The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


I posted this in the FoH board so I'll retype it out here. Which ever console chooses to not play used games will be the winner of this console generation. As much as developers like to claim piracy is what kills their profits it is just a tiny fraction compared to the profit loss from the second hard market. You can argue that the people who pirate were not going to buy the game in the first place and so it was no loss in profit. You can not argue that someone buying a used game is no profit loss because real money was exchanged for the game. Money that the developer could have received if not for the second hard market. Instead retailers, even individuals, pocketed that money without ever considering how much money the developer spent producing the game. It is already a known fact that the cost of game production is increasing to the point that it is nearly eclipsing the profit grain even if the game is a mild hit. SquarEnix even stated they made less profit than expected from the new Tomb Raider and that game was considered a hit.

The elimination of the second hard market means a game is profitable for the life of the console and not just during the first few months then dwindling down to nothing once the used copies start flowing back into the user stream. Steam has proven that games even as old as 10 years can still turn a profit because the second hard market for the PC is non-existent. Developers will want that assurance because that means they can stay in business longer

Lets say Microsoft does go the route of not playing used games. They will have a huge incentive for developers once they show a game will be profitable for the life of the console. That incentive will also show that releasing a game multi-platform on a console that does allow used games to be played will lower developer profit if they had only released it for the Xbox. By making the game for another console with a second hand market you in turn create a second hard market for the game. You have to remember that money exchanged in the second hard market is money they will never see. It is not in their best interest to make players that only purchase used games happy. It might promote their company and game but it doesn't pay the rent at the end of the day. What is in their best interest is having a flash sale and sell it for lower than the used game price because at least then they will make some profit from it. It is a common practice for the used price to be lower than the new price in the same retail establishment.

Now lets say Sony does allow used game to be played on the PS4. If they do and Microsoft goes with the no used game strat then expect the PS4 to have stripped down versions of Xbox ports. The developers will try their best to get the players to buy the Xbox version because they know it will never change hands without them receiving something for it. The Xbox version will receive "extra content" which is them really saying you get the full game. They might even sale the Xbox version for cheaper to encourage the gamer for the purchase because why the hell not. It's not like the gamer can resell the game so selling for cheaper is a net profit by the fact it wasn't a PS4 version sold. The developers will force Sony to go the way of the Xbox or be stuck as the console with the hand me downs along with pricey DLC that is normally package with the Xbox version to compensate for the used market profit loss. Only the first party titles will have all the intended content which places Sony at a disadvantage because the very nature of the second hand market will eat at their profits as well.

The elimination of the used games is coming. Like it or hate it, there will only be a few ways of purchasing your game and that is either by disk key code or digital download. It will be up to the console makers to determine how user friendly the purchasing and playing of the game will be on who wins out the customer base. Take advantage of the transition to the pure digital age of purchase and playing of video games because once it set's in I expect prices, and service, to turn into a draconian utility.

My speculation is that Microsoft is going to give this Xbox away. I'm just making a guess here but I expect a 99 dollar price tag along with a two year contract. Microsoft is going to treat this console like a smart phone. Either pay 500 dollars or get a contract which covers gold membership and all repairs of the system. Make that RRoD work for them in the setting people at ease on if it stops working. Gaming is no longer the only profit the Xbox is after. The act of watching TV, using Bing, renting moves, buy songs and what ever else it has is what makes money. Microsoft wants an iTunes/Googleplay and placing a premium price on it will not make that happen. They will want every house hold to have one of these boxes in it and selling to you even at a 400 dollar lose is worth more to them than you not having one at all.

This is after all my view on the matter so take it lightly.


So, since PS4 will probably easier to program, I wonder if it will become the developer's console of choice and then they will port to xBONE?
Possibly. They do have to do custom shit for each one either way and it's not unheard for developers to scale down rather than up. We might see a developer split with people more friendly to Sony (like Ubisoft) coding for he PS4 first and then downscaling for the Xbone. It's pretty rare that anyone ever goes for 100% parity on purpose. People will optimize for each system, especially if it's easy to do so and they're working with anything scaleable.

And hey, if you believe Lenardo, they'll actually do some extreme downscaling for WiiU versions! lol.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
EA and their zero games in development, coming to a WiiU near you!

@Fuya, they would have to show that the game developer makes more money staying exclusive instead of making it cross platform. I really doubt being exclusive will be more profitable.


Trump's Staff
EA has back peddled on the no Wii U games thing. Now they say there just "aren't as many in production."


Lord Nagafen Raider
The roadblock Microsoft is using with indie devs SEEMS to be troubling as well (maybe I read it wrong). We have had some good games come from small time dev houses. I am not sure why XBOX cant follow the Steam model for this, but whatevs. Maybe this will change as well.
I'm guessing this is so they can have even more control over indie games. I'm sure Microsoft realizes most indie games aren't going to be able to find a major publisher, so that forces them to go with Microsoft Studios if they want to publish on the Xbox One, and I'd be curious to see what all that agreement entails. I'd bet on an exclusivity period, at the very least.

Considering both Sony and Nintendo have been making a big move to attract more indie developers to their console, I could see this really backfiring on Microsoft.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?


A long posts about publishers being more interested in selling games on a console that has a 'no used games' policy
Your scenario is not without merit, but it only considers half the equation. The other half is gamers and retailers. Retailers that make their money on used games will never try to sell a machine with a 'no used game' policy. You can bet that every single vendor at GameStop will get a $100 bonus for each PS4 they sell to someone who pre-ordered an Xbone (should the policies on used games remain what we understand they currently are). And then, there are gamers. Early adopters will be mostly people who are informed about the capabilities and limitations of each machine and a 'no used games' policy will undoubtedly weight heavily in their decision making process. At then end of the day, if consumers do not buy the machine that has the 'no used games' policy, publishers are forced to go where the consumers are. Not to mention there is a competition between the publishers so they have little interest in alienating the buyers.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
xBONE and Xbronies for life.

I love how this thread has a few concrete-headed people acting like PS3/X360 games were all identical. That's not even remotely true. There's differences between tons of titles in Texture Resolution, AA, Shadows, Lighting, Vsync, FPS, Mapping, Loading, etc. People do code to take advantage of each system's abilities and they don't just plop something out on one and force it to run on another. This isn't going to change with the Xbone's and PS4's architecture's being more similar, people will take advantage of what each system has and scale accordingly like they've always done. Hell, it'll be even easier for them to do so and they're not just going to neglect extra power sitting there. It's hilarious that anyone would act like they would, especially in scaleable
How much of that is due to a shirty port? Tandem development rarely occurs for three platforms. Usually 3rd parties are brought in for one or 2 of the three. And those 3rd party port developers usually suck.


How much of that is due to a shirty port? Tandem development rarely occurs for three platforms. Usually 3rd parties are brought in for one or 2 of the three. And those 3rd party port developers usually suck.
Outright shitty ports are fairly rare now a days, the only one in recent memory is Skyrim and Bethesda's in-house fuck-uppery on the PS3 version.

Btw, the amount of times that MS used the words Content and Experience in that conference is insane:


Trakanon Raider
Back in February, I thought the PS4 system announcement was blindingly mediocre.

Now it's the high point of the decade (or whenever the 4DS comes out).




It's like they're trying to piss me off. I really wanted to like you Xbone but the more I think about all this shit....sigh
I heard that they're also not actually including a headset in the box and instead relying on people to use the Kinect's built in microphone stuff for chat.

I think that's going to hurt them immensely if true. One of the major factors of the X360's original success over the PS3 waseveryonehaving a headset for online play on the X360. It was a huge contributor to the growth of the X360's online community. I think forcing people to use Kinect over including a headset is a mistake, especially with the PS4 having a headset in every box.


Trump's Staff
I think that's going to hurt them immensely if true. One of the major factors of the X360's original success over the PS3 waseveryonehaving a headset for online play on the X360. It was a huge contributor to the growth of the X360's online community.
What's so bad about using the Kinect over a headset? Apparently the voice recognition is really good on the new one. They still guarantee that everyone can chat online because the Kinect is required and in the box.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Console gaming is completely irrelevant. I think the last game I actually played from start to finish on a console is Red Dead Redemption, so nothing worth seeing over there.
You hear that, Sony and MS? This one random schmuck on the internet doesn't need a console, halt production right now. You're wasting your time.


What's so bad about using the Kinect over a headset? Apparently the voice recognition is really good on the new one. They still guarantee that everyone can chat online because the Kinect is required and in the box.
Having you actually used it instead of a headset? It's pretty terrible. Having people's voices come over the speakers in a high action area with shitloads of sound going on is pure ass.


Trump's Staff
The current one is terrible, but everyone that has had a hands-on with the new one say it's pretty great.