The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Er wait, double checked. It's a 4/10 review of Bioshock Infinite. My bad. Though they probably did a low TLoU score too. Got my awesome games mixed up. Still not awake yet.

Anyways, Gamespot is allowing Multiple Reviews now and letting out new super-low-score reviews like the Bioshock Infinite one on big games to generate hits.


Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Significantly Boosts Wii U Sales In Europe - News -[url=]

Sales of Wii U consoles have increased by 685 percent in Europe thanks to the success of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD.

Nintendo revealed the impressive sales numbers to MCV. Nintendo UK's head of consumer marketing James Honeywell said ,"We have long believed that software sells hardware and it's great to see that reaffirmed this week." When it released in Europe, Wind Waker HD debuted at number four behind Grand Theft Auto V, Fifa 14, and F1 2013.
So it went from 1 sold to 8 sold?


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's marvelous and all, but that's still only one game a year in the past decade with 8 being FPS (holy variety Batman), one being an RTS (unplayable on gamepad) and one being a top down shooter that could actually be played well with a gamepad... but was a freeware.

In the same time frame Sony Computer Entertainment America published more than 300 games of all genres for the PS2 and PS3. (100+ for Nintendo America on GameCube, Wii and Wii U).
Actually, in the just released video for the steam box controller, the controller does a pretty good job of replicating mouse movement and navigating PC centric menus, so RTS could totally be possible.


The figures are 685% in the UK, not Europe as a whole. That's important to note as Nintendo is doing fairly well in some European countries (mainly France), but doing abysmally in others (the UK, in particular).

Here in the UK, Nintendo is pretty much a non-factor nowadays. Very few people care about the Wii U, and the 3ds isn't doing particularly well, either.

Here's the software charts for this year so far --


(Note: Look how much GTA5 bumped 360/PS3 software sales - crazy stuff).

PC retail games are outselling 3ds games. Says it all, really.

This mess is of Nintendo's own doing, though, and they're still making stupidly dumb moves.

Case in point, the Wind Waker remake is selling for ?40 onAmazon(has an RRP of ?45), while GTA5 is available nationwide for ?35~ or so. Why the fuck is a remake of a 10 year old game so expensive? It makes no sense at all.

So yeah, in summary, Nintendo is dead here. I look forward to picking up a Wii U for next to nothing when the retailers fire sell them next year in the post-Xmas Boxing Day sales.


I was under the impression that the UK always has been a very poor territory for Nintendo. My guess would be that the success of 8 bit computers in this market never allowed Nintendo to really set foot there.


I was under the impression that the UK always has been a very poor territory for Nintendo. My guess would be that the success of 8 bit computers in this market never allowed Nintendo to really set foot there.
The DS and the Wii dominated, but yeah, traditionally, the UK has sided with Sega and Sony more than Nintendo. I grew up with a Megadrive (and an Amiga and a Sinclair Spectrum before that), for example, and so did most of my friends. None of them owned a NES or a SNES. As such, I don't have as much nostalgia for Nintendo IPs as some of the US folks on here.

I think PC gaming is more popular here than in others countries, too. I got my first PC when I was 12 years old, and I grew up playing Counter-Strike, Quake 3, and a bunch of Half Life mods, as did most of the kids in my school. It wasn't until I wasn't until I was a lot older that I started playing console games again.

At this point, I don't know what Nintendo can do to make a dent in the UK market. Asda, a prominent retailer, started selling Wii Us for ?149/?199 with a game or two bundled in and it still failed to sell. The 3ds isn't doing too well, either. Most people are migrating over to smartphone/tablet gaming. Nintendo is going to need another Wii-like miracle if they're to make any impact in the UK again.

Zombie Thorne_sl

I think mobile has eviscerated Nintendo's "Blue Sky" strategy. Exactly how much mobile effects the core console market is debatable, I don't think anyone can deny how much it has effected the more casual consumers.


The CBOAT has once again spoken:CBOAT's latest update - NeoGAF

Translation: 720p-900p will be the Norm on the Xbone. They should have waited till 2014 to release like they planned to, there's issues happening and risks with the upclock. Sony's February 20th event blindsided them and ruined their shit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
But... but... but... that's all speculation the XBOne will be the awesomestsauceiestsomethingerrother...

