The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Golden Squire
Looks like Sony is modelling PSN after Steam, no surprise there. As far as textures are concerned here's a simple explanation: Let's say you have a square texture of side length X and area A. Now you want to double the side length (resolution) of the texture to be 2X. The new texture's area is 4A. Meaning you need four times the space to store it. I'm fudging it a bit because compression often let's you store repetitive data for free, but that's the gist of it. I would also imagine that, given that developers now have 50GB of blu-ray to play with, they aren't bothering to compress the textures all that much because compression still introduces artifacts which can easily be seen at high resolution.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I trust anything a Microsoft rep says about as much as I trust my asshole after three chili cheese burritos.
Indeed can't prove any truth to it since it no longer exists and every other statement they'd made was contrary to it.

Its not relevant and completely unlikely.


Everything about XB1 in your post is wrong. An obvious side effect of "everything-XB1-is-evil" vision. Here is a start on your long road to recovery:There was no time limit on XB1 game sharing.
That's complete bullshit and Microsoft ass-covering. Multiple reliable insiders said otherwise.

Your blind support for Microsoft's raping of consumer rights is retarded. They were 100% stick, no carrot, and no sane person supported their crap.


That's complete bullshit and Microsoft ass-covering. Multiple reliable insiders said otherwise.

Your blind support for Microsoft's raping of consumer rights is retarded. They were 100% stick, no carrot, and no sane person supported their crap.
1. There was never any reliable source that made a statement to the contrary. Not one. I realize you're willing to accept any source if it is providing either negative information about the XB1 or positive information about the PS4, but that doesn't make them reliable.

2. Also, "raping of consumer rights" is a little overboard don't you think? Consumers have a right to physical game discs? Give me a break.

3.Youaccusing me of "blind support" is comedy gold. Comedy. Gold.


Bullshit, there were multiple reliable sources saying so.

Microsoft was out to fuck you and anyone who supported them is a genuine idiot. Of course, you're someone who actually likes Kinect and buys into their multimedia TV nonsense, so there you go.


Microsoft was out to fuck you and anyone who supported them is a genuine idiot. Of course, you're someone who actually likes Kinect and buys into their multimedia TV nonsense, so there you go.
This might be a new low even for you. You actually think Microsoft was out to fuck consumers; that was their intent? I don't understand when someone wants to screw me because I like the Kinect? You're like the Fox News of the Next Gen thread. You should demand that Microsoft release their long form Articles of Incorporation. They're probably not even a real company.

Bullshit, there were multiple reliable sources saying so.
[citation needed]


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
MS PR themselves twittered it first and multiple times at that... (Right around the time they reversed DRM)

xbox one hour trial family sharing - Google Search

There's a whole list of links quoting Sean's supposed bullshit... Either you're too poorly informed to discuss things fairly or you're an apologist - feel free to pick the label you prefer.


Lord Nagafen Raider


CBOAT on the tweets after someone said this was going to cause a shit storm at launch

Originally Posted by crazy buttocks on a train


um yess butt thiasisnt it. wWati for laucnh.
Seems like Xbone is going to have some technical issues come launch time. We'll see.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah i remember hearing about the sharing thing and was like "wow thats kinda cool" but then they leaked out it was nothing more than 1 hour demo's and i think they even self deleted maybe? Regardless it was just some fluff and pretty retarded as is. I also remember thinking "oh no they cant be always online so we lose our 1 hour demos??!! Curse you MS!!!"....

Ofcourse im still getting one so im just as bad as the next.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
MS PR themselves twittered it first and multiple times at that... (Right around the time they reversed DRM)

xbox one hour trial family sharing - Google Search

There's a whole list of links quoting Sean's supposed bullshit... Either you're too poorly informed to discuss things fairly or you're an apologist - feel free to pick the label you prefer.
Maybe I missed it but I saw no confirmation of the 60minute thing. The only official word I saw was denouncing it. Not that I trust it either way and it doesn't really matter since it was canned.


Vyemm Raider
The thing with the60 minutes is.. At the point of the denial, they had never released all the details for the sharing, and scrapped the plan so they could say that the sharing plan came with a free night with a porn star and no one could prove them wrong.

Zombie Thorne_sl

Personally, the multimedia functionality of the Xbone interest me a great deal... But like with so much of this launch we really have no concrete details of if it's functionality. It may end up being awesome, or it could be complete shit. I'll wait and see, I'm sure it won't be too hard to find one a few months after launch.


Maybe I missed it but I saw no confirmation of the 60minute thing. The only official word I saw was denouncing it. Not that I trust it either way and it doesn't really matter since it was canned.
No, you didn't miss it; it isn't there. Vaclav cited a source that doesn't support his proposition. But hey, at least they're trying to provide sources for their "information." Baby steps.


There were credible insiders saying it was bullshit. Also, anyone with half a brain could see that it was never going to be what people dreamed up. There was no way in hell that infinitely sharing every single game with 10 people was *ever* going to happen. You've gotta be pretty damned stupid to actually believe it would.

Of course, you've already proven that you're stupid as hell by saying that you supported all of Microsoft's anti-consumer DRM crap. Clearly you're incapable of rational thought.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
A developer blog isn't credible and doesn't support what I said now? Intriguing...

15-45 min maybe up to an hour - is a direct quote from the developer blog. Its only quoted in about half of the first page of links I provided for your lazy and apparently illiterate ass.


A developer blog isn't credible and doesn't support what I said now? Intriguing...

15-45 min maybe up to an hour - is a direct quote from the developer blog. Its only quoted in about half of the first page of links I provided for your lazy and apparently illiterate ass.
This all seems to be way over your head, so I'll do this in steps:

1. You said: "MS PR themselves twittered it first and multiple times at that." Nothing in ANY of the results of the google page you cited supports that. Nothing.

2. The "developer blog" you are referencing is (a stalwart in gaming journalism). But the SOURCE is some post on, titled "A Heartbroken MS employee." According toWikipedia, "Pastebin is a type of web application whereanyonecan store text for a certain period of time." Now you try and figure out why that is NOT a reliable source, you damn fool.

3. Here is a hint:according to Sony, you're a damn fool.