The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


<Prior Amod>
official Sony PS5 press release
Since we originally unveiled our next-generation console in April, we know that there’s been a lot of excitement and interest in hearing more about what the future of games will bring. Today I’m proud to share that our next-generation console will be called PlayStation 5, and we’ll be launching in time for Holiday 2020.

To that end, there are two key innovations with the PlayStation 5’s new controller. First, we’re adopting haptic feedback to replace the “rumble” technology found in controllers since the 5th generation of consoles. With haptics, you truly feel a broader range of feedback, so crashing into a wall in a race car feels much different than making a tackle on the football field. You can even get a sense for a variety of textures when running through fields of grass or plodding through mud.

The second innovation is something we call adaptive triggers, which have been incorporated into the trigger buttons (L2/R2). Developers can program the resistance of the triggers so that you feel the tactile sensation of drawing a bow and arrow or accelerating an off-road vehicle through rocky terrain. In combination with the haptics, this can produce a powerful experience that better simulates various actions. Game creators have started to receive early versions of the new controller, and we can’t wait to see where their imagination goes with these new features at their disposal.

Doom Eternal also pushed back from Nov 2019 to March 20, 2020

also a PSVR game sale later today
guess i'll finally buy skyrim vr for 21.99


<Silver Donator>
PS4's newest update added remote play for all Android devices instead of just Sony ones. Works pretty well on my Pixel 2 XL.

Surprised I found out about it myself by reading the patch notes, seems like it should be kind of a big deal to a lot of people?
Android 10 can pair a DS4 controller too. Gonna check that shit out when I get home and can synch it up.
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<Bronze Donator>
Android 10 can pair a DS4 controller too. Gonna check that shit out when I get home and can synch it up.

Yeah my DS4 is working almost perfect on my Pixel so far. The way it handles the input from the buttons at the bottom corners of the track pad (not sure the official short hand for them) leaves something to be desired tho. My phone also wants to use the track pad as a mouse, so when I try to, say, go into my inventory in Diablo 3 it instead pops a mouse cursor up on my screen. Still manageable, just annoying. Probably a setting somewhere I can change, haven't figured that out yet.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
is this in time for TV manufacturers to adjust 2020 models to meet PS5 specs or are they expected to line up anyways? HDMI 2.1 should be the standard next year and that can handle 4K120 so I'm assuming any conflicts would be in the HDR or 12-bit categories.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It sounds like you can use Remote Play on PC now with a Bluetooth connection that isn't that retarded overpriced dongle Sony tried to force people to buy. Seeing as the thing has been discontinued for ages now and 3rd party sellers were trying to gouge people at 3-4x the original price it's about fucking time. I haven't had a chance to test it myself to see if it works though.


FPS noob
i just updated ps4 remote play app on PC (auto updates), and yeah the old one required a DS4 controller altho I think it worked just wired so you didnt NEED the dongle but you 100% needed a DS4 hooked up, I used to use it tho to automate shit with AutoHotKey just open loot boxes or AFK in game in Call of Duty, a few buttons worked for basic ass shit but no movement just X/O.

The new one still requires a DS4 (wired or wireless, same as before) it does not work with my xbox elite controller BUT a lot more keys work now, I can use arrows and you can set it to 720p or 1080p and "high FPS" which I assume is 60, not sure. Definitely a lot better to macro up now, can do all sorts of cool AFK tricks now!!

The big TV/console shift will be VRR support, its basically gSync/freesync for consoles. Xbox One X already supports it and a few TVs do but I'd expect way more TVs to support it in 2020+. PS 7.0 firmware update yesterday had some small HDR tweaks, had to calibrate my PS4 Pro to match my TVs HDR settings which is nice since OLED screens are different and probably newer TVs have even more dynamic ranges.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Remote Play was always 1080p and max 60 fps when you have a Pro. Good to know more keys work now though, I was able to do some limited AHK macroing in the past since Enter was X and a few other things had equivalents, but lots of buttons didn't work. And yeah, wired always worked, I've used one of my DS4s so much via USB that the shitty connector is loose now and likes to disconnect itself intermittently. Definitely looking forward to DS5 being USB-C.