There, saved Xevy a post.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If I was Sony I would be mandating to all the dev studio's they own that are making PS4 games that they must all be 1080p and no less.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Makes me wonder if both companies gimped themselves just by the fact that one wanted to beat the other to the market. But then Sony had two years of R&D on the PS4 over MS.


Makes me wonder if both companies gimped themselves just by the fact that one wanted to beat the other to the market. But then Sony had two years of R&D on the PS4 over MS.
I don't think so. They've been planning the PS4 since 2007 and Sony seems 100% ready. They worked closely with AMD on the APU design and their entire system is well engineered. They spent years talking with over 30 developers on what they wanted out of the system hardware from the RAM all the way down to the Controller. This is a meticulously put together system from a new Sony who reached out for help from the development community instead of totally isolating themselves thinking that they knew best no matter what.

Microsoft on the other hand seems to have thrown their system together in response to Sony. They also have seemingly spent most of their time these past years working on the Kinect 2.0 and working out how to best abuse data collection and advertising with it. They clearly had some absolutely pathetic amount of market research with the absurd amount of things that they've had to do a 180 on. People were not and are not ready for the message that they wanted to sell. I think that's a pretty good indication of just how rushed they were.

Not to forgot, Sony's launching in 34 countries with Japan planned for February 2014 and Microsoft has cut their list down to 13 countries for launch and absolutely no word on Japan or the other Asian countries (or the rest of Europe for that matter).

Zombie Thorne_sl

From what I've read the availability of higher density GDDR5 is what really exploded the performance gap with Sony. Rumor is they were still going with 4gb as late as February. Once 8gb became an affordable alternative for Sony, the MS solution of slower ddr3 plus esram just couldn't remotely compete.


Anyone know there plans for playing PS3 games on the PS4.

Right now I heard you can only play PS3 games if you downloaded them off of PSN, which pisses me off that I bought a disc version of GTA5.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone know there plans for playing PS3 games on the PS4.

Right now I heard you can only play PS3 games if you downloaded them off of PSN, which pisses me off that I bought a disc version of GTA5.
I've heard rumors, of some "cloud" support thru the PS4, with existing PS3 games, but nothing concrete yet..

Sony using Gaikai's cloud to stream PS3 Content to PS4 (ehhh doesn't seem right at all =/)
You Can Play PS3 Games on Your PlayStation 4 Next Year |


I don't think so. They've been planning the PS4 since 2007 and Sony seems 100% ready. They worked closely with AMD on the APU design and their entire system is well engineered. They spent years talking with over 30 developers on what they wanted out of the system hardware from the RAM all the way down to the Controller. This is a meticulously put together system from a new Sony who reached out for help from the development community instead of totally isolating themselves thinking that they knew best no matter what.

Microsoft on the other hand seems to have thrown their system together in response to Sony. They also have seemingly spent most of their time these past years working on the Kinect 2.0 and working out how to best abuse data collection and advertising with it. They clearly had some absolutely pathetic amount of market research with the absurd amount of things that they've had to do a 180 on. People were not and are not ready for the message that they wanted to sell. I think that's a pretty good indication of just how rushed they were.

Not to forgot, Sony's launching in 34 countries with Japan planned for February 2014 and Microsoft has cut their list down to 13 countries for launch and absolutely no word on Japan or the other Asian countries (or the rest of Europe for that matter).
Sony fucking up the PS3 launch was a blessing in disguise for gamers. I think after the first year they realized their next best shot to win the people back was the next generation. I know that the sales of 360's and PS3's is pretty even by now but coming from the dominance of the PS2 it shouldn't even be close. I also agree it seems as though Microsoft rushed something together in response to Sony. Or they didn't think Sony would risk so much by working at such a small profit margin with better hardware. I also agree about the Kinect. They have sacraficed so much time and money into the peace of shit thinking they can catch the huge Wii nintendo crowd.


Anyone know there plans for playing PS3 games on the PS4.

Right now I heard you can only play PS3 games if you downloaded them off of PSN, which pisses me off that I bought a disc version of GTA5.
What you heard is wrong the only way its going to be possible to play ps3 games on the ps4 is through gaikai the new ps4 streaming service.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'd not be so absolute about everything you've seen so far with no disc compatibility for PS4 from PS3 since the 4 cross gen launch day titles ARE allowing the discs to be used for a PSN copy of those games on PS4 - so they're obviously toying with things to some degree.