The Blacklist


<Prior Amod>

i thought at most when he "asked him to do" stuff it was just to sorta be a little stabby stabby with the husband since he (red) most likely knew the husband was a double agent or undercover, whatever and just wanted to get him out of the picture.i mean unless they knew the hiding spot and they dragged him over and said, bleed here, a lot, her finding the box has to just be deux ex. cuz she straight up just cut up the carpet cuz it was soiled, who does that? you get pro-cleaners or some oxy-clean, i mean unless you say she was really distraught and just thought "i'mma cut up this carpet, just cause". to me it's as much wtf, as like why isn't she in like fbi jail for assaulting and nearly killing one of the most powerful and wanted criminals in their database because she just lost her shit.


Vyemm Raider
Well the show seemed Prison Break levels of absurd but it was trying to pack a lot of shit into a pilot so maybe it will settle down.


Silver Knight of the Realm
If the dude manufactured the situation to get the final results (getting in that hotel room) then is it safe to assume he was behind the train crash ?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Writing an Evil good guy is tough, I hope they can pull it off. Still too early to tell though.


Avatar of War Slayer
don't think he was behind the train crash, just knew where it was going to happen. thought it was better than the 1st show, only thing that bothered me was the torture part with the freelancer. was just wanting for a current show to have cops play by the rules.


<Prior Amod>
no he wasn't behind the train, that doesn't seem to fit with his character. It was probably, he knew freelancer was gonna hit the train, then said, "you know what, swing by this restaurant, i got a job for you". ugh ever since 24, shows now seem to be like, torture is cool in a "where is the bomb!" moment.

already i'm not interested in anyone from the FBI and i'm more interested in his security outfit (and cia parminda nagra). It's pretty boring tho, spader is obviously the smartest guy in the room, he needs as smart of a person to work off of and there is none in sight.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Clarice-Starling-type FBI agent sticks pen in Kayser-Soze-wannabe-metavillain's carotide for the sake of the argument and discovers hipster-Abercrombie-husbando hides super secret stuff under conveniently placed rugs. Oh, let's not forget the "hey your husband just got attacked and tortured hardcore style in front of you, feel free to join our live manhunt !". Awful.


<Gold Donor>
I'll keep watching for awhile, but as someone mentioned above, I'm probably most interested in Dikembe Mutombo.

My god.. This guy sold secrets to the guys! We're going to need the S.H.I.E.L.D. pneumatic-super-cell with a balcony observation post and command center. Let's just pray there aren't any more secrets for sale. We aren't equipped for that magnitude of stuff.


Avatar of War Slayer
got picked up for a full 22 show season

he better not turn out to be her "real" dad


<Prior Amod>
guy eating apple at the end? think that means something?

popular brand of apples (like granny smith)
is something like
washington apples, which are red


at least thats what i thought when i saw a guy watching the monitors and eating an apple, seemed too deliberate.

i don't like the white guy agent, he just seems like the dumbest guy in the room.

maybe the only reason he came out in the open (red) is because he recently found out her husband is some superspy and he just wants to protect her? for some reason we'll find out at the season finale.


Life's a Dream
I thought the apple had something to do with the guy who was killed in the truck or whatever, that dropped the apple?

Then again I was doing something else while watching the episode, so I might have missed some stuff.


I thought the apple had something to do with the guy who was killed in the truck or whatever, that dropped the apple?

Then again I was doing something else while watching the episode, so I might have missed some stuff.
No it was just a very ham fisted way of showing it was the same guy who was overwatching the crew putting the cctv shit inside earlier in the episode.

Presumably that's her dad.

I'll give it one more before I give up, the ration of shite to decent stuff is massively lopsided. Shame formulaic cliche'd garbage like this is what audiences lap up and the ratings are huge so no wonder they make it and fuck anything with any depth


<Prior Amod>
fck it i'm all in for this season. So far it's formulaic, villian of the week, a tidbit of liz and a tidbit of Red leak through. But it was liz (megan boone)'s acting that just sold it for me. Sure james spader is great, but we only get like 3minutes of him per episode, the rest has to be carried by liz and jock agent, jock agent sucks so it's liz that is carrying the show. But when villian hit that nerve cluster, i haven't heard a scream like that in forever.

question, did i miss something i thought parminda nagra(indian cia agent) was supposed to be on Red's team along with his handpicked black guy/asian girl. Looks like she just follows agent jock around.


She was picked to be part of Red's security detail by the head of the Department or whatever. Now that he's a "free" man I doubt Red is going to have her following him around. He's still trying to play criminal in the rest of the world's eyes, and having a legit CIA agent following him around would probably make that difficult. If he could read "CIA" from her just from a glance i'm sure someone else would be able to.


<Prior Amod>
yea but in the same episode he had agent jock go with him and announce right away he was agent fbi jock, then after the fight, oh he works for me duh, how else you gonna fake stuff. so he could basically say, "yea hot indian cia girl works for me, she's on the take". it just seems like she is more of a cia liason to the fbi to monitor Red, rather than what we saw as she's a third member of his security detail, i just thought that, part of him being a "free man" and working for the fbi is that she tags along, oh well guess i missed it somewhere.