I never said it was stupid, I said making an argument about PS3's main use is watching media is stupid. For one, streaming HD movies can be kind of terrible. Not everyone has a stupid fast connection, so sometimes this can be unreasonable. Second, storing movies on a PS3 HD is unpractical in most situations (if you storing a bunch of HD movies anyway) unless you have an external HD or some shit. So using a laptop with terabytes of HD space to satisfy your viewing pleasures is much more reliable IMO. If you can stream HD movies fine then this is all a moot point, but again, everyones situation is different.

I'm actually surprised people are using their PS3 to watch movies NINETY SEVEN percent of the time. I play games on my PS3 almost every day. Maybe Im in the minority, but my experience with trying to stream HD movies via my PS3 was not a good one.


Buy a fucking laptop you cheap fuck, and hdmi the bitch to your TV.
Laptops with blu-ray weren't cheap back then. Not to mention the almost annual requirement to buy a new software player to get updated keys. Also, most of them are still shit compared to a Sony BD player.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
lol. I love when people take this retarded fucking appraoch and claim they have multiple PS3's yet they only use them to watch/stream movies. Really? You spent money on more than 1 PS3 so you and your wife can stream movies? Seriously, its the most retarded fucking stance on PS3 EVER. Buy a fucking laptop you cheap fuck, and hdmi the bitch to your TV. I dont understand the PS3 hate when it comes to evaluating it as a gaming machine. The Blu-ray capability is just an added convenience. The PS3 was and is a successful gaming system, period.
Everyone else pretty much covered what's wrong with what you said but I'll throw my hat into the pile saying you're out of line here.

an accordion_sl

Couldn't disagree more on the backwards compatibility thing.NewPlaystation 4 owners may want to play the original titles of exclusives (that they are now playing sequels to) that were originally on the PS3/PS2/PS1, currently there are two ways to do this and both are decided by Sony and developers. If consoles were backwards compatible, they wouldn't have to worry about adding the titles to PSN or creating HD remakes, those interested would just go out and purchase the games to play on the PS4. This also goes for titles players may have missed or didn't get to play because they never bought a console the previous generation.

The Ancient_sl

PS3 backwards compatibility wasn't as important because the vast majority of PS2 games actually looked like utter shit on HDtvs. I remember the day I upgraded my tv. It was the day I decided I'd be getting the next gen consoles as soon as possible.

Zombie Thorne_sl

Yeah but it's not financially feasible to add a cell or xenos processor to new hardware for BC, and a software solution would be just as much work as porting old games to the new systems.

At the end of the day it boils down to money. The companies can only exist by making a profit. It's just not financially possible to do everything current gamers want and still come out ahead.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Couldn't disagree more on the backwards compatibility thing.NewPlaystation 4 owners may want to play the original titles of exclusives (that they are now playing sequels to) that were originally on the PS3/PS2/PS1, currently there are two ways to do this and both are decided by Sony and developers. If consoles were backwards compatible, they wouldn't have to worry about adding the titles to PSN or creating HD remakes, those interested would just go out and purchase the games to play on the PS4. This also goes for titles players may have missed or didn't get to play because they never bought a console the previous generation.
Not sure if this has been posted yet Charge me a monthly fee for complete access, and I'm in.


Bronze Squire
I still have my launch PS3 and I only play 1 PS2 game on it. So yeah, your point stands, but you cant really completely dismiss it. I dont have a PS2 so I wouldnt be able to play that game otherwise. Everyone's situation is different. I pretty much feel the same way though, as if you buy a new system, you should prolly buy and play new games.

edit: And I never said it was stupid, I said making an argument about PS3's main use is watching media is stupid. For one, streaming HD movies can be kind of terrible. Not everyone has a stupid fast connection, so sometimes this can be unreasonable. Second, storing movies on a PS3 HD is unpractical in most situations (if you storing a bunch of HD movies anyway) unless you have an external HD or some shit. So using a laptop with terabytes of HD space to satisfy your viewing pleasures is much more reliable IMO. If you can stream HD movies fine then this is all a moot point, but again, everyones situation is different.

I'm actually surprised people are using their PS3 to watch movies NINETY SEVEN percent of the time. I play games on my PS3 almost every day. Maybe Im in the minority, but my experience with trying to stream HD movies via my PS3 was not a good one.
You wouldn't believe how many times when I go to play a game on my PS3 all I see is my friends list filled with people doing everything BUT playing games.


Trakanon Raider
I find it interesting that backwards compatibility debate comes up after Gaben basically said that they don't want time you invested into any of their games go to waste once you start playing another one...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think backwards compatibility is one of those things that's a big deal to a miniscule minority of vocal internet people and meaningless to everyone else. Of course there's people that would use it and love it, but not enough to make it matter to Sony. Just like there's people that can only ejaculate over a Gibson Les Paul, but those motherfuckers refuse to add a splashguard no matter how many letters I write...


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I was so happy that my original PS3 had the hardware backward-compatibility. I used it exactly 0 times.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Indeed Zaphid its pretty clear they're working on a nonemulation (hint: streaming) solution.


<Silver Donator>
I still have a PS2 somewhere in one of the boxes I haven't opened when I moved in, and I'll still have my PS3 in 5years so retrocompatibility I don't really care about, but I guess if I didn't have a PS3 I'd be interested in it so I could maybe pick up games I didn't play. Then again I don't know, is there that many PS3 exclusives games worth playing? I guess a bunch of Tales if you're into that, I haven't played any since the previous generation(well I think, Abyss was the last one I played iirc and that was on PS2 I believe?). Dark souls/Demon souls were ported to PC. I think that's about it for the games I'd care about playing even though I enjoyed a few more.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I was so happy that my original PS3 had the hardware backward-compatibility. I used it exactly 0 times.
Agreed, but it is a bit different this time since the PS3 games are still "playable" whereas I didn't really consider the PS2 games playable after going to HD. I still think nobody will care much once it actually comes out, just like what happened when the PS3 came out since virtually nobody used it. I was actually half expecting no outrage if BC wasn't included this time for the same reason.
The only backwards compatibility I really care about is if I had bought something like say Limbo, on PSN. Then, if it shows up on the PS4 Store, I'd want my account flagged as owning it and able to d/l it. So, direct ports of the same game to ps4? Yes. All the other stuff? Their future gaikai solution seems fine by me.