The Dallas Cowboys Memorial (2015 Off-Season) Thread


Bronze Squire
I'm waiting to hear the explanation as to why the NFL would purposely try to destroy TV ratings by suspending Brady for 4 games. This is the same commissioner and league who will do anything for money. You think CBS/NBC are giving Roger high fives?
People are going to tune into the games no matter what. I'm sure the NFL is probably secretly doing backflips with all the coverage that they are getting right now. You have the NBA and NHL playoffs, MLB has some awesome storylines, and the coverage of all of those things has been buried by wall-to-wall deflategate coverage.


<Gold Donor>
So if you average each one of those balls, ONE ball is 12.35 PSI averaged, all the rest are 12.5 or higher.

So either you Pats fans have to reneg on all your fucking weather deflating theories which could explain the one (1) Colts ball OR you can man up and say you all sabotaged the fucking balls.

There is no in between.
I am already on record as a Pats Fan. I made the statement that 3/4 Colts Balls were deflated too and Ambiturner said I was wrong. I quoted and linked that article to show that he in fact was wrong. I am not getting into theories or debates of deflation of weather or a if there was a second shooter with JFK.

I give zero fucks about any of this really because...
-even if Brady misses all 4 games they will still win the AFC East
-my favorite team won the Super Bowl last year beating my least favorite team thus making it that much sweeter
-Brady and Belichick will still be in the HoF
-Goodell might lose his job over this which is a good thing
-etc etc etc

New England Patriots 2015 AFC East Champs!


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Has Wells or anyone else yet come out with a reason why he ignored the referee's own recollection of which gauge he used for the halftime measurement? Like, that seems like a massively huge point that can swing things in either direction.

In any case, I truly doubt the NFL wanted all this to happen. Talks of a conspiracy sound too looney for what we currently know.

Can't wait to have this play out the entire season...


Although Anderson?s best recollection is that he used the Logo Gauge, he said that it is
certainly possible that he used the Non-Logo Gauge.
In addition, Exponent determined that when the Logo and Non-Logo Gauges
measure an identical pressure, different readings are produced. According to Exponent, the Logo
Gauge produced readings that were generally in the range of 0.3-0.4 psi higher than the NonLogo
Gauge. However, for a given set of measurements, the differential between the gauges
generally remained consistent when compared to a calibrated gauge. In other words, in the short
term, both the Logo Gauge and Non-Logo Gauge read consistently, though differently from each
other. Exponent?s experimental results were aligned with the measurements recorded at
halftime, which indicated a consistent gauge-to-gauge differential of 0.3-0.45 psi. Exponent
relied upon this information, as well as the fact that during the testing the Non-Logo Gauge
never produced a reading higher than the Logo Gauge, to conclude that Walt Anderson most
likely used the Non-Logo Gauge to inspect the game balls prior to the game, that Clete
Blakeman most likely used the Non-Logo Gauge and Dyrol Prioleau most likely used the Logo

Gauge to test the Patriots game balls at halftime, and that the game officials most likely switched
gauges before measuring the Colts balls at halftime (with the one anomaly described above).
I still don't see how they decided to assume it was the Non-Logo gauge based on that information? That last sentence seems full of a lot of unfounded speculation. I still feel like I must be missing something.


Ssraeszha Raider
The penalties will only be reduced and if not, I predict Goodell will be outed within a few years. I doubt Brady will miss more than one game if any.

Also,I love how the Wells Report conveniently left out that 3 of the 4 Colts Balls tested were under-inflated too.

Here's the other storyuncovered in the Wells Reportyou've NOT been told: 3 of 4 Colts footballs checked at halftime weighed in under 12.5 PSI by one of the two officials measuring them. Then, they suddenly stopped checking. The other 8 Colts footballs simply, and conveniently, went unchecked.

Got anymore clever remarks dumb fuck?
So at first you say it wasn't in the Wells report, then you say it was in the Wells report.

Which is it? You really sound like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about


Potato del Grande
Now there's an Azeth post I can almost get behind. I don't think he is the only thing shitty about that movie, but he was terrible.

edit: the 1st post, not the 2nd one. Don't bring my Jags into this mess bro. You've ruined your lands but you won't ruin mine.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Patriots need to pick an angle and stick with it. Last I heard they were going with the NFL being corrupt and out to get them for some reason, now they're going back to the everyone does it defense. They're just throwing everything out there at this point praying something gets traction
The Wookie defense man...



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The Pats reply does have some good stuff in it. The context being the big one with the ESPN comment, because the context does make it clear it was a joke reply in regards to the awkward silence that followed his request for shoes.


Ssraeszha Raider
I am already on record as a Pats Fan. I made the statement that 3/4 Colts Balls were deflated too and Ambiturner said I was wrong. I quoted and linked that article to show that he in fact was wrong.
Huh? I called you an idiot because you claimed the Wells report didn't mention anything about the Colts balls being deflated when it very clearly lists all the measurements on page 8.

Even then every single one of the Colts balls measured with a legal pressure on at least 1 of the 2 measurements while none of the Patriots balls were legal on either measurement. Please read the report if you're going to talk about what is an isn't in it so you look like less of a dumbshit


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
There's still the court option, though. That worked for the BountyGate players, though Goodell heard their case initially so that worked in their favor. Since Goodell handed this off, it might make it harder.

The players union really fucked up in their last deal by not making sure appeals were heard by independent or mutually agreed arbitrators.