The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Legal Ephebophile
Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have expected a realistic answer to that question. Not all of us would pick and choose our friends over their console choice. For me I use my Xbox to mostly play sports games with my friends online. So I get whatever console they have. So we can, *gasp*, play together. As for it being less powerful, I really don't give a fuck. It's like computers, at a point the hardware becomes good enough for the differences between the graphics quality to be miniscule at best.

Also devs have proven time and time again they code for the lowest common denominator.


Buzzfeed Editor
But seriously, can someone please tell me what the linkage between 24 hour DRM and the family plan gaming sharing being dropped is, besides Microsoft being vindictive little crybabies, mad they didn't get their way?

I think it's the fact that such a plan was dependent on the entire game being loaded onto your HD. Without the need for a disc, this would allow people to sell the game while still playing it, and while I support secondary markets--that's not feasible. So after moving to require discs, they can't allow free play from the HD.


Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have expected a realistic answer to that question from you. Not all of us would pick and choose our friends over their console choice.
That is a realistic answer. If your friends are so fucking stupid that they would blindly buy a more expensive, less powerful console then you need to educate them. Take the time to sit their asses down and show them that they are wrong and here is why. Don't just let your friends make terrible decisions, teach them why their decision is a bad one and that they should change it.


Legal Ephebophile
I've never had a problem with Xbox though, so to me it doesn't seem like a bad decision? I've loved my Xbox 360 and if sales numbers are accurate so have a shit ton of other people. I don't see a really good reason to change, especially with the changes announced today.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I dunno man, they were talking about being able to track individual copies of games so that when you gave a physical disc to someone once, they could install the game but then never again, and that stores and publishers could track discs through some system to allow for resales of used titles if publishers allowed it or whatever, so I think, while your explanation outside the context of Microsoft pushing that line at one point to justify the DRM policies makes perfect logical sense, inside that context it sort of blows that out of the water.

They could easily track a disc, according to their own narrative, and if you sell it, so now its in a retailer's system again, or give it away, so now someone else has installed it on their system, they automatically remove your authorization to play the game on your account and any people you've shared it with.



I still cannot grasp why this would make anyone even ponder getting an Xbox One if they already had decided not to.

The PS4 is more powerful and cheaper , short of being a Kinect fanatic why would one want the Xbox over the PS ?


I've never had a problem with Xbox though, so to me it doesn't seem like a bad decision? I've loved my Xbox 360 and if sales numbers are accurate so have a shit ton of other people. I don't see a really good reason to change, especially with the changes announced today.
You don't see a good reason to change?

PS4 = $100 less.Significantlymore powerful hardware. No Kinect required. Extremely Indie friendly and will have lots of indie games. Sony has a far better track record with exclusives. PS+ is vastly superior service. And Sony isn't as blatantly full of shit as Microsoft is.

If you can't see how that's all better than the Xbone and a good reason to change then you're just as much of an idiot as your friends are.


Trakanon Raider
I've never had a problem with Xbox though, so to me it doesn't seem like a bad decision? I've loved my Xbox 360 and if sales numbers are accurate so have a shit ton of other people. I don't see a really good reason to change, especially with the changes announced today.
His point is that brand loyalty between generations is dumb. Just because you liked the 360 more, doesnt make the 180 a better choice than the PS4. One is cheaper and more powerful. One isn't going to watch you masturbate. One didn't need an entire consumer base to tell them that 24 hour check-ins, only working in like 13 countries and telling your customers "well if you dont have always one internet, use our last gen system" were all bad ideas.

Why should you change? Because now is the best time to change.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Well, I mean, if Microsoft's mouths are moving, they're usually nothing but bullshit coming out.

So good point.


Silver Squire
Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have expected a realistic answer to that question. Not all of us would pick and choose our friends over their console choice. For me I use my Xbox to mostly play sports games with my friends online. So I get whatever console they have. So we can, *gasp*, play together. As for it being less powerful, I really don't give a fuck. It's like computers, at a point the hardware becomes good enough for the differences between the graphics quality to be miniscule at best.

Also devs have proven time and time again they code for the lowest common denominator.
Most of my friends were on 360.

Told them I'm getting a PS4.

They asked why?

Told them.

They said ok

After a week they had all pre ordered a ps4

If they had remained on 360 oh well, I'll find new people to play with. If they were REAL friends I'll catch them at the office or bar or where ever. If they were faux internet friends then those are a dime a dozen who really gives a shit unless that is your thing.


Buzzfeed Editor
I've never had a problem with Xbox though, so to me it doesn't seem like a bad decision? I've loved my Xbox 360 and if sales numbers are accurate so have a shit ton of other people. I don't see a really good reason to change, especially with the changes announced today.
Because their company is being run with the mentality of a used car salesman?

This is why they are so out of touch. The company isnotbeing run by people who love the technology. It's being run by people whomarketand sell. Their gaming division is the same way because this asshole only has sycophants reporting to him.

As seen last generation, people who put the technology firstcanscrew up, to. But usually geeky-introverts don't subvert and insulate the culture around them, so typically their mistakes aren't meant to sodomize you (And eventually, unless said geek is named Brad, the business end of your company will reign you in). This clown (And his ilk)? He will fuck your mother to steal your piggy bank and what's worse, he's the kind of douche that will carefully purge a company so he can't be questioned. Why you'd have brand loyalty to that is beyond me. (It's no surprise why MS has gone down the shitter, this guy culled all their real talent who might challenge his "vision", and most of them went to Google.)


I'm happy Microsoft made this change. Still won't get an xbox180, but that's beside the point. One company dominating the console market is bad for gamers.


Molten Core Raider
If they were the same price, the slightly better graphic possibilities of the PS4 might not outweigh the fact that the Xbox controller is vastly superior to the PS3 controller. For $100 less I guess I can put up with a shitty controller, guess I'll get used to it.


Well, I was pretty damned amused by the whole ride. I'm still hoping XBone tanks horribly but I'm sad that if it does now they'll blame it on caving in to the 'vocal minority'. Someone might have learned a lesson from this but sadly, I think no longer.

Hmm, MS kinda reminds me of the GOP at times...