The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
i havent used my ps4 in months either but yeah fuck that shit. God both these consoles just suck.

The old school PSN store was great. Not sure why they have this new thing but agreed, it's awful last I looked at it.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The only console game I really spent a lot of time invested in was Forza. I would really like to try it again but I really can't see buying an Xbox now. I would seriously considering it on a PS4.


FPS noob


Competition is grand.
Fuck yeah it is. I got so many games to play now my OCD is making me feel like this Truck in maximum overdrive.



Vyemm Raider
Do you ever feel like you better "buckle down" and finish up these games? I get very ocd about games, and sometimes I play games that I know are not super fun just so I can finish them and be done. Ff13 was a great example of this.

How often do you guys finish games and does it gnaw at the back of your mind if you don't?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I used to, but I've come to accept that if a game doesn't really, really hook me, I will almost definitely leave it unfinished. I don't like to spend all my free time gaming these days, so the games have to be exceptional. I do feel like I waste too much money on games I don't finish though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Do you ever feel like you better "buckle down" and finish up these games? I get very ocd about games, and sometimes I play games that I know are not super fun just so I can finish them and be done. Ff13 was a great example of this.

How often do you guys finish games and does it gnaw at the back of your mind if you don't?
Naws the shit out of me, but I can also accept if a game is just bad, and I have no interest in it. So a great game like DA:I, naws the shit out of me that I can't play more and finish it, but a game like AC:Unity, I felt no issue not playing, and trading back in. I now have Shadows of Mordor, DA:I, GTA V, Call of Duty, and Final Fantasy 14 (mmo) to try and play.

I think I'm going to approach it like that one finance radio guy that talks about knocking out the small debts first to snowball into paying off the bigger debts? Knock out the shorter single player campaigns like CoD: AW, and Mordor, leaving more time to push into DA:I and GTA V both of which can easily suck up 50+ hours without blinking.

It also bugs me when I can't see how long I've played a game. Platforms like Steam are perfect for me, as I can see how many hours I've put in. Or games like TLoU or DA:I both of which have the hours listed with your save points.


Do you ever feel like you better "buckle down" and finish up these games? I get very ocd about games, and sometimes I play games that I know are not super fun just so I can finish them and be done. Ff13 was a great example of this.

How often do you guys finish games and does it gnaw at the back of your mind if you don't?
Yes I need to at least finish it unless it's super bad like Evil Within.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, I should have put an asterisk when I said games had to be exceptional for me to really put the time in. Exceptional or the rare MMO binge!


Same here C dog. I got a xbone and been having a blast doing Halo Master chief with sukik. Great game and I'll play something with ya maybe do last of us MP. My dad hooked me up with tons of PS cards for xmas so you pick.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lots of friends been bugging me to get into GTA V , for the online heists that are coming. Have TLoU: remastered , so could do multiplayer there. Dragon Age multiplayer?

Nothing seems as easy as slipping into a game of Diablo and stomping monsters!

Edit: Or are you going to force me to get Minecraft for PS4? Just picked up Terraria while it was on sale. haha!


Do you ever feel like you better "buckle down" and finish up these games? I get very ocd about games, and sometimes I play games that I know are not super fun just so I can finish them and be done. Ff13 was a great example of this.

How often do you guys finish games and does it gnaw at the back of your mind if you don't?
I play one game only until it's finished. I never switch to another because I know I'll rarely go back.

Since I typically only play on the weekends it means that one game can take a LONG time to finish. Case in point: I startedNi No Kuniin mid-March and finally completed it in late August.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Just unwrapped a PS4 for Christmas and am a sad panda.

1) PSN seems to be down, getting error CE-34861-2 whenever I try and sign into PSN. Reading that others have the same issue.
2) Stupid PS proprietary camera connector. My PS4 is in a separate wiring closet.. They should have made this wireless or HDMI/Cat5 based for those that have a multimedia cabinet
3) Harmony remote doesn't work with PS4

Probably all old news for a thread this mature, but needed to rant..