The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


The 360 controller was/is generally considered superior for most games, I believe.

The PS3 controller is better (imo) for games that use the D-Pad extensively (platformers, fighters) or where I use "palm down" operation of the face buttons (fighters, in my case).

For shooters, driving, adventure and sports, the convex sticks and triggers on the PS3 just piss me off. I ended up buying clip-ons for the triggers that made them concave.

The Master

Bronze Squire
/sigh. I know the reasons. It's just bullshit for Japan. We can all sit there and go "they wouldn't be that pissed" because it's not happening to us but we all know it was us that was getting shafted we'd be outraged.

That's really positive on the Sony controller feedback. Makes me more excited for when I'll be buying one next year.
Asked a few Japanese friends of mine who live in Japan and play games. They aren't at all pissed. Japanese people really have a different mindset, they are happy Sony is clearly going to win this generation in probably all markets. If getting that edge means delaying in a market that is essentially guaranteed for them, and every Japanese person who plays games knows that is the case, they will "suffer" gladly for the glory of etc. It really is more important to them that a Japanese company do well than they get the product first.


Trakanon Raider
Asked a few Japanese friends of mine who live in Japan and play games. They aren't at all pissed. Japanese people really have a different mindset, they are happy Sony is clearly going to win this generation in probably all markets. If getting that edge means delaying in a market that is essentially guaranteed for them, and every Japanese person who plays games knows that is the case, they will "suffer" gladly for the glory of etc. It really is more important to them that a Japanese company do well than they get the product first.
That fits actually. In college (Hawaii) there was a lot of focus on Japanese culture since there are so many Japanese people in Hawaii. In my business culture class we spent several months doing case studies on Japanese companies. They do not follow normal capitalistic traditions there.

Say a car company comes into Japan. If it sold specialized cars, with no direct competition in the local market, it is welcomed. However, if it competes with the locals (they have a vastly larger selection of cars there than what is exported out of the country), everything changes.

Say there are 4 companies. 3 domestic and 1 foreign. 2 of the domestic are fine, but the 1 foreign company is able to be a direct competitor and a threat to the 3rd domestic company. Company 1 and 2 will then lower their profit margins to squeeze out the foreign company, even though company 3 is a competitor with 1-2. Once the foreign company is squeezed out, they go back to normal. This is rare though, because few countries have more restrictions/taxes/tolls on foreign companies than Japan, so international competitors with a local product is not common there at all. They are VERY nationalistic.

Japanese business (and regular) culture is very fascinating since (if I remember correctly) the country transformed from a feudal government to a capitalistic society in roughly 50 years. The quick change left a culture that infused much of the previous old "honor and pride" system into normal and business culture, something not really seen in any other western/capitalistic country where money and profit is the only thing that matters.

Note --- I learned the above in class years ago, so would welcome a view from someone from Japan who can confirm/deny the statements. It was very fascinating to me, but it might not be true....


Vyemm Raider
C'mon now, time changed but their hairstyles didnt??! Black people stopped rocking that ugly ass fade long before PS2 came out, what the hell.


I contemplated on whether I should even get into a discussion on Sony releasing later in Japan and the nationalist of the product, but I figured one post and leave it at that wouldn't hurt.

Sony owning the console market has less to do with the delay release and more to do with the gaming market in Japan rapidly changing to mostly encompass mobile gaming. America and the UK are still big consumers in the console market and though the mobile gaming is slowly raising in these markets the home console is still king by a large margin. There also doesn't seem to be any slow down on how much mobile gaming will take from the console market in Japan even with the release of these new consoles. Even Nintendo no longer reigns over the mobile market, that position belongs to Apple now and not even the Wii U with it's tablet controller was able to change that. With Nintendo having abysmal Wii U sales in Japan and the knowledge that the release of the Xbox will be comparable to a fart in the wind that leaves only Sony to foster the Japanese console market. A market that Sony has to convince buying a home console will be more worthwhile than buying a new iPhone/Galaxy. A New York Times column posted yesterday had a great view on what is happening in the Asian markets.

Asia, Where Mobile Games Flowered, Extends Its Reach -

The Japanese are not taking one for the team. Most of them don't even care to be on the team because it's God fest week in Puzzle and Dragons. It wouldn't surprise me to hear in the Japanese market if six months after release the PS4 suffers the same fate as the Wii U but to a much lesser extent.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
We know the reason why they didn't call it Xbox 720 now since a lot of the games on it will be 720p and MS didn't want that highlighted at all.