As an aside, anyone use a DS4 via Bluetooth and able to get it recognized as an actual DS4 all the time? I'm having big problems with this, even in some Steam games. Plugged in I get Sony button prompts almost everywhere, but via BT I generally can only get the actual Steam client to show Sony buttons but games think it's an Xbox controller. Tried DS4Windows too and it's even worse; Xbox prompts 100% of the time.


<Bronze Donator>
Tried DS4Windows too and it's even worse; Xbox prompts 100% of the time.

that's working-as-intended behavior for DS4Windows, the program is made to trick PCs into thinking DS4s are XBOX controllers.

and yeah i share your frustration with Steam games tho, brosephius. DS4 is my preferred controller, and while a lot more games are supporting it, not nearly enough are doing it (or doing it right).


<Silver Donator>
I do hope they have proper drivers for the DS5, this shit's annoying. DS4 works fine for me but I use it wired anyway, but I hate having to go find mods to change the button prompts because devs don't even bother putting them in on PC because the DS4 support is finnicky at best.

I'll probably buy a DS5 when the console release and then buy the console a while later, I doubt they launch with enough games to be worth the price of the console for me, especially now that a lot of companies also launch their shit on PC at the same time(especially From software). Still waiting on that Switch price drop too but that shit doesn't look like it's happening, fucking Nintendo man, always selling their shit at full price for the longest time. I had hoped when they released the new switch slim shit and the new rev of the normal one they'd also go with a price drop, now I have to wait to see if they release a new switch like some rumors said.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
As an aside, anyone use a DS4 via Bluetooth and able to get it recognized as an actual DS4 all the time? I'm having big problems with this, even in some Steam games. Plugged in I get Sony button prompts almost everywhere, but via BT I generally can only get the actual Steam client to show Sony buttons but games think it's an Xbox controller. Tried DS4Windows too and it's even worse; Xbox prompts 100% of the time.

As pharm said with DS4Windows, it will always show up as an xbox controller. I actually have the official bluetooth dongle for my DS4 and it's a crapshoot as to what button prompts I get. It depends on if the developer was lazy and just used the built in support of xbox controllers or actually added support for the DS4.


If you could download all those titles it would destroy Gamepass. Unfortunately you can only download a select few and literally "Stream" the others. (Still, 300 game downloads is pretty sick)

Decent deal though for a shit ton of games.

yeah unfortunately the streaming part on PSNOW is subpar. It’s bad.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I prefer the layout of the DS4, but just end up using my Xbox Elite on the PC. PS controllers are just too fucky and the Elite is an awesome controller anyway.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I guess I didn't explain the problem I have very well. If I connect the DS4 via USB it works almost perfectly. Steam sees it as a DS4, and since it's trivially easy to support it in games now via Steamworks API most new games show the correct button prompts too. Even Ghost Recon Breakpoint which is Uplay only has Sony button prompts.

When I unplug it and use Bluetooth all that goes out the window. Steam still sees it as a DS4 and it works the same as always in Big Picture. However, when I start a game it either thinks I have no controller at all, or it shows Xbox prompts... even in those Steamworks games which should work just fine. Same for GRB, it doesn't think I have a controller anymore. Only way to get it working again is to run DS4Windows, but that runs into the problem of it emulating XInput instead of using the DS4 natively.

Also, it appears Sony Remote Play devs are still a bunch of retarded asshats. You can connect via BT if you're on iOS/MacOS or Android 10, but PC users still have to use the "official" dongle, which leads to a 404 page if you click on it from the installation page because Sony discontinued the thing back in 2017. Apparently they're still feeling spiteful because nobody wanted to pay $25 for their huge proprietary dongle when BT was already built into their system or they could spend $5-10 on a tiny one.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Just found out the Outer Worlds will be released on Gamepass. Had no idea (Both console and PC)
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I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Project xCloud Public Preview launched, insider invites going rolling out.



The Outer Worlds will launch with enhanced Xbox One X version but no PS4 Pro changes, where it will run at 1080p lol

good thing its on gamepass, trial it for $1 and play on PC or xbox

Yeah I guess that’s their destiny response.

In other news



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah that first one is retarded. But, I have an Xbox One X and Gamepass so it's free for me :)


With that said I am not buying a new Xbox and the PS5 will be taking over as Primary console for everything. MS needs to pull their head out and better come up with some games for a reason for me to buy one this coming gen.


<Silver Donator>
I don’t know man. It’s a new gen console. Everyone is equally likely to trip over their dicks rushing to meet some launch date